শুক্রবার, ৩০ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Steven Jackson ? Steven Jackson could have bigger role Week 4

The St. Louis Rams are optimistic Steven Jackson will have a larger workload in the team's Week 4 game. Jackson carried the ball just four times for 23 yards in Week 3. Jackson has been limited in practice this week. However, his presence on the practice field shows he is making progress. "I've been able to practice all week, so that's having things go in the right direction," Jackson said. "I'll be out there on Sunday."
Huddle Up: Jackson's touches last week may also have been limited by the Ravens jumping out to a big early lead, though he's clearly still dealing the the effects of the quadriceps injury he suffered in Week 1. With a better matchup this week, expect the Rams to give Jackson a larger share of the workload early on; if he gets a full practice in on Friday, he's worth a fantasy start on Sunday.

Click to continue reading this fantasy sports article at The Huddle's Fantasy Player News Feed.


Source: http://www.fantasysportsdish.com/steven-jackson-steven-jackson-could-have-bigger-role-week-4/

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Video: A Fixed Income View on the Markets

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Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/44714985#44714985

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Enterprise Resource Planning in ... - Workplace Communication

Article by Manish Kumar

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution can significantly improve the productivity of the manufacturing sector. Use of ERP should not be looked at as a tool for automation of the transaction system. The major objective of ERP application should be improvement of business process.

ERP system has been defined as a packaged business software system that allows a company, to automate and integrate the majority of its business processes, and share common data and practices across the enterprise. Through integration of various functions in the organization, managers and staff alike can use timely information to make better decisions and to perform activities, which add value to the company. The biggest problem area for any manufacturing enterprise is fragmentation of information, ERP solution for manufacturing unit integrate all the functional area of the enterprise in real time and information available to all. ERP systems are designed to address the problem of fragmentation of information in manufacturing organizations. ERP systems integrate an entire business with a suite of software modules covering all cross functional processes of manufacturing sector.

Modules in ERP to integrate cross functional business processes are:Sales and Distribution Management ? This Module comprises of Contact Management and Sales Order Processing Management. It is an integrated solution comprising of marketing and sales activities. Organization can act immediately to improve sales, service and marketing effectiveness by using this Module.

Inventory and Material Management -Inventory Management Module in ERP provides a powerful and flexible set of features to help you manage and report your inventory information. ERP defines raw materials, work-in-process, and finished goods in terms of any unit of measure with automatic conversion from one unit to another.

Purchase and Order Management Module -Supports the entire purchasing process, from securing quotations to receiving and issuing vouchers for materials, to updating inventories. The sales utilities allow to enter Sales Orders, ship from finished goods, generate an invoice and transfer a transaction to Accounts Receivable.

Production-ERP supports the simultaneous launch of a series of production projects for all components within a batch. You can size a batch based upon a finished weight or volume, or on the availability of component materials. Raw Materials are issued while the finished goods are posted in real-time on batch closureMaster Production Scheduling ?Mps? & Materials Requirement Planning ?Mrp?- Provides the versatility of planning materials and resources across an extended timeline. MPS transform business plan into an efficient product-manufacturing schedule; while MRP integrally plans raw material requirements to meet commitments.

Quality Control Module-Quality Control of materials at purchase receipt, production or sales shipment. This flexible approach harnesses the QC tests as they are created, and allows for a range of test types.

Excise Management-Excise module maintains each client`s Central Excise records efficiently and thoroughly. It also meets your documentation needs as laid down by the Central Excise Department, and does so very economically by saving the company`s labor and time costs. This software adapts itself to new excise notifications very quickly, thus keeping the user ready for Excise Audits at any given time.

Human Resource Management-Human Resource module in ERP streamlines the management of human resources and human capitals. It comprises of four broad sections, mainly Training, Recruitment, Payroll and Attendance.

Finance Resource Management-Finance Resource Management in ERP gathers financial data from various functional departments and generates valuable financial reports such as Balance Sheet, Trial balance, General Ledgers, Quarterly Financial Reports, Account Statements, Gross Profit Analysis, Cost Center wise Analysis, Branch wise Profit Analysis, profitability report, Asset and Depreciation Management, Tax Management, ABC Analysis and many more.

Some of the generic ERP benefits in the manufacturing sector:

* ERP can transform unstructured processes into routine transactions such as electronic approval of purchase orders based on predefined company policies. * ERP can replace or reduce the human labour involved in processes, like matching of supplier invoices based on accepted purchase receipts. * ERP can transfer information rapidly and with ease over large distances. It is now possible for various offices and factories of an organization to perform transactions and analysis on the same server, reducing geographical distances. * ERP can bring a vast amount of detailed information into the process. * ERP can enable changes in the sequence of task in the process, often allowing multiple tasks to be performed concurrently.* ERP allows the capture and dissemination of knowledge and expertise to improve the process. * ERP allows detailed tracking of task status, inputs and outputs.

To workout cost effective ERP solution for manufacturing unit the best way is to analyze the ERP solution and check out if it can work well for the enterprise at present. Also check whether it is scalable and adaptable for future requirements or not. Business and market will keep on changing, so will be expected from the solution that is integrating the enterprise, a scalable, adaptable and based on latest technology ERP solution will prove to be cost effective in longer run for users of manufacturing sector.

ERP Selection:In india Sage ACCPAC ERP is appropriate ERP solution for Manufacturing industry in India. You can visit http://www.sagesoftware.co.in to know more about ERP solutions

Source: http://www.crawley.biz/enterprise-resource-planning-in-manufacturing-industry-in-india

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বুধবার, ২৮ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Govt won't seek appeal in Atlanta on health care (AP)

WASHINGTON ? The Obama administration has decided not to ask a federal appeals court in Atlanta for further review of a ruling striking down the centerpiece of President Barack Obama's sweeping health care overhaul.

The administration's decision makes it more likely that the U.S. Supreme Court would hear a case on the health care overhaul in the court's term starting next month, and render its verdict on the law in the midst of the 2012 presidential election campaign.

Justice Department spokeswoman Tracy Schmaler disclosed the administration's decision. She declined to elaborate on next moves.

The Atlanta circuit ruling sided with 26 states that had sued to stop the law from taking effect. In another case, the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati upheld the individual mandate in June.

A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Va., rejected two lawsuits on technical grounds. In one, it ruled that the penalty for not buying insurance amounts to a tax and that a tax can't be challenged before it's collected. In the other, the panel said the plaintiff, the state of Virginia, lacked legal standing to file its lawsuit.

In a ruling in August, a divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta concluded Congress overstepped its authority when lawmakers passed the individual mandate provision that requires people to buy health insurance. The administration could have asked the full 11th circuit court to hear the case, potentially delaying high court review.

The U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, the fourth appeals court to deal with a case over the law, heard oral arguments last Friday but hasn't issued a ruling.

The Supreme Court is widely expected to have the final say on the law, especially now that the appeals courts that have considered the law have disagreed, and one of them has struck down a key provision.

The real question has been over timing, which has political as well as legal ramifications.

In order to hear and decide the case by late June, when the court wraps up its work until resuming in October, the justices would have to act by January to accept and schedule an appeal.

It typically takes a couple of months or more from the time an appeal is filed at the court until the justices decide whether or not to hear it.

In arguments leading up to the appeals court decision in Atlanta, the Obama administration said the legislative branch was using a "quintessential" power ? its constitutional ability to regulate interstate commerce, including the health care industry ? when it passed the overhaul law. Administration officials said at the time they were confident the 11th Circuit ruling would not stand.

In that August ruling, Chief Judge Joel Dubina and Circuit Judge Frank Hull said that lawmakers cannot require residents to "enter into contracts with private insurance companies for the purchase of an expensive product from the time they are born until the time they die."

In a lengthy dissent, Circuit Judge Stanley Marcus accused the majority of ignoring the "undeniable fact that Congress' commerce power has grown exponentially over the past two centuries." He wrote that Congress generally has the constitutional authority to create rules regulating large areas of the national economy.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/topstories/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110926/ap_on_bi_ge/us_health_overhaul

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Info Product Creation ? Four Keys To Determine The Hottest Topics ...

Wh?n ??? ?h???? t? focus ?n info product creation f?r ???r business, ??? h??? t? d? ???r research first t? m?k? sure ???r th??ght ?? viable. In th?? article, I?ll outline four vital steps ??? need t? take t? m?k? th? m??t ?f ???r chances ?f developing a profitable product.

1. H?w large ?? Y??r Market

Before ??? d? anything ?l??, ??? need t? determine ?f th?r? ?? a large enough market f?r ???r product. If ??? market isn?t large enough ????re n?t going t? b? ?bl? t? build a profitable business. Th?t much ?h??ld b? obvious.

Al??, ?f ???r market ?? large enough, ????ll b? ?bl? t? splinter ?ff ?nd m?k? more specialized products f?r different segments within th?t market. An simple way t? determine ?f ??? market ?? large enough t? build a business around ?? t? determine h?w many newspapers, trade journals, ?r magazines cater t? ???r market. If th?r? ?r? a variety ?f offerings, th?? ?? a sign th?t ??? h??? a ????ll?nt market.

2. D? Y??r Prospects ?nd Customers Want Y??r Info Products

F?r th?? ??rt, ??? want m?k? two lists. One list w?ll list th? problems ???r customers h???, ?nd th? ?th?r list w?ll mention opportunities ???r customers want t? take advantage ?f. F?r th? sheet w?th problems, write down ?? many ?? ??? ??n ?n a brainstorming exercise. Now d? th? same f?r th? ?th?r list. Follow through w?th th?? ?nd write everything th?t comes t? mind, even ?f ??? know ?t ?? incorrect.

Now, read th? lists ?nd eliminate things th?t ?r? useless, t?? trying t? turn ?nt? ?n information product, ?r ?f minimal interest t? ???r customers. Now ?l??? th? items ?n each list ?n order ?f m??t t? smallest amount vital.

Now, contact ???r customers ?r prospects ?nd find out ?f th?? agree w?th ???r lists. Th?? ?? m??t easily done w?th ?n email list ?f ???r ?wn.

3. I? th? Market Willing t? Pay a H?n??t Price

Write a 3-4 sentence description ?f ???r proposed product. In each sentence, focus ?n th? benefit ???r possibility ?r customer gets. B? th? side ?f w?th th? description, assign a proposed price f?r each product. Now, ?ft?r having listed th? 3-4 sentence benefit driven description, q???t??n th? customers ?f th?? w??ld pay ???r proposed price f?r th? product. If th?? ??? n?, give 2nd option, ?nd ?f th?? ??? n? again, give a third option.

4. Wh? I? Y??r Competition

M?k? sure ???r market h?? plenty ?f competition. Th?n, ?ll ??? h??? t? d? ?? differentiate yourself a bit. Y?? ??n d? th?? ?n a variety ?f ways, ??m? th??ght? include: ?l??? forward a more comprehensive package, higher price (f?r perceived value), lower price, different packaging, etc.

Al??, look t? see wh?r? ???r competitors ?r? marketing successfully. Those w?ll b? prime locations f?r ???r marketing ?? well. Th?? w?ll m?k? ???r info product creation process much more l?k?l? t? succeed.

D? ??? want learn tricks ?f info product creation teaching ??? h?w t? m?k? ?n nearly endless supply ?f products? T? download ???r free crash ?n ?27 Hot Th??ght? f?r Y??r Next Information Product?, visit http://www.productstarterkit.com/ now!

Source: http://webdiana.net/internet-and-businesses-online/product-creation/info-product-creation-four-keys-to-determine-the-hottest-topics-for-your-information-products.html

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Bank Sales Training ? 6 Implementation Strategies That Work | The ...

If your bank wants to grow small business by penetrating the existing branch relationships you want to keep, the first and most important step is to define the implementation strategy. The biggest challenge is engaging managers to coach and lead change. Eighty-seven percent of training impact is lost within a month unless trainees? managers begin coaching immediately.

Frequently, training department teams must do the work that line managers should do to focus and lead managers through an organized roll out of new sales initiatives and training that supports them. Six steps to engage business leaders and increase the impact of training and bank results:


? helping your line-of-business partners describe the specific results they want to attain and designing training initiatives around achieving those. Press beyond the obvious (sales results) to identify other outcomes that may be important (e.g. retention, coverage of a particular target segment, customer satisfaction ratings).
? translating business outcomes into specific expectations for branch staff and small business banker performance (e.g. ?We want to move our products cross-sold at account opening for new business accounts from two to six, and we want that change to occur in the next 180 days?). In addition, setting specific expectations for sales managers to observe and coach sales activity.
? asking your line-of-business partners how they will measure impact and outcomes and helping them develop a tracking framework for those metrics. Go deeper: standard bank reports do not track the ?leading indicators? of sales success (e.g. behavior frequency, behavior quality, and steps moved forward in a sales process). Urge senior managers to sponsor efforts to track leading indicators, even if this must be done manually for six months. Use the metrics to calculate training?s ROI.
? determining how you will let branch staff know how well they?re tracking toward goal.
? guiding managers through a process for communicating with staff pre-training and post-training so that they are clear on results, measurements, expectations, and feedback mechanisms.
? establishing a tracking and reporting method that will enable senior leaders to see who is coaching and to tie banker performance to coaching activity.


Clarity?s experience shows that 10% of the impact of training is the design of the curriculum itself and 90% is how well it?s implemented. Defining results and how they?ll be measured, setting clear expectations for branch staff on how to achieve them, explaining how training is going to help them move toward the goals, and discussing the activities they will perform should all occur before any training takes place.


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Bank, Implementation, Sales, Strategies, Training, Work

Source: http://lgxsbh.com/?p=1442

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সোমবার, ২৬ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

How You Can Benefit From A Good SEO Book | writing and ...

WRITINGANDSPEAKINGARTICLEBLOGS.BLOGSPOT.COM - How You Can Benefit From A Good SEO Book: By Dave Massingham If you don't know anything about SEO, then it will even... http://j.mp/oTLktF



Follow First tweeted by membangun.

Source: http://seome.me/story/6522682608/how-you-can-benefit-from-a-good-seo-book-writing-and-speaking-article-blogs

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Palestinians make their case to United Nations; diplomats propose new peace talks timetable (The Envoy)

True to his word, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gave an impassioned speech to the United Nations Friday, explaining his decision to defy Jerusalem and Washington by submitting a bid for recognition of Palestinian statehood to the world body.

"The time has come to end the suffering and the plight of millions of Palestine refugees in the homeland and the Diaspora, to end their displacement and to realize their rights, some of them forced to take refuge more than once in different places of the world," Abbas told world leaders, to applause and two standing ovations.

Shortly thereafter, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the same body. Netanyahu, not surprisingly, sounded a strong note of caution, explaining that Israel is wary of hasty peace agreements. After Israeli troops withdrew from Gaza and Lebanon, Netanyahu noted, it continued to face attacks.

"I bring up these problems because they're not theoretical problems," Netanyahu told the UN General Assembly. "They're life-and-death matters. All these potential cracks in Israel's security have to be sealed in a peace agreement before a Palestinian state is declared, not afterwards."

Following the Israeli-Palestinian UN showdown on Friday, American and European diplomats emerged from intense meetings to tell journalists they had arrived at an international plan of action calling on the Israelis and Palestinians to resume peace talks in one month's time.

The statement from the so-called Middle East Quartet--comprised of the United States, Russia, the UN and the European Union--offered an ambitious one-year timetable ?to finalize an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement. But beyond the deadline, the Quartet statement was notably thin on specifics.

Still, if international diplomats were trying to prevent an all-out collapse of the peace process, they may well have succeeded. The Obama administration is already making the case that the Quartet statement, vague though it is, reflects broader global support for the U.S. position backing direct talks as the only viable path to Palestinian statehood.

"The United States is very pleased that the Quartet was able to release a statement today proposing negotiations between the Israelis and the Palestinians without delay or preconditions," Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters in a brief statement Friday afternoon. "Our proposal represents the firm conviction of the international community that a just and lasting peace can only come through negotiations between the parties. Therefore, we urge both parties to take advantage of this opportunity to get back to talks."

However, veteran Middle East peace negotiators were nowhere near so optimistic that the Quartet and the Obama administration have laid new foundations for a peace process that's seen very little substantive progress over the past two decades.

"Zero likelihood of implementation," was how one former Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, sized up the prospects for the Quartet statement.

The frantic international diplomatic maneuvers are mainly "designed to kick the can down road," former American diplomat Aaron Miller told The Envoy by email Friday. Today's public declaration from the Quartet, Miller noted, is designed to "make it look like we have a really credible process under way . . . . But it can't produce a real negotiation because none of the . . . . problems that impedes those talks now can be solved."

For the moment anyhow, after an exhausting week of frustrating diplomacy at the UN for the American delegation, the sky hadn't fallen. And in the current state of play in the Middle East, that perhaps is about the most that could be hoped for.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/un/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_theenvoy/20110923/ts_yblog_theenvoy/palestinians-make-their-case-to-united-nations-diplomats-propose-new-peace-talks-timetable

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রবিবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Tips On How To Acquire Bad Credit Car Loans | Fixiones - Free ...

There are many instances where borrowers get a response from their auto loan firm that their loan application had been denied. In numerous of these instances, the lending officer tells the borrowers that their loan application has been declined as a result of low credit score or bad credit history. It truly is typical for many lending companies to only accept borrowers that have a good credit rating. When you don?t meet those criteria, you?ll find some items which you can do in order for you to acquire access to credit.

If your credit score fall below the typical line, you are automatically placed below the subprime category. Nevertheless, one could nonetheless gain access to car financing even he has a subprime rating. There are many lending firms that provide auto loan financing specifically catering to borrowers within the subprime category or those that are credit challenged. Regardless of their bad credit history, they might get approval for their car loan although they need to appear for the best lender.

Subprime auto loans in general have considerably higher rates and fees. Because of the greater risks involved, lenders naturally charge significantly higher rates for these varieties of loans. Nonetheless, it doesn?t mean that borrowers just must settle for really high rates too as unfair loan terms. Surely, subprime borrowers must do a great deal in order to improved their credit standing, but they nonetheless very deserve a fair treatment.

The question in most people?s minds is how can a borrower get approved for an auto loan when has poor credit. The more pressing question is where to look for an automobile loan lender that provides a reasonable interest rate for those people that have bad credit. An excellent location to start your search is with credit unions. It?s always an excellent notion to check out your neighborhood credit unions for any doable auto loan financing program. Credit unions normally provide significantly lower rate compared to the rate that commercial lending companies provide particularly for poor credit borrowers.

One more crucial thing you should look at is your credit report. In the event you find out that the reason behind the denial of your automobile loan is your bad credit rating, you should verify this by getting a copy of one?s credit report. You could get a copy of your report from the three significant credit bureaus namely Experian, Trans Union, and Equifax. Look for any achievable errors in your report that call for corrections.

Go to this site and get more information about bad credit car loans and low rate car loan.

Source: http://www.fixiones.com/finance/loans-finance/tips-on-how-to-acquire-bad-credit-car-loans/

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শনিবার, ২৪ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

How a Small Piece of Metal Caused the Reno Air Race Crash

A week after the catastrophic crash at the Reno Air Races that killed 11 people and injured dozens more, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) today released its preliminary report on the incident. While the report revealed little new information of note, it confirmed the most salient details and laid the groundwork for a longer report that will take approximately a year to complete. Only when that final report is issued will the NTSB make recommendations that may affect future running of the Reno races?or, possibly, cause them to be shut down.

To piece together a fuller picture of what exactly went wrong, PM talked with officials, racers, and race crew personnel. The consensus to emerge is that the disaster was the direct result of the failure of a relatively small piece of metal, the elevator trim tab, that had been implicated in a number of similar incidents in the past. That failure-prone component, combined with a stroke of bad luck, turned a multimillion-dollar racing machine into an unguided missile.

Here?s how, and why, we think the accident unfolded:

The P-51, the plane Jimmy Leeward crashed a week ago, was designed in the early 1940s as a long-range bomber escort and ground-strike aircraft that could cruise for more than a thousand miles at 360 mph. But for air racing, the planes are heavily modified to maintain speeds near 500 mph. At these speeds, the tail generates enormous downward pressure, and as a result, the nose wants to rise. Keeping the nose down would require constant physical exertion by the pilot. So, like any pilot in this situation, Jimmy Leeward would have engaged a flap on the back of one of the plane?s elevators (the horizontal moving surface on the tail). Called the "elevator trim tab," this piece, in effect, reduces the elevator?s angle of attack and thereby reduces the downward pressure.

To steady the P-51 at full racing speed, the trim tab has to deploy outward nearly as far as it can. Pushed out into the high-speed airstream, it?s vulnerable to rapid vibration called flutter. The back-and-forth flexing can quickly cause severe metal fatigue; think of bending a paper clip back and forth until it breaks. Leeward?s plane, the Galloping Ghost, had already completed several laps and was heading for the home pylon in a steep left turn when, the NTSB report says, "witnesses reported and photographic evidence indicates that a piece of the airframe separated." This is the trim tab falling off.

Without it, the Galloping Ghost suddenly lurches into a severe climb. Leeward would have experienced acceleration of at least 10 g?s?enough to knock him unconscious. Back in 1998, a similar accident struck another P-51 at Reno, Voodoo Chile, during an Unlimited race in 1998. Pilot Bob Hannah blacked out during the 10 g ascent. By the time he came to, his plane had climbed to 9000 feet.

Andy Chiavetta, who worked with the pit crew of another Unlimited racer, says that according to telemetry broadcast from the Galloping Ghost to Leeward?s team, the g load was far higher than that. "From what I understand he hit 22.5 g?s, which no pilot can take," Chiavetta says. At that point, the crushing force pulls a pilot down so far that he or she isn?t even visible in the canopy in pictures taken from the ground.

With the plane out of control and the engine still delivering full power, the Galloping Ghost rolls over and dives toward the ground at near maximum speed. The accident happens in the worst possible part of the entire 8-mile course?just before the spectator stand, leaving the aircraft on a collision course with the event?s 7500 spectators.

The NTSB report puts the final result in cold, official language: "The airplane descended in an extremely nose-low attitude and collided with the ground in the box seat area near the center of the grandstand seating area."

However, a couple of lucky breaks kept the death toll from reaching higher. First, the plane hit the edge of the crowd rather than the center. And the impact happened so fast that the fuel didn?t catch fire, which avoided a deadly conflagration. Above all, the plane remained intact, despite the severe g loads.

Had Leeward?s plane come apart, the situation would have been even deadlier. In 1999, another highly modified P-51 called Miss Ashley II, piloted by Gary Levitz, lost its trim tab during an Unlimited race. It pitched violently upward just as Galloping Ghost did. "When it went vertical, the plane broke up," Chiavetta says. "The engine came off, the wings broke, it pretty much shredded the airplane in the air. It was very lucky that this plane didn?t do that, because it would have put a debris field over the crowd"?in essence, a giant shotgun blast of metal and fuel.

Jeff Wise is a contributing editor for Popular Mechanics and the author of Extreme Fear: The Science of Your Mind in Danger. For a daily dose of extreme fear, check out his blog.

Source: http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/aviation/crashes/how-a-small-piece-of-metal-caused-the-reno-air-race-crash-6481596?src=rss

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Officials visit post-tornado Joplin 'mall school' (AP)

JOPLIN, Mo. ? Students who attend the Joplin high school known as the "mall school," because it was built in a former big box store after a tornado left their district in ruins, told Education Secretary Arne Duncan during a Thursday visit that having the support of the school has helped them recover.

The May tornado killed 162 people and leveled thousands of buildings in the community, including 10 area schools that were either destroyed or damaged at an estimated cost of $151 million. Seven school children and one staff member were among those killed. Some schools have been consolidated, and Joplin's middle school is temporarily in an industrial park.

The 11th- and 12th-grade students attend class in a the former store near a Sears Auto Center and a Logan's Roadhouse that has been transformed into a modern facility equipped even with tread mills for gym class and a cafeteria with a small section that resembles a coffee shop.

Duncan, who was joined in Joplin by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, told student leaders that he was pleased with the work done to reopen schools, and he was hopeful for their future.

When he asked students how they were doing, one told him that looking forward to coming to school each day and the support received there has made things easier. Another student said it's still difficult to drive around the community and not think about how things used to be.

The old high school, which eventually will be rebuilt, for now remains a devastated shell missing walls, bricks and parts of the ceiling.

"To me, it's traumatic, but I know we're going to get through it," said 17-year-old senior Martez Wilson.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/education/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110922/ap_on_go_ca_st_pe/us_joplin_tornado_schools

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শুক্রবার, ২৩ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Several Advantages And Disadvantages Of Growing To Be A ...


Motivational speakers are often the persons you want to contact when you require a speaker on an event or function. These people are generally extensive thinkers who are set

to help boost your target audience in case you want to inspire them or

?enable the speaker address issues that are triggering setbacks in

their job or on their performance. Being a motivational speaker

is not as simple as it seems; you must understand they likewise make

sacrifices so that they are efficient at their work. Here are several factors

why there are benefits and drawbacks to being a motivational speaker.




Some motivational speakers find gratification in aiding other individuals.

They sometimes volunteer to talk at certain seminars, trainings, maybe

in an AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) or NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings and

events. They only wish to aid people who are requiring their motivational

and inspirational skills. A lot of these presenters primarily have day jobs and being a

motivational speaker is just a side job for them or maybe they?ve already

engineered it to their voluntary community service.


Also, there are presenters whom enjoy traveling whether it is across the county or

towards some other places. These people enjoy the feeling of visiting completely different locations

and also meeting different kinds of individuals. They need not necessarily be concerned about their particular

transportation as well as amenities for their particular clientele will cover every thing they require.

Sometimes these speakers actually extend their stay in a certain location because

they enjoyed staying there. Other people however stretch out their stay and take their

loved ones to have a weekend vacation following their presentation. At times their

clients will even pay for their family?s trip in case the speaker really is a

preferred specialist at their work.


These presenters which take a trip and they are on demand are some of the greatest paid out

persons on their field. These people have a preset charge and their client will be

shouldering everything for their visit. These would be simply some of the benefits

of being a high demand motivational speaker in your industry.


Down sides:


Several of these presenters under no circumstances journey to several states or different locations

simply because they do not like the hassle of traveling for several hours mainly for

a job. They like to operate throughout their location or near their community.

They?re just not comfortable in lengthy travel periods as well as residing at motels or

hotels. Functioning near the house is really what they prefer most so they will

have time to relax and also eat a home-cooked food once they arrive off their speech.


One particular major downside of becoming a motivational speaker that constantly

travels all around is they are faraway from their family. They are gone 2-3

times weekly with regard to business conferences or for teaching workshops located in

different cities and also when they are home these guys tend to be preparing pertaining to their next

presentation therefore they would end up being up around paperwork once again for an additional day or so.

Source: http://selfimprovement.therefinedgeek.com.au/index.php/2011/09/several-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-growing-to-be-a-motivational-speaker/

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Event Review: Neon Reverb Music Festival 2011 : Leading Online ...

Event Review: Neon Reverb Music Festival 2011

Posted by GCBuzz on Wednesday, September 21, 2011 ? Leave a Comment?

Neon Reverb Music Festival 2011 by Jazzlyn Kirkland

Last weekend I had the opportunity to attend one of the most anticipated music events in Las Vegas, The 2011 Neon Reverb Festival. Now go ahead and throw all of your pre-conceived notions about ?typical? music festivals out of the window. There?s no itchy grass, port-o-potties or overpriced bottles of water here. With an arsenal of venues that include The Bunkhouse Saloon, The Beat Coffee Shop, The Beauty Bar, Artifice, Royal Resort, and The El Cortez Hotel and Casino just to name a few.

This music festival is definitely done Vegas style.

As I?m driving toward Downtown Las Vegas? famous Fremont East district, I can feel the music in the air, with what had to be hundreds upon hundreds of people crowding the entrances to the festivals venues. I knew that tonight was going to be one for the records. First, I head over to The Beat Coffee Shop to load up on some flyers and maps for the event so I can plan out how I will attack this event.

Heading furthest down Fremont Street East, I go to The Bunkhouse Saloon. The vibe there was pretty cheerful and light to be a downtown bar. I hang out here for a while and I heard two bands play a good set. Not being 100% sure of who I just listened to I pull out my trusty Neon Reverb Festival Schedule (and yes it is neon yellow and pink) and was informed that the 2 bands I just watched perform were ?Robot Nixon? and ?Audacity?, by this time its a little past midnight so I start heading back towards Las Vegas Blvd.

I?m really excited to be going to the next venue: The Beauty Bar. The Beauty Bar is by far one of my favorite spots to hang out, grab some drinks listen to some tunes or even watch movies on a regular night. So I?m super stoked for live bands playing on the inside stage as well as the outside patio. Getting through the line for Beauty Bar was a task in itself but as I finally made it to the entrance I was greeted by a cheerful red-head handing me a map and informing me of which bands were on next. I go to the back to see what?s going on in the patio and was met by an enormous crowd watching ?Halloween Town? killing it on stage. I was pretty beat and happy with the overall outcome of the night. However, I couldn?t help but notice the buzzing whispers.

??Hurry inside before they come on!?

?I can?t wait for you guys to see this band!?

Boy oh boy, was it worth the wait? ?Cuckoo Chaos? set the Beauty Bar on fire with its amazing energy and catchy beats. You couldn?t help but dance around with a big smile on your face.

Neon Reverb is growing every year. I loved the venues, the bands and the variety of music from Hip Hop showcases, Rock bands and Live DJs. Neon Reverb 2011 was a definite win.

This truly has been an awesome experience. I would like to personally say thank you to Thirry, Jason and James for giving GrungeCake the opportunity to be a part of this event.

Notable Events:

Film, Comedy, and Poetry @ The Sci-Fi Center, Theater7, El Cortez Fiesta Room, The Box Office and Bar & Bistro.

Royal Resort ? Pool Party

Cuckoo Chaos @ The Beauty Bar

Atari Teenage Riot @ Royal Resorts

Shiny Boot of Leather @ Artifice

Source: http://buzz.grungecake.com/?p=2465

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Sport ? St. Peter's Girls School

Sports for all Sorts

Whether for fun, fitness or the thrill of competition, St Peter?s Girls offers a comprehensive co-curricular sporting program, including tennis, softball, lacrosse, badminton, volleyball, basketball, athletics, swimming, netball, soccer, hockey, gymnastics, sports aerobics, water polo, equestrian, snow sports and cross country running. With expert coaches and top class sporting facilities including a heated pool, gymnasium, tennis courts?and playing fields, St Peter?s Girls has nurtured and developed numerous athletes who have gone on to represent their state and country.

The physical and social development of our students is paramount in our program. The wide range of interschool sports offered maximises opportunities for physical activity, and provides positive opportunities for movement, skill development and improved physical competence, along with team work.

St Peter?s Girls is a member of the Independent Girls? Schools Sports Association, IGSSA, which provides an extensive range of interschool sports competition.? Above and beyond the sports offered for inclusion by IGSSA, we are happy to embrace other sports options to cater for staff and student interest and expertise.

All students are encouraged to participate in the extra curricular sports program and it is compulsory for students in the Middle School (Years 7 to 9).? Middle School students are required to play at least one sport each term. A note to the Principal is required if students are unable to participate for any reason to request an exemption from participation.

Senior School students are encouraged to continue their participation in School Sport, as their leadership and expertise are valued in both team participation and peer mentoring.

Summer Winter Other sports offered throughout the year
Athletics/Cross Country
Sport Aerobics

Neil Fuller (Sports Coordinator)
Phone??8334 2242? ?:? ?Fax 8334 2297?? :?? Mobile 0433 518 461
Email nfuller@stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au


>?Summer Sport Training Schedule?(as at 23 September 2011)
> School Map
> Sports Policy
> Sporting Weather Policy (hot and inclement weather)
> IGSSA Website

Source: http://www.stpetersgirls.sa.edu.au/sport/

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Provincial Advisory Council on Cancer | News Advertiser Online ...

Tricia Antonini Tricia Antonini is interested in ensuring cancer services best serve the people affected. She is a chartered accountant fromCalgarywith a good understanding of the challenges of determining where best to allocate resources. She also helped to establish theCalgarychapter of the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society.


Ray Clark Ray Clark is a former City ofCalgaryalderman who has experience on many boards (includingCalgary GeneralHospital) and associations. He lives inCalgaryand has extensive experience in communication and public speaking. He is interested in cancer research, fundraising, care, treatment and access for patients.


Christine Ferguson


Christine Ferguson lives inSherwood Parkand is a health care professional who has experience with rural and urban populations, as well as multicultural groups. She is interested in cancer treatment and support.


Kenneth Landry Kenneth Landry ofFairviewhas 30 years of experience on boards and councils and an interest in breast and colon cancers. He has a business background with skills as a presenter.


Brian Lowery Brian Lowery of Redcliff is a retired hospital pharmacist who worked in a rural setting.? In his role, he helped to deliver chemotherapy treatments and provided counselling to cancer patients. He was a town councillor and has good communication skills and extensive experience with First Nations communities. He is interested in the delivery of post-diagnosis care.


Lorelee Marin




Lorelee Marin works in cancer control with the Canadian Cancer Society and lives inLloydminster.? She has worked on many projects involving cancer prevention and end-of-life care. She is interested in prevention and supporting policies and programs to help reduce the risk of cancer. Lorraine Meneen


Lorraine Meneen lives inEdmontonand is the Director of Health for Treaty 8, the largest First Nations community inAlberta. She is interested in the whole spectrum of cancer care, from screening through to end-of-life care in First Nations and other communities.


Ashley Rose


Ashley Rose lives inEdmontonand works with cancer patients as an occupational therapist at the Cross Cancer Institute. She is involved with Young Adult CancerCanadaand is passionate about young cancer patients and their quality of life post-treatment.


Source: http://newsadvertiser.com/wordpressmu/blog/2011/09/16/provincial-advisory-council-on-cancer-2/

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Source: http://pridecelebrityx4.blogmonster.de/2011/09/19/provincial-advisory-council-on-cancer-news-advertiser-online/

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A Children's Book That Celebrates the Wonders of Real [Video]

We tell our children stories about fairies and giants and wizards and trolls—all still favorites, even as an adult. So let's not stop with the fables. But can't we also share with kids the wonders of what's real? More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/vDdWyMdRTbs/a-childrens-book-that-celebrates-the-wonders-of-real

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Magic Relationship Words Review | Mr. Marriagesaver

Are you firing hurtful words at your partner?

Have you ever wished you knew what to say to your love? Ever feel like the things you say seem to create conflict and strife in your relationship? Are you tired of the distance, the arguments and the indifference between you and your spouse because you don?t know how to communicate with each other? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you will love The Magic Relationship Words book.

Written by Susie and Otto Collins, Magic Relationship Words is designed to help couples talk to one another in a way that can eliminate conflict and improve connection and intimacy. As the title indicates, this is done through a series of ?magic words? that Susie and Otto experimented with in their own relationship. The phrases worked so well that they wanted to use them more and more and, eventually, they decided to share their wonderful knowledge with you.

What You Get

You receive instant access to Susie and Otto?s Magic Relationship Words eBook ? all 146 pages of it. The book is broken down into easy to read chapters that help you work through each ?magic word phrase? at your own pace.

What we really liked about the Magic Relationship Words book is that you learn more than just the phrase itself ? you learn exactly how to say the phrase so that you deliver the right message every time. They teach you the tone and the body language you should use when saying the phrase. If you have ever been on the receiving end of someone?s kind words that are delivered with the wrong tone or wrong body language, you understand just how important this section is. ?

In addition to the book, Susie and Otto have included 90 minutes of audio files. Unlike a lot of other relationship programs, these audio files are not just the book you have already purchased. The audio files offered with Magic Relationship Words are actually an extension of the book.

The first is a file on Magic Relationship Words That Build or Rebuild Trust ? very important if you and your?partner have a lot of hurt and trust issues. The second is a file in which Susie and Otto address some of their most commonly asked questions.

Three other bonuses are also included with your purchase of Magic Relationship Words.

  • Bonus 1 ? 21 Words, Phrases and Sentences to Never Say to Your Partner, Spouse or Lover
  • Bonus 2 ? 10 Communication Mistakes Most People Make in Their Relationships and What They Can Do to Fix Them
  • Bonus 3 ? Susie and Otto?s Love and Relationship Weekly Newsletter

What it Will Cost You

Susie and Otto?s Magic Relationship Words would normally cost you $49.95 but, right now, they are offering the Magic Relationship Words, all three bonus items and the audio files for just $29.95. Considering all of the great information you get with your order and how much that information can impact your relationship, it really is worth a lot more. We were pretty surprised at the price when we saw everything that came in the package and we believe you will be too.

How Can it Help?

Magic Relationship Words is not a ?get your ex back? program. It could be considered a ?save your relationship? program. But really, Magic Relationship Words is a makeup book that can help couples?who are starting to notice animosity in their relationship ? before things get too bad. While it can be used to help rebuild relationships, with the help of the audio files, this book may not be intense enough for serious relationship hurt and issues.

Overall, the benefits that you can receive with the Magic Relationship Words book and bonuses include:

  • Better communication.
  • Closer connection.
  • Deeper level of intimacy.
  • A feeling of being heard and validated.
  • A new and loving way to bring up difficult issues with your partner.
  • Learn how to make requests to your significant other in a way that is clear, concise and loving.
  • Discover how to tell your partner what they need to hear so that they can better receive your true message and feel loved, even when the conversation is not a positive one ? especially when the conversation is not a positive one.
  • Know how to respond when someone criticizes you.
  • Discover ?magic words? that will help build trust in your relationship.

What Makes it Unique?

Unlike most of the other relationship programs we have reviewed here on Mr. Marriage Saver, Magic Relationship Words can be used in all relationships ? newlyweds, couples that fight all the time, couples that fight sometimes, couples that feel like they have lost the connection in their relationship ? it really does cover a wide variety of relationship stages.

We also found that this relationship book was highly unique in its approach when compared to other relationship help books. Instead of teaching you exercises to strengthen your relationship, it approaches the words you say and how you say them. Words are more powerful than many of us let on. By learning how to communicate more lovingly, honestly and effectively, you enhance?your connection. Improving connection improves most, if not all, aspects of the relationship.

Disadvantages of Buying Magic Relationship Words

There were definitely a few disadvantages to buying Magic Relationship Words. While?we did find it to be a valuable program, we really felt that the book?would benefit greatly from a workbook to go with the program. A workbook would enhance and personalize the experience by helping you determine how you could apply each ?magic word phrase? to your personal relationship.

Another disadvantage noted was that this program is not for all relationships. Seriously damaged relationships are likely to need more help than Magic Relationship Words can provide. Additionally, if you and your significant other are already separated, you might find better assistance from one of the ?get an ex back? programs we have reviewed.

Final Recommendation:

If you want a better connection with your partner, want to learn how to communicate more lovingly and more effectively, we highly suggest that you buy Magic Relationship Words. If you work through the book proactively, you won?t be able to help but notice the massive improvements the ?magic phrases? bring to your relationship.

Source: http://www.mrmarriagesaver.com/magic-relationship-words-review.html

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Samsung files counter claim in Australia against Apple (Reuters)

SYDNEY (Reuters) ? Samsung Electronics Co has filed a counter claim in an Australian court, accusing Apple of infringing its wireless patents related to the U.S. firm's iPhone and iPad products.

The move comes after Samsung last month delayed the launch of its latest Galaxy tablet computer in Australia over a global patent dispute with Apple.

Samsung filed the claim with the Federal Court of Australia, New South Wales Registery, on September 16, a media statement released by Samsung Electronics Australia said.

The claim says Apple infringed seven Australian patents owned by Samsung related to wireless communications standards by Apple's iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and iPad 2 products.

It also says the patents that Apple relied on in its claims against Samsung in relation to the Galaxy Tab 10.1 were invalid and should be revoked by the court, according to the statement.

Samsung has previously counter sued Apple over patents in South Korea, Japan and Germany.

An Apple spokeswoman in Australia could not immediately be reached for comment.

Samsung and Apple have been locked in a battle over smartphones and tablets patents since April as Apple seeks to rein in the growth of Google's Android phones by taking direct aim at the biggest Android vendor, Samsung.

Apple, which has conquered the high end of the phone market with its iPhone, has argued that Samsung had infringed on its patents and the Galaxy line of products "slavishly" copied its design, look and feel. It is fighting legal battles in the United States as well as Europe, South Korea and Australia.

Apple scored a legal victory in Germany earlier this month, when a German court barred Samsung's local unit from selling its Galaxy 10.1 tablets in Europe's biggest economy. Samsung has since announced it will appeal the court's decision.

(Reporting by Amy Pyett; Editing by Ed Davies and Muralikumar Anantharaman)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/applecomputer/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110919/tc_nm/us_samsung_apple_australia

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Healthy Snacks For Kids - Healthy meal ideas for toddlers

healthy snacks for children Healthy snacks for kids Free Articles Directory Why Submit Articles? Authors Top Articles Questions & & $ . Browser.msie) {var ie_version = parseInt ($ browser.version.) If (ie_version Login Login via Register Hello My House Exit E-mail
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Parents> Healthy Snacks for Healthy Snacks for Kids Wed Apr 19, 2010 | Comments:

healthy are not necessarily the product of a family that has plenty to eat. Most of all, healthy children are the result of healthy food choices at home

But we all know that Children do not always like healthy food;. They prefer chocolates, candies, potato chips and french fries. There is nothing wrong with these options if you have children only once in a while.

convince their children to eat healthily, here are some healthy snack ideas that can help.

1. Fruits . Apples, bananas, strawberries, oranges, etc. It Children generally are not averse to eating fruit. It?s just, like burgers and chocolates can be made more attractive fruit servings for children to eat .. Make fruit smoothies or top of a cup of strawberries with whipped cream and the kids will look at them differently

2. Use sauces with vegetables . You can actually make eating vegetables like carrots or celery if served with sauces. hummus, ranch beans or drops are your best options. It?s not really the flavor of sauces that you like, but the idea of ??having something where they can dip their foods. /> 3. Add the vegetable ingredients, but make them disappear into the background . Shred lettuce, chop the celery and tomatoes, cut into small pieces and add them to sandwiches, soups or any meal that is served. Sliced ??large tomato and whole leaves of vegetables is likely to scare them away.

4. Serve vegetable soup colorful packaging and fun . The kids probably will eat them if you put the soup in deep with cartoon characters or bowls for kids with animal shapes. The funny thing is, it can serve the same food, but will respond differently when you change the packaging.

5. Cookies cooked oatmeal with the help of children . probably prefer chocolate chip cookies over the oatmeal, but if you ask them to help in baking cookies, it is most likely to eat without complaint. The idea of ??playing in the kitchen are looking forward to testing the final product.

6. Vegetarian pizza . The kids love pizza. No matter what is in it, provided when viewed as the pizza. You can make mini pizzas covered with various chopped vegetables;. A little meat, like a bit of bacon bits and low-fat cheese

To promote healthy eating children at home, make sandwiches attractive to children. The first step is to call your attention on and go from there

Download FREE taster Edition on healthy eating for children healthy snack ideas! Watch your traffic increase only the submission of articles with us, click here to start. I like this story? Click here to post on your website or blog, it?s free and easy! Friday Treat ? About the author:.


is your guide to healthy living ? from snacks and treats

]]> Questions and Answers Ask our experts to its questions about parenting here ? Ask 200 characters are some healthy snacks for children? How many almonds is a healthy snack? The amount of calories in a healthy snack? Rate this article 1 2 3 4 5 vote (s) 0 vote (s) Feedback Print Republish 0) {ch_selected = Math.floor (Math.random () * ch_queries.length) if (ch_selected ch_queries.length ==) ch_selected -; ch_query = ch_queries [ch_selected];}} catch (e) {ch_query = document.title;}]]> Source: of health, ideas for snacks, vegetables, children, food, healthy eating Related Articles Related Videos Latest Articles for Parents Over Friday choose healthy snacks

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Chef-K, Laurie Zerga the author of the coveted book goes to college, ?Where is my room? is about healthy snacks (06:37)

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In this video, a registered dietitian Sonya Kaster describes how to incorporate healthy choices when they snack on the road. This video is designed for adults. (04:57) Healthy Snacking

For many years, common knowledge dictates that three meals a day is the best way to nourish our bodies and keep us feeling energized all day. And while the meal plan may work for some, is not ideal for everyone. Fortunately, there has been s (03:13) for healthy snacks for kids and adults can be difficult

to choose healthy snacks, and children can often have different ideas of what tastes good than adults. Here are some healthy snack ideas to keep everyone happy.

By: Misha Anatolial Beveragel Food and February 21 Healthy Snacks for Kids

Snacks are an important part of balanced diet of all children. An afternoon snack will give kids a boost of energy that will help them focus more on their schoolwork later and give them the energy they need to go outside and run around instead of resting on the couch and watching television.

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As a parent, finding healthy ideas for lunch can be a real headache. You need to give your child a healthy lunch, but we also want to give them a meal they will enjoy. Have your child exchange or dispose of your meals can be as bad for them as full of junk food. The good news is that there is a series of simple meal solutions out there healthy and effective, so you do not have to feel anxiety more. The creation of a nutritional balance of your child p ?> By: Jay Holtl Healthl June 16 Kids Snacks Ideas

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scheduling problems, most of us succumb to the temptation to simply grab whatever is available, which unfortunately, are fast-food offerings and especially takeaways are not very healthy. If you?re one of those who simply do not have the time to prepare nutritious snacks, do not despair. We offer some alternatives and ideas for healthy snacks here that are quick and easy to prepare.

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Pakistan PM cancels U.S. visit due to floods (Reuters)

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) ? Pakistani Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani has canceled a visit to the United States to attend the U.N. General Assembly session to direct relief efforts as floods devastate southern Pakistan, his office said on Friday.

Pakistani leaders were widely criticized for neglecting victims of floods last year that killed about 2,000 people and made 11 million homeless and again stand accused of moving too slowly.

"The prime minister has canceled his visit because of the floods and now the foreign minister will represent Pakistan on the visit," an official in Gilani's office told Reuters.

"The prime minister will visit flood-affected areas from tomorrow and supervise relief efforts."

The latest floods, triggered by monsoon rains, have killed more than 230 people, destroyed or damaged 1.2 million houses and flooded 4.5 million acres (1.8 million hectares) since late last month, officials and Western aid groups say.

More than 300,000 people have been moved to shelters. Some 800,000 families hit by last year's floods are still homeless.

Aid groups have warned of a growing risk of fatal diseases.

Last year, the military took charge of rescue and relief efforts, along with aid groups. The army is active again in the latest disaster.

The military, which has ruled Pakistan for more than half of its history, is seen as the only institution that can handle crises in the nuclear-armed South Asian nation.

Pakistan's cash-strapped government already faces many challenges, from a stubborn Taliban insurgency to growing frustrations over power cuts.

Islamabad's ties with Washington have been heavily strained since a unilateral U.S. raid killed Osama bin Laden in a Pakistani garrison town in May.

There were signs that ties were under repair when the allies recently spoke of counter-terrorism cooperation. But fresh tension has emerged.

The U.S. warning on militants based in Pakistan, blamed by Washington for this week's attack on the U.S. Embassy in Kabul, works against counter-terrorism cooperation between the two allies, the Pakistan Foreign Ministry said on Thursday.

It was referring to comments by U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta that Washington would do whatever it takes to defend American forces in Afghanistan from Pakistan-based militants.

Gilani may have wanted to meet senior American officials on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly to try to patch up ties with the United States, the source of billions of dollars in aid.

Pakistani Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar is expected to meet U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the United States on September 18. She will be addressing the General Assembly in Gilani's place.

(Writing by Michael Georgy; Editing by Nick Macfie)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/asia/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20110916/pl_nm/us_pakistan_floods_gilani

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শনিবার, ১৭ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১১

Certified Staging Professional, International Trainer, Author and ...

Christine Rae, Founder and CEO of Certified Staging Professional International Business Training Academy, an educational program for home staging consultants, responds to real estate reports on the current home sales marketplace.

St. Catharines, Ontario ? September 16, 2011 ? Christine Rae, Founder and CEO of Certified Staging Professionals International Business Training Academy, recently published an article on her website www.stagingtraining.com that relates the metaphor of classic film, Wizard of Oz, to encourage real estate professionals to make the best of the economic slump. The article, titled ?The Yellow Brick Road to a Successful Home Sale? argues that the power of professional home staging can distinguish a for-sale home from its competition, especially in a down market.

Rae writes, ?Unfortunately, many people are clinging to the hope that our economy will return to pre-recession business. We?re uncomfortable with the competitive marketplace in which we are working, and we?d like for our jobs to get easier. The truth is, however, our current economic state has become the marketplace?s new ?normal.? The quiet and comfortable surroundings of our ?Kansas? home are long gone. But there is a ?yellow brick road? we can follow to a better business ? professional real estate home staging.?

?Just like merchandising products in a retail store, proper home staging techniques will display the product that is your home in a way which will strategically position it for sale. Through the use of professional staging techniques such as furniture positioning, color stratification, organization, and more, any property can be set apart from the competition. Despite the slow flow of qualified prospective home buyers, property gets a distinct marketing advantage,? reports Ms. Rae.

Certified Staging Professionals trains home stagers through a comprehensive course of study that includes 3 days in the field and classroom, 4 weeks of home study and 6 weeks of hands-on market coaching. CSP is also a resource for Realtors and home sellers to find and hire graduates of this highly accredited staging education program, for assisting them in successfully closing their real estate sale.

The entire article can be found at http://www.stagingtraining.com/articles/the-yellow-brick-road-to-a-successful-home-sale.php

To learn more about Christine Rae and Certified Staging Professionals, please visit http://www.stagingtraining.com.

About CSP International? Business Training Academy:

CSP began as the brainchild of its founder and president, Christine Rae. A long-time corporate executive, Christine began with the CSP program and a goal of bringing her penchant for high standards and business ethics, together with her knowledge of design and the real estate industry to an industry without a map. Her own extensive training came from across North America including New York City, California, Texas and the Carolinas.? From her research Christine knew there was a need for a distinctly different approach to staging. Growing from one course to a complete school with several physical locations and 15 well trained instructors, the CSP program is the leading global source for finding highly trained stagers and is the primary destination for anyone wanting to become a stager, it is the company more real estate agents turn to, on behalf of their clients. They are a Canadian success story for sure but no longer strictly Canadian having expanded to the United States in 2006 and Australia in 2009. ?The program has been translated into Mandarin; Global license opportunities currently under review include China, Germany and France.

About the CSP? designation:

The CSP? designation is recognized by real estate professionals, builders, home stagers, decorators and home sellers for its brand reputation of excellence. The designation identifies home staging consultants who have achieved certification in the staging industry which included quality hands-on training with vigorous testing, apprenticeship, business process and ethics.

About Christine Rae:

Christine Rae, founder and president of the CSP International? Business Training Academy, is well-known and well-respected for her work in the Real Estate Staging industry, author of Home Staging for Dummies, a small business growth expert, international speaker, trainer and developer of EcoStaging? Her passion for staging, d?cor, the green movement and successful entrepreneurial ventures is satisfied with her desire to help people.? Her talents are reflected in the success of the Academy. Christine?s dedication to excellence has developed CSP into an international success and into more than a training program ? the CSP International Academy is a sustainable resource for continuing education, professionalism & a support network to its graduates.

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Last year I enrolled in a staging program which was very widely advertised and cost a little less than the CSP 3 Day Course. You know that saying ?You get what you pay for? ? Well I graduated from that program still feeling that I needed more information ? in fact, a lot more, actually. ?

Hello Duncan and Christine, Just to let you know that attending the course as an alumni was interesting and informative. It was a real treat to sit back and listen (okay Duncan ? not always listening after conducting a few consultations and showcasings. Thank you for the opportunity to sit back and absorb more ?

I had heard great things about the organization by alumni as well as have had great discussions and assistance from Liz and Linda. They have always been there to answer any and all my questions, they are polite and super efficient. I enjoyed having Jackson West as the Trainer for our sessions. He was dynamic, ?

Several weeks ago I had the pleasure of being a trainee in CSP?s intensive three-day staging training workshop with Nairn Friemann in New York City. Being an interior designer for 37 years, and practicing in both the residential and commercial areas, it is usually me who plays ?teacher? rather than student. I must confess that ?

I am new to the Home Staging business. I had originally taken another Home Staging course and received their certification. However, my experience was very disappointing; my interaction with their staff was unsatisfactory, I was unable to communicate directly with a trainer and the course was limited. Follow-up and mentorship was non-existent. I really felt ?

Source: http://www.stagingtraining.com/news/certified-staging-professional-international-trainer-author-and-real-estate-design-expert-christine-rae-publishes-new-article-addressing-today%E2%80%99s-rocky-economic-climate.php

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Communications ? common sense, challenges and objectives ...

I had the opportunity to attend an enlightening communications course over the past two days, delivered by John Sutherland. The intent of this blog post is to highlight some of the characteristics of effective written communication that I made notes of and share some of the experiments we, as Rangers, and I, as an individual, are planning for the next few months.

Effective Engineering Writing

The course highlighted the following principles to be considered when creating a piece of information, whereby the italic text are my personal notes I made during the course:

  • Direct ? start with the eye-of-the-storm, especially when information will be scanned/skimmed on reduced surface area devices, i.e. phones.
  • Concise ? cut the fluff and include only the important information.
  • Precise ? include precise information within context, for example submit on 13 August 2013, not some time in August.
  • Complete? include detailed information within context, for example when reporting an error include details, repro-steps and relevant dumps.
  • Easily understood ? avoid slang, acronyms and complex language where possible.

Obviously the course delved into many other strategies and concepts, which are best covered in a separate post. The reason I decided to create this post is to highlight a few of the engineering changes we have introduced and my personal objectives that are in support of the above principles.

What are we planning as Visual Studio ALM Rangers?

PatriciaWagnerRecent guidance projects have shown a huge improvement in quality and readability, which is primarily thanks to the technical reviews done by one of our Rangers, Patricia (Technical Editor).

The new wave of Ranger solutions are enjoying:

  • Revised templates, introducing a professional and most importantly a consistent look&feel.
  • Content scripting by the project leads,to define the skeleton of the guidance and/or out-of-band solution. Expectations are clearer and the team can focus on adding the content.
  • Technical reviews, ensuring that the principles of effective engineering writing are applied and that the content is correct and compliant.
  • New infrastructure, which is aimed at PULL, rather than PUSH information strategies. This allows Rangers to define what is important to them and how they want to be alerted of changes. Some of the immediate impact on all Visual Studio ALM Rangers include:
    • Meeting invites are sent to context specific audience, not to all Rangers, by default.?
      If a Ranger wants to be notified of all meetings, an alert must be defined in the? Ranger Meetings list on the Rangers portal.
    • Project specific collaboration has moved away from email to Discussion Forums on the Rangers portal.
    • All email, which has been substantially reduced, is based on Controlled Vocab which allows Rangers to defined complex email rules.

What am I planning as an individual?


I have set myself two personal goals:

  • Crisp, terse and quality documentation and email communication
    - revise, revise and revise again
    - structure content around a maximum of seven points and avoid scrolling emails
  • Reduce volume of email communication.
    I am aiming for an initial daily cap of 13 new email threads per day, excluding REplies and ForWards. Note that 13 is my lucky number, not a scientifically based number and merely a kick-start limit.

For example, every time I start a new email, I am now confronted with the following hints:

  • Context? first?
  • Instructions included?
  • Action items / owners clear?
  • Note: Direct|Concise|Precise|Complete|Easily Understood| No Assumptions
  • Question: im, forum or phone possible instead?

After I have clicked send, I have a further 30 minutes to think about it, stop and edit the email. After the 30minutes, the email leaves my outbox and in many cases the typos and other ineffective communication gremlins are noticed ? but, hopefully the regret of clicking send and the resultant waves will be drastically reduced

Improvement is based on candid feedback ? so please add your candid comments to this thread or contact me direct here.

Source: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/willy-peter_schaub/archive/2011/09/14/communications-common-sense-challenges-and-objectives-mine.aspx

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