শনিবার, ৩১ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too

People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Dec-2011
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Contact: Anna Mikulak
Association for Psychological Science

For decades, science has suggested that when people make decisions, they tend to ignore logic and go with the gut. But Wim De Neys, a psychological scientist at the University of Toulouse in France, has a new suggestion: Maybe thinking about logic is also intuitive. He writes about this idea in the January issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Psychologists have partly based their conclusions about reasoning and decision-making on questions like this one:

"Bill is 34. He is intelligent, punctual but unimaginative and somewhat lifeless. In school, he was strong in mathematics but weak in social studies and humanities.

Which one of the following statements is most likely?

(a) Bill plays in a rock band for a hobby.

(b) Bill is an accountant and plays in a rock band for a hobby."

Most people will let their stereotypes about accountants rule and pick (b). But, in fact, we have no idea what Bill does for a livinghe could be a politician, a concert pianist, or a drug dealerso it's more likely that only one random possibility, the rock band, is true, than that both (a) and (b) would happen to be true.

This line of research has suggested that people don't use logic when making decisions about the world. But the truth is more complicated, De Neys says. When most people read a question like the one above, there's a sense that something isn't quite right. "That feeling you have, that there's something fishy about the problemwe have a wide range of ways to measure that conflict," De Neys says. For example, he has shown with brain imaging that when people are thinking about this kind of problem, a part of their brain that deals with conflict is active. "They stick to their gut feeling and don't do the logical thing, but they do sense that what they are doing is wrong," De Neys says.

De Neys thinks this sense, that something isn't quite right with the decision you're making, comes from an intuitive sense of logic. Other scientists have found that children start thinking logically very early. In one study, 8-month-old babies were surprised if someone pulled mostly red balls out of a box that contained mostly white balls, proof that babies have an innate sense of probability before they can even talk. It makes sense, De Neys says, that this intuitive sense of logic would stick around in adults.

This research deals with the basics of how we think, but De Neys says it may help explain more complex decision-making. If you want to teach people to make better decisions, he says, "It's important to know which component of the process is faulty." For example, if you want to understand why people are smoking, and you think it's because they don't understand the logicthat smoking killsyou might put a lot of energy into explaining how smoking is bad for them, when the actual problem is addiction. It's a long way from a question about Bill's career to understanding something like why someone decides to get married, for example; but research like this should help," De Neys says.


For more information about this study, please contact: Wim De Neys at wim.deneys@univ-tlse2.fr.

Perspectives on Psychological Science is ranked among the top 10 general psychology journals for impact by the Institute for Scientific Information. It publishes an eclectic mix of thought-provoking articles on the latest important advances in psychology. For a copy of the article "Bias and conflict: A case for logical intuitions" and access to other Perspectives on Psychological Science research findings, please contact Anna Mikulak at 202-293-9300 or amikulak@psychologicalscience.org.

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People don't just think with their guts; logic plays a role too [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 29-Dec-2011
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Contact: Anna Mikulak
Association for Psychological Science

For decades, science has suggested that when people make decisions, they tend to ignore logic and go with the gut. But Wim De Neys, a psychological scientist at the University of Toulouse in France, has a new suggestion: Maybe thinking about logic is also intuitive. He writes about this idea in the January issue of Perspectives on Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science.

Psychologists have partly based their conclusions about reasoning and decision-making on questions like this one:

"Bill is 34. He is intelligent, punctual but unimaginative and somewhat lifeless. In school, he was strong in mathematics but weak in social studies and humanities.

Which one of the following statements is most likely?

(a) Bill plays in a rock band for a hobby.

(b) Bill is an accountant and plays in a rock band for a hobby."

Most people will let their stereotypes about accountants rule and pick (b). But, in fact, we have no idea what Bill does for a livinghe could be a politician, a concert pianist, or a drug dealerso it's more likely that only one random possibility, the rock band, is true, than that both (a) and (b) would happen to be true.

This line of research has suggested that people don't use logic when making decisions about the world. But the truth is more complicated, De Neys says. When most people read a question like the one above, there's a sense that something isn't quite right. "That feeling you have, that there's something fishy about the problemwe have a wide range of ways to measure that conflict," De Neys says. For example, he has shown with brain imaging that when people are thinking about this kind of problem, a part of their brain that deals with conflict is active. "They stick to their gut feeling and don't do the logical thing, but they do sense that what they are doing is wrong," De Neys says.

De Neys thinks this sense, that something isn't quite right with the decision you're making, comes from an intuitive sense of logic. Other scientists have found that children start thinking logically very early. In one study, 8-month-old babies were surprised if someone pulled mostly red balls out of a box that contained mostly white balls, proof that babies have an innate sense of probability before they can even talk. It makes sense, De Neys says, that this intuitive sense of logic would stick around in adults.

This research deals with the basics of how we think, but De Neys says it may help explain more complex decision-making. If you want to teach people to make better decisions, he says, "It's important to know which component of the process is faulty." For example, if you want to understand why people are smoking, and you think it's because they don't understand the logicthat smoking killsyou might put a lot of energy into explaining how smoking is bad for them, when the actual problem is addiction. It's a long way from a question about Bill's career to understanding something like why someone decides to get married, for example; but research like this should help," De Neys says.


For more information about this study, please contact: Wim De Neys at wim.deneys@univ-tlse2.fr.

Perspectives on Psychological Science is ranked among the top 10 general psychology journals for impact by the Institute for Scientific Information. It publishes an eclectic mix of thought-provoking articles on the latest important advances in psychology. For a copy of the article "Bias and conflict: A case for logical intuitions" and access to other Perspectives on Psychological Science research findings, please contact Anna Mikulak at 202-293-9300 or amikulak@psychologicalscience.org.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

Source: http://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2011-12/afps-pdj122911.php

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শুক্রবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Google to test out mobile payment system in LA, San Fransisco

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

Source: www.sterlingpayment.com --- Friday, December 30, 2011
Motorists filling up at Chevron-owned gasoline stations will soon have a new, faster way to pay for fuel. ...

Source: http://www.sterlingpayment.com/news/industry-news/payment-processing-technologies/google-to-test-out-mobile-payment-system-in-la-san-fransisco/

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Make-up key accessory, says designer Tom Ford

American designer Tom Ford says make-up is a key accessory as it helps in transforming outfits.

'Having worked with the best make-up artists and photographers, I know how make-up can transform,' femalefirst.co.uk quoted the 50-year-old as saying. 'If you take Audrey Hepburn's little black dress in 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' and change the hair and make-up, you can make it look like the 20s or the 90s. Make-up is a key accessory.'

Right now Ford prefers smoky eye.

'I like a dramatic, smoky eye. Rim it with a darker shade, then apply lighter shades on the lid and blend as you move up. The key is to mix smoky tones in, so it doesn't look too 60s,' he said.

Source: http://feeds.bignewsnetwork.com/?sid=202218217

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বুধবার, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Gingrich goes after rivals despite positive pledge (AP)

DES MOINES, Iowa ? No more Mr. Nice Guy. Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich lambasted two of his top GOP rivals on Tuesday, despite his claim that he's sticking to a positive campaign.

Gingrich said he couldn't vote for Ron Paul if he were to become the GOP nominee and called the Texas congressman's views "totally outside the mainstream of every decent American."

In the same interview on CNN, Gingrich also offered a testy rebuke to Mitt Romney, saying that if Romney wants to run a negative campaign attacking Gingrich he should at least be "man enough to own it."

The sharp comments come as the former House speaker has seen his support slip in Iowa amid a barrage of attack ads that have cast him as an ethically challenged Washington insider.

Scrambling to regain momentum, Gingrich and a political action committee supporting him each took the wraps off television spots that will run statewide in Iowa.

The PAC Winning the Future is composed of former Gingrich staffers. The ad, its first, includes a broadside at Romney, although the former Massachusetts governor is never named.

"The Republican establishment wants to pick our candidate," the ad says. "When a principled conservative took the lead, they outspent Newt Gingrich 20 to 1, attacking him with falsehoods. ... Don't let the liberal Republican establishment pick our candidate."

Gingrich has said he will disavow any independent political action committee that spends money on negative ads. His own spot, funded by his campaign coffers, focuses on jobs and economic growth.

The former Georgia congressman launched a 22-stop "Jobs and Prosperity" bus tour, which kicked off Tuesday in Dubuque, in the northeast corner of Iowa. But he found himself on the defensive again on health care as a new memo surfaces that showed he had once praised the law enacted in Massachusetts when Romney was governor.

In an April 2006 memo from Gingrich's Atlanta-based Center for Health Transformation, he called it "the most exciting development of the past few weeks." He also said the law had "tremendous potential to effect major change in the American health system."

The memo also noted shortcomings in the Massachusetts law. Gingrich said the state's many regulations prohibited insurers from offering cheaper plans that would make coverage affordable. But he went on to note that that "we agree entirely with Gov. Romney and Massachusetts legislators that our goal should be 100 percent insurance coverage for all Americans."

Gingrich and others have argued that the Massachusetts law, widely seen as the model for President Barack Obama's national health overhaul, undercuts Romney's conservative credentials. Gingrich also has faced questions about his past support for an individual health care mandate, anathema to conservatives.

A Gingrich spokesman said Gingrich's comments are "old news that has been covered already."

"Newt previously supported a mandate for health insurance and changed his mind after seeing its effects," said the spokesman, R.C. Hammond. "The real question is why `Mitt the Massachusetts Moderate' won't admit that health insurance mandates don't work."

The Gingrich memo was first reported Tuesday by The Wall Street Journal.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/politics/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111228/ap_on_el_pr/us_gingrich

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Quinny debuts stylish new prints for its most popular strollers, the Buzz and Zapp Xtra.

Source: http://feeds.celebritybabies.com/~r/celebrity-babies/~3/9E-hfRE3y-I/

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৭ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Japan's PM reaches out to China on North Korea (AP)

BEIJING ? Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said Sunday that he and his Chinese counterpart have agreed to work together in dealing with North Korea and promoting stability in the closed country after the death of longtime leader Kim Jong Il.

Noda's first official visit to Beijing would normally have centered on bilateral issues, such as squabbles over islands claimed by both countries, but the death of Kim on Dec. 17 and the announcement of his son Kim Jong Un as the country's "supreme leader" has shifted the focus.

Noda, the first foreign leader to meet with China's leaders since Kim's death, emphasized the need to get stalled six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear program back on track.

"We are currently facing a new situation in East Asia," Noda told reporters after mentioning Kim's death.

"On this issue, it is very timely to exchange views with the host of the six-party talks and the country with the most influence on North Korea," he said, referring to China. "Safeguarding the peace and stability of the Korean peninsula is in the common interest of our two countries."

Noda was speaking before meeting with his counterpart, Wen Jiabao. He meets with President Hu Jintao on Monday before returning home. His visit to China was planned before Kim's death was announced Dec. 19.

When asked whether China could confirm that Kim Jong Un was in complete control of North Korea, Japanese Foreign Ministry press secretary Yutaka Yokoi would only say that Noda and Wen had discussed the situation on the Korean peninsula.

After meeting with Wen, Noda told reporters that the two leaders had agreed to cooperate to try to achieve stability on the peninsula.

"We shared the understanding that denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and its peace and stability not only benefits Japan and China but serves the common interest of all neighboring countries," he said.

Noda, who came to power in September, met with Hu in November on the sidelines of an Asian-Pacific regional meeting in Hawaii. Yokoi said that a Chinese leader has been invited to visit Japan in the first half of next year, but would not say who.

Japan does not have diplomatic relations with North Korea, while China is the impoverished country's most important supporter and supplies it with food aid and much of its energy resources.

The six-party talks, which include the two Koreas, the United States and Russia, as well as China and Japan, are aimed at disarming North Korea of its nuclear capability. Pyongyang walked out on the talks in 2009 ? and exploded a second nuclear-test device ? but now wants to re-engage.

Last year, North Korea was blamed for two military attacks on South Korea that heightened tensions on the peninsula.

Yokoi said China would sincerely consider Noda's request to lease pandas for a zoo in Sendai to help cheer up the northern Japanese region as it recovers from the earthquake and tsunami disasters in March.

Japan and China have a list of sensitive topics they are trying to make progress on, including fights over islands and energy disputes in the East China Sea.

Noda and Wen noted that 2012 marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between their countries, and said both nations want to improve relations to mark that occasion.

Officials from both countries also signed memorandums of understanding on youth exchanges and setting up a clean energy and environmental protection investment fund.


Associated Press writers Gillian Wong in Beijing and Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/china/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111225/ap_on_re_as/as_china_japan

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Super sweet MMA fight tornado kick KO Apparently this is what happens in Russia two days before...

Super sweet MMA fight tornado kick KO

Apparently this is what happens in Russia two days before Christmas. Adam Aliev (2-0) knocks out Alexei Belyaev (13-7) at 2:26 of the first round. League S-70 / Fight Nights, Volgograd, Russia, December 22 2011.

HT: MMAVideos.pl via MiddleEasy.com, results and records via Sherdog.com

Source: http://www.bloodyelbow.com/2011/12/24/2660203/super-sweet-mma-fight-tornado-kick-ko-apparently-this-is-what-happens

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সোমবার, ২৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Teaching Jobs in Taiwan - The Truth About the ESL Teaching Market in Taiwan Today

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?Teaching English in Taiwan Experience Life in Taiwan as an English Teacher
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Source: http://www.bharatbhasha.com/careers.php/338847

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Egyptians rally against army over beatings of protesters (Reuters)

CAIRO (Reuters) ? Thousands of Egyptians rallied in Cairo and other cities on Friday to demand the military give up power and vent their anger after 17 people were killed in protests where troops beat and clubbed women and men even as they lay on the ground.

One image in particular from the five days of clashes that ended this week has stoked their fury: that of soldiers dragging a woman lying on the street so that her bra and torso were exposed, while clubbing and stamping on her.

"Anyone who saw her and saw her pain would come to Tahrir,"

Omar Adel, 27, said in Cairo's Tahrir Square. "Those who did this should be tried. We can't bear this humiliation and abuse."

Some protesters have been demanding the army bring forward a presidential vote to as early as January 25, the first anniversary of the start of the uprising that ousted Hosni Mubarak, or at least much earlier than the mid-2012 handover now scheduled.

But other Egyptians fret that 10 months after Mubarak's downfall Egypt remains in disarray. They want protests to stop so order can be restored and the economy revitalized, voicing such views in a smaller protest in another part of Cairo.

The Muslim Brotherhood's party, leading in a staggered parliamentary election that runs to January and is Egypt's first free vote in six decades, said it would not join Friday's rally.

It also supports the army's schedule and says the process must be decided by balloting, not street pressure.


For a graphic: http://link.reuters.com/tax45s


Demonstrators in Tahrir chanted, "Down with military rule." Nearby, new concrete walls bar access from Tahrir to the cabinet, parliament and Interior Ministry, areas where clashes flared in November and December. The November death toll was 42.

There were several thousand demonstrators in Tahrir by mid-afternoon but that number paled next to some huge rallies seen in the square during and after Mubarak's ouster, and fell well short of the one million organizers had called for on Friday.

But there were protests elsewhere. In the Mediterranean port city of Alexandria, several thousand people marched to an army base chanting: "Women of Egypt raise your heads, you are more noble than those who stamp on you."

Smaller rallies to decry the handling of protests and treatment of women were held in the eastern cities of Suez, Ismailiya and Port Said, witnesses said.


The army has said it regretted the violence in Tahrir and offered an apology over the woman who was beaten, saying the case was isolated and under investigation. But the military was drawing fierce criticism from many political parties and groups.

"The current predicament we have reached is a result of the army council's reluctance to play its role, its intentional foot-dragging, breaking its obligations and failing over the economy and security, putting the whole country on the edge of a huge crisis," two dozen parties and groups said in a statement.

It said members of the military council, which is led by Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, should be held to account out of respect for those killed and women who were mistreated.

"Tantawi undressed our daughters, he should be executed," said Samah Ibrahim, 40, a woman protesting in Tahrir.

While the Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) said it would steer clear of Friday's rally, the ultraconservative Salafist al-Nour Party, a surprise runner-up in the election so far, said on its Facebook page that it would take part.

Many activists accuse the Brotherhood and other Islamists of betraying the grassroots protest movement in order to secure their own positions in the emerging new power structure.

The FJP said on its Facebook page it would not participate although it said it was "the right of the Egyptian people to protest and demonstrate peacefully."

"The party emphasizes the need for the handover of power to civilians according to the will of the Egyptian people through free and fair elections ... in a stable environment," said Mohamed al-Katatni, a senior member of the FJP.

His remarks indicated the group was sticking to the army's timetable to hold a presidential vote in June. The Brotherhood has said bringing the vote forward could "create chaos."


Those views were echoed a short distance from Tahrir where hundreds of Egyptians backed the army, chanting: "We support the military council staying until the presidential election." A few hundred supporting the military also gathered in Alexandria.

The Brotherhood's stance reflected a wish to shape the new constitution before a presidential vote, seeking more influence for parliament where it is doing well thanks to a well-organized grassroots network, and reining in powers of the president.

An earlier presidential vote would not necessarily eliminate the military's dominance in a new civilian-governed state.

The military has survived Egypt's political upheaval intact and has vast economic and other interests, so any new president would likely need its support to maintain order.

The United States, which provides the military with $1.3 billion a year in aid, a deal in place since Egypt signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979, has rebuked the ruling generals for their rough handling of protests and women.

Washington, which like other Western powers long looked to Mubarak to keep a lid on Islamists, has been cultivating contact with newly elected Islamist politicians.

The Brotherhood's FJP said it had won 40 of the 60 individual seats up for grabs in the second round of Egypt's election after this week's run-offs, in line with the previous round. Official results have yet to be announced.

The electoral system gives two thirds of the 498 elected seats to lists, and the rest to individuals.

Parliament's primary role will be in picking a 100-strong assembly that will write the new constitution.

Unrest in Tahrir that has gone on since November 18 was stirred by resentment over proposals by the army-backed cabinet for articles in the new constitution that would have permanently shielded the military from civilian oversight.

(Writing by Edmund Blair; Editing by Mark Heinrich)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/africa/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111223/wl_nm/us_egypt

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রবিবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Santa Claus making his way around the world: Transport Canada

His sleigh has been inspected, his bag of toys has been scanned, and his reindeer have successfully completed their takeoff and landing tests.

Santa Claus has been cleared for takeoff from the North Pole, Transport Canada announced Friday, and now eager present-seekers can track the man in red's flight through the skies.

The North American Aerospace Defense Command (Norad) is once again providing detailed updates on Santa's movements on its website, www.noradsanta.org or by contacting 1-877-Hi-NORAD starting at 6 a.m. ET. Trackers also can send an email to noradtrackssanta(at)gmail.com.

Norad "Santa cams" are positioned around the world and this year, the command centre also is offering a Santa-tracking app for mobile devices. Tracking opportunities also are offered on Facebook, Google+, YouTube, and Twitter.

Like any pilot, Santa had to pass a series of flight and medical tests before Transport Canada cleared him for flight.

"I'm very happy Santa has passed these latest tests," Mrs. Claus wrote in a text message sent to Transport Canada. "I made sure he focused on his tasks, not emptying the cookie jar or surfing the web too much, lol."

Santa's journey is expected to be smooth as usual, said Norad Capt. Jeff Noel in an interview with Global News.

"In all the years and centuries that Santa's been on the go, there's been no responsibility whatsoever for him ever missing a Christmas Eve," Noel said.

Only Santa knows his route, so Norad can't predict when he'll hit any particular home, Noel said. But one important detail is known.

"He usually arrives only when children are asleep. So in most countries, it seems Santa arrives between 9 p.m. and midnight."

While the technology for tracking Santa evolved, the tradition is more than 50 years old.

In 1955 a Colorado Springs-based Sears Roebuck & Co., advertisement misprinted a telephone number for children to call Santa. The number put children through to Norad's predecessor's operations hotline. The director of operations at the time had his staff check the radar for indications of Santa so the children who called were given updates.

It became a well-received tradition.



? Copyright (c) Postmedia News

Source: http://feeds.canada.com/~r/canwest/F229/~3/b4yrTUud05U/story.html

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শনিবার, ২৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Reports: Yahoo exploring sale of Asian holdings (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? Yahoo appears to be getting closer to giving its frustrated shareholders something they've long wanted: a sale of the Internet company's holdings in China and Japan.

The prospect of Yahoo Inc. finally consummating a deal with China's Alibaba Group and Softbank Corp., the controlling owner of Yahoo Japan, emerged in online reports published Wednesday by The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal.

Citing unnamed people familiar with the matter, both newspapers reported Yahoo is exploring a proposal valued at about $17 billion, or $14 per share. The price reflects Wall Street's belief that Yahoo's investments in Alibaba Group and Yahoo Japan have become the company's most valuable pieces. Yahoo's U.S. business has lost its luster as the company's website loses traffic and advertising revenue to Internet search leader Google Inc. and Facebook's social network.

Yahoo ended Wednesday with a market value of about $20 billion, based on its stock closing price of $15.99. The shares gained 88 cents, with most of the surge occurring after the reports of Yahoo's talks with its Asian partners.

If the deal comes together, Alibaba and Softbank would contribute cash and certain assets to newly formed entities. Yahoo would then surrender its 35 percent stake in Yahoo Japan and most of its holdings in Alibaba to gain control of new entities, according to the Times.

Yahoo would retain a 15 percent stake in privately held Alibaba, down from 42 percent as of Sept. 30, according to the company's most recent quarterly report.

The transaction would be designed to avoid a big tax bill ? a stumbling block in Yahoo's previous discussions to sell its Asian holdings.

Yahoo declined to comment Wednesday. Alibaba didn't respond to requests for comments.

The renewed talks among Yahoo, Alibaba and Softbank are the latest bit of boardroom intrigue that that has been unfolding since Yahoo abruptly fired Carol Bartz as CEO in early September after losing patience with her attempts to turn around the company during her 2 1/2 years on the job.

Since then, Yahoo's board has been mulling a variety of options that have included selling the Asian holdings, selling a 20 percent stake to buyout firms or even auctioning off the whole company.

The nine-director board has been leaning in different directions as it ruminates. Just a few weeks ago, it appeared the board was leaning toward selling a large stake to a group led by Silver Lake Partners for $16.60 per share or TPG Capital for $17.60 per share.

That idea didn't go over well with some of Yahoo's major shareholders, including hedge fund manager Daniel Loeb, who has been threatening to overthrow the company's board.

Yahoo's board is scheduled to discuss the proposed divestiture of the company's Asian holdings in a Thursday meeting, according to the Times. The newspaper said the directors intend to decide whether to intensify negotiations that could last for a few more weeks.

If Yahoo decides to hold on to its Asian investments, Alibaba and Softbank could try to buy Yahoo in its entirety. That's something Alibaba CEO Jack Ma already has publicly said he would consider doing. There also have been reports the Asian companies have been working with buyout firms Bain Capital and the Blackstone Group to line up the financing to swallow Yahoo whole for about $25 billion, or $20 per share.

Should Yahoo decide to sell its Alibaba and Japan stakes, the shareholder reaction will probably hinge on the company's plans for the money raised in the deal. Analysts have said a special one-time dividend is one possibility.

Yahoo would also face another formidable challenge: finding a new CEO to run a company shorn of its most valuable assets as it battles steadily growing rivals in Google and Facebook. Tim Morse, Yahoo's chief financial officer, has been running the company on an interim basis since Bartz's ouster.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/internet/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111221/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_yahoo_asian_holdings

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Boxer Mayweather to serve 90 days in jail for attack (Reuters)

(Reuters) ? A Las Vegas judge sentenced boxer Floyd Mayweather on Wednesday to six months behind bars for a 2010 attack on the mother of his children, but half of that jail term was suspended, officials said.

Mayweather, the World Boxing Council welterweight champion, pleaded guilty to one count of battery and no contest to two counts of harassment after reaching a deal with prosecutors, said Mary Ann Price, spokeswoman for the Clark County Courts.

Those charges were part of a criminal complaint against Mayweather, 34, that originally included charges of robbery, grand larceny and coercion over an altercation at the home of his former girlfriend, Josie Harris.

Las Vegas Judge Melissa Saragosa sentenced Mayweather to six months in jail, but she only ordered him to serve three months behind bars, officials said.

Saragosa suspended the other three months of the sentence, but if he is arrested again or fails to complete certain parts of his sentence he would have to spend those three months in jail, said Tess Driver, spokeswoman for the Clark County District Attorney's Office which prosecuted the case.

The judge ordered Mayweather to complete 100 hours of community service and attend a 12-month domestic violence program, officials said.

Mayweather, who lives in Las Vegas, must report to court on January 6 to be transferred to jail, officials said.

An attorney for Mayweather could not be reached for comment.

Mayweather originally faced a maximum sentence of over 30 years in jail in the case, Driver said.

A criminal complaint against Mayweather states he battered Harris in November 2010, when he grabbed her by the hair, threw her to the floor and struck her. The robbery and larceny charges against Mayweather related to allegations that he took Harris' cell phone.

Five-division world champion Mayweather, a flamboyant fighter renowned for his trash-talking before bouts, is widely regarded as the best defensive fighter of his generation.

The boxer known as "Money" improved his professional record to a perfect 42-0, including 26 knockouts, with a fourth-round knockout of Victor Ortiz in Las Vegas in September to claim the World Boxing Council welterweight title.

He is due back in court for a separate case next week, when he is expected to plead guilty to a charge of misdemeanor battery against a security guard, Driver said. That would carry a $1,000 fine, she said.

(Reporting by Alex Dobuzinskis and Mark Lamport-Stokes)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/celebrity/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111221/people_nm/us_usa_crime_mayweather

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U.S. data point to firming economic recovery (Reuters)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? The number of Americans filing new claims for jobless benefits fell to a 3-1/2-year low last week and factory activity in parts of the Northeast gained speed in December, suggesting a further strengthening of the economic recovery.

While other data on Thursday showed industrial output shrank for the first time in seven months in November, much of the decline came from auto production, which analysts said was held back by temporary supply disruptions.

"It looks like we have just hit a clear patch on the road to recovery, where things are going to speed up a little bit," said Mark Vitner, a senior economist at Wells Fargo Securities in Charlotte, North Carolina.

The fairly upbeat data helped investors on Wall Street to put their aside their worries about the European debt crisis and buy stocks. Prices for U.S. Treasury debt fell, while the dollar weakened broadly.

Although growth is quickening from the third quarter's 2 percent annual rate, analysts caution that troubles in debt-stricken Europe pose a major risk to the U.S. economy. The fourth quarter growth pace is expected to top 3 percent.

Much of the rest of the global economy is already weakening, with the euro zone expected to slip into recession.

The U.S. economy also faces a risk that lawmakers will fail to extend a payroll tax cut and emergency jobless benefits that expired at year end, which would dent the expansion in 2012.

For now, however, it continues to show resilience.

Initial claims for state unemployment benefits dropped 19,000 to 366,000, the lowest since May 2008, the Labor Department said. That follows on the heels of a report earlier this month that showed the jobless rate hit a 2-1/2-year low of 8.6 percent in November.


The economy's firming tone was also emphasized by data showing an acceleration in factory activity in New York state and the Mid-Atlantic region this month.

The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank said its index of business conditions rose to its highest since March as new orders surged. A separate report showed business activity in New York state at its highest since May, with a strong rebound in new orders and an improvement in hiring.

But the Fed's industrial production report took off some of the shine from the two regional factory surveys. Output at the nation's mines, factories and refineries dropped 0.2 percent in November after rising 0.7 percent in October.

The decline was led by a 0.4 percent drop in factory output, which reflected a 3.4 percent slump in motor vehicle production.

Economists, however, blamed a scarcity of auto parts from flood-ravaged Thailand for the weakness. They said it also likely weighed on production of high-technology goods, which were down sharply for a third month running.

"We are not worried about the health of the manufacturing sector," said Michelle Girard, a senior economist at RBS in Stamford, Connecticut.

"Inventories are lean and firms will likely need to restock after a decent holiday season. Automakers also plan healthy production increases in the first quarter."

FedEx Corp on Thursday provided a further signal the economy was gaining momentum, saying demand for residential delivery services was rising with "healthy growth" in online shopping.

Honeywell International, the maker of products ranging from cockpit electronics to control systems for large buildings, also struck an upbeat note on the economy and forecast strong sales growth next year.

Another report from the Labor Department showed wholesale prices rose 0.3 percent last month, reversing October's 0.3 percent fall, as food prices climbed 1 percent.

Excluding food and energy, producer prices were up a mild 0.1 percent last month after being flat in October, suggesting little buildup in broad inflationary pressure.

(Additional reporting by Pedro Nicolaci da Costa in Washington and Leah Schnurr in New York; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/economy/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111215/bs_nm/us_economy

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শুক্রবার, ১৬ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

140 new species described by California Academy of Sciences in 2011

ScienceDaily (Dec. 15, 2011) ? In 2011, researchers at the California Academy of Sciences added 140 new relatives to our family tree. The new species include 72 arthropods, 31 sea slugs, 13 fishes, 11 plants, nine sponges, three corals, and one reptile. They were described by more than a dozen Academy scientists along with several dozen international collaborators.

Proving that there are still plenty of places to explore and things to discover on Earth, the scientists made their finds over six continents (all except Antarctica) and three oceans (Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian), climbed to the tops of mountains and descended to the bottom of the sea, looked in their owns backyards (California) and on the other side of the world (Cameroon).

Their results, published in 33 different scientific papers, add to the record of life on Earth and help advance the Academy's research into two of the most important scientific questions of our time: "How did life evolve?" and "How will it persist?"

Discovering new species, formally describing them, and determining their evolutionary relationships to other organisms provide the crucial foundation for making informed conservation decisions at a national level. For example, earlier this year, Academy scientists embarked on the largest expedition in the institution's recent history -- a 42-day journey to the Philippines to survey the shallow water, deep sea, and mountain habitats of Luzon Island. Early estimates indicate that they may have discovered as many as 500 new species. While it takes months and even years to formally describe and publish a new species in a peer-reviewed scientific journal (the reason they are not included in the 2011 total), Academy scientists had enough initial data to provide a formal recommendation to Conservation International and the Philippine government outlining the most important locations for establishing or expanding marine protected areas. Formal species descriptions in the coming years should help the scientists bolster and refine their initial recommendations.

Below are a few highlights among the 140 species described by the Academy this year. For a full list of species, including geographic information, visit www.calacademy.org/newsroom/releases/2011/new_species_list.php.

Four New Sharks

Academy research associate David Ebert and his colleagues described four new species of deep-sea sharks this year. The African dwarf sawshark (Pristiophorus nancyae) was collected via a bottom trawl at a depth of 1,600 feet, off the coast of Mozambique. It is notable for its elongated blade-like snout, or "rostrum," which is studded with sharp teeth and used as a weapon. The sawshark will swim through a school of fish swinging its rostrum back and forth, stunning and injuring prey, and then swim back to consume the casualties. Ebert and his colleagues also described two species of lanternshark: Etmopterus joungi from a fish market in Taiwan, and Etmopterus sculptus from trawling at depths of 1,500 -- 3,000 feet off the coast of southern Africa. Like their name suggests, lanternsharks emit light on various parts of their body -- probably a strategy to camouflage themselves from upward-looking predators and also to interact with others of their own species. Finally, a new species of angel shark (Squatina caillieti) was described from a single specimen collected in 1,200 feet of water off the Philippine island of Luzon. Angel sharks have flattened bodies and large pectoral fins resembling wings.

A Bounty of Arthropods

There are more species of arthropods -- insects, spiders, crustaceans, and other joint-legged creatures -- than any other group of animals on Earth, and more are being discovered every day. So it's no surprise that over half of the new species on this year's list consists of arthropods: 43 ants, 20 goblin spiders, six barnacles, and three beetles. In addition, Academy scientists took it to the next level -- literally -- by describing six new genera ("genus" being one classification level higher than "species"). These include three new genera of goblin spiders from Africa (Malagiella, Dalmasula, Molotra) and three new genera of barnacles (Minyaspis, Pycnaspis, and the fossil Archoxynaspis).

Gorgeous Sea Slugs

Despite the common name of "sea slug," nudibranchs are breathtaking in their beauty and diversity. Every color of the rainbow is represented among nudibranchs, in a wide variety of patterns, making them a favorite for underwater photographers. These animals use color as a warning sign -- predators learn to associate their vivid colors with their toxic or unpalatable nature, and so they avoid eating them.

More than 3,000 nudibranch species have been discovered and described to date, and scientists estimate that another 3,000 species are yet to be named. Academy Dean of Science Terry Gosliner and his colleagues did their part to increase our knowledge of nudibranch diversity by describing 31 new species this year, from places as close as Florida to faraway countries like Papua New Guinea.

A Tale of Two Tortoises

In a ZooKeys article published this year, Academy curator emeritus Alan Leviton and colleagues, collaborating with Dr. Robert Murphy of the Royal Ontario Museum, solved the identity crisis of the desert tortoise Gopherus agassizii -- a saga almost as old as the Academy itself. First, by sifting through the original species description in The Proceedings of the California Academy of Natural Sciences (as the Academy used to be called), they determined that the species was first described in 1861, not 1863 as had long been thought. Next, they deduced that one of the three original specimens used to describe the species was likely lost during the most devastating event in the Academy's history -- the 1906 earthquake and fire. (A second specimen is currently housed at the Smithsonian, while the whereabouts of the third remain unknown.) Third, they reviewed the tumultuous taxonomic history of the species, which has changed its genus name five times in the past 150 years. Finally, using DNA analysis, they concluded that G. agassizii is not one, but at least two distinct species -- one that lives to the northwest of the Colorado River in California and Nevada (G. agassizii), and one that lives to the southeast of the river in Arizona and Mexico (a new species, which they named Gopherus morafkai).

This newfound clarity has important implications for conservation, because the geographic range of G. agassizii is now only 30% of its former range. Having significantly declined in numbers over the past three decades, it may warrant a higher level of protection than its current "threatened" status. And now that G. morafkai has a distinct name and its own identity, its conservation status can be evaluated as well.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by California Academy of Sciences.

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/12/111215095613.htm

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5 men arraigned in NYPD officer's shooting death (AP)

NEW YORK ? A convict accused in the cold-blooded slaying of a New York Police Department officer during a botched robbery already was wanted in a non-fatal shooting in North Carolina but remained on the streets because arrest warrants didn't require his return there, NYPD officials said Tuesday.

The shooting suspect, Lamont Pride, was arraigned late Tuesday on a first-degree murder charge in the officer's killing. He appeared in court shackled and didn't speak. Later, four other men accused of being involved were arraigned on second-degree murder charges. All were jailed without bail.

Arguing for no bail, prosecutor Kenneth Taub said the five men had plotted to "commit a home invasion of a small-time marijuana dealer." He referred to Pride as the "muscle of the organization" and said the defendant "made a choice to end the officer's life rather than be arrested."

Another of the defendants, Nelson Morales, was described as the mastermind behind the plot.

None of the defendants or their attorneys spoke in the courtroom, which was packed with colleagues of the slain police officer, or said anything to reporters after the arraignment.

Pride had been arrested twice in recent months in New York for weapons and drug possession. Each time, he was released after police found they had no grounds to hold him under the North Carolina warrants, police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said at a news conference announcing that Pride and the other men were facing murder charges.

Following the second arrest on Nov. 3, an NYPD supervisor called North Carolina authorities out of "concern that there's an individual who's wanted for a violent act who could be let go," Kelly said. On Nov. 7, North Carolina officials amended the warrants to require Pride be held until state authorities could retrieve him, but by then he had been released pending a January court date in New York, Kelly said.

"Of course, he should not have been out on the street," Kelly said. "He should, ideally, have been extradited to North Carolina, but that didn't happen."

There was no immediate response to messages left with police in Greensboro, N.C., where Pride has three outstanding warrants ? for possession of a firearm by a felon, assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious injury and felony conspiracy ? in an August shooting. The shooting stemmed from a dispute with another man over a woman, Kelly said.

Pride also served a short prison term in North Carolina for robbery. He was released in October 2010.

Officer Peter Figoski, a 22-year NYPD veteran, was killed early Monday during a botched armed robbery by Pride and the other men of a marijuana dealer living in a basement apartment in Brooklyn, police said. The men are accused of meeting to plan the robbery at about 1 a.m. and arriving at the door of their target at about 2:15 a.m.

When the robbery crew smashed in the door and began beating the dealer, the upstairs owner of the home called 911 to report a break-in. Figoski and his partner, Glenn Estrada, were providing backup to two officers questioning the victim and two suspects inside the apartment when Pride and another man, Kevin Santos, tried to flee, police said.

As Estrada struggled with Santos, Figoski came face-to-face with Pride, police said. The suspect shot Figoski once in the face with a semiautomatic handgun before the officer could draw his own weapon, police said.

Estrada heard the shot and pursued Pride in a foot chase before capturing him several blocks away, police said. Santos escaped but was found at 2 a.m. Tuesday at his girlfriend's home amid an intense round-the-clock investigation.

Figoski was taken to a hospital, where he died about five hours later. The 47-year-old officer was a divorced father of four daughters: Carolyn, 16, and Corrine, 14, both in high school, and Christine, 20, and Caitlyn, 18, who are in college upstate.

After his arrest, Pride made incriminating statements, Kelly said Tuesday. The commissioner wouldn't elaborate.

There was no answer to calls Monday at a Greensboro address where Pride told police he lived, and no phone was listed for a Brooklyn home.

Figoski's career included more than 200 arrests and 12 medals ? one of them an exceptional merit award for coming under fire in a brush with a man who would later be convicted as the city's Zodiac copycat killer of the early 1990s.

The officer had enough time on the force to retire with a full pension, but "people who love the job stay on," said Lt. John Tennant, who worked with Figoski in Brooklyn's 75th Precinct.

Figoski was "a dedicated police officer," Tennant said. "He was a cop's cop."


Associated Press writer Martha Waggoner in Raleigh, N.C., contributed to this report.

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/crime/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20111214/ap_on_re_us/us_officer_shot

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রবিবার, ৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Simultaneous ice melt in Antarctic and Arctic

ScienceDaily (Dec. 2, 2011) ? The end of the last ice age and the processes that led to the melting of the northern and southern ice sheets supply basic information on changes in our climate. Although the maximum size of the ice sheet in the northern hemisphere during the last ice age is relatively well known, there is little reliable data on the dimensions of the Antarctic ice sheet. A publication appearing in the journal Science on 1 December now furnishes indications that the two hemispheres attained their maximum ice sheet size at nearly the same time and started melting 19,000 years ago.

"The decline in the Antarctic ice sheets thus commenced almost 5,000 years earlier than assumed to date, though our investigations show great regional differences and demonstrate how important deepwater archives are," says the lead author of the study, Dr. Michael Weber from the Geological Institute of the University of Cologne.

"Our results suggest that Antarctica was not as climatically isolated as previously assumed," adds Dr. Gerhard Kuhn from the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association. "Now we have to presume that the reaction of the large ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic to climate change is more closely linked in time than thought. At least that's the way it was during the last ice age."

This simultaneous melting was presumably caused by changes in the global sea level and deepwater circulation in the Atlantic Ocean. As a result, warm water reached the Antarctic continental margin. This early ice retreat is evidence of an instability in the East Antarctic ice sheet unsuspected to date. "Forecasts of the future rise in the sea level caused by climate change will also have to be adjusted accordingly," explains Dr. Weber.

"However, our study also clearly points out how important access to long data series, good archives and high-quality scientific databases is," Gerhard Kuhn specifies key prerequisites for reconstruction of climate history. "It's only because we at the Alfred Wegener Institute can fall back on sediment cores archived on a long-term basis and a data archive that has been built up over decades that such comparative studies are possible at all. Some of the now investigated sediment cores, for instance, were taken back in the years 1987 and 1990."

Scientists from the Geological Institute of the University of Cologne (Dr. Michael Weber, lead author), the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research in the Helmholtz Association (Dr. Gerhard Kuhn, coordinator), Oregon State University and Harvard University were involved in the research work. The investigations were funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), among others.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres.

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Journal Reference:

  1. M. E. Weber, P. U. Clark, W. Ricken, J. X. Mitrovica, S. W. Hostetler, G. Kuhn. Interhemispheric Ice-Sheet Synchronicity During the Last Glacial Maximum. Science, 2011; 334 (6060): 1265 DOI: 10.1126/science.1209299

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Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/hlmlaqqvlwQ/111202155521.htm

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Moscow knocks U.S. for "silence" on dead Russian child (Reuters)

MOSCOW (Reuters) ? The United States "inexcusably" failed to inform Moscow about the death of a Russian-born toddler adopted by an American couple, a Kremlin official said on Friday, highlighting tensions over an adoption accord the two countries signed in July.

Russia's children's rights commissioner Pavel Astakhov criticised U.S. authorities for not informing Russia that an American man had been acquitted of the murder of his Russian-born son.

In November a jury in U.S. state Iowa decided that Brian Dykstra was not guilty of second-degree murder following the death of his 21-month year old son Isaac in 2005, U.S. news reports said.

"The American authorities have only now informed us (of this case). For almost six years they were silent and said nothing. It is inexcusable," Astakhov told Reuters in an interview.

A U.S. official who did not wish to be named told Reuters on Friday they were preparing a response to Astakhov's remarks.

The adoption of tens of thousands of Russian children by foreigners since the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years ago has been a touchy subject since Russia opened up to would-be Western parents.

Cases of abuse amongst Russian-born children in the United States have outraged both politicians and the public alike in Russia.

"Nineteen of our children have died," Astakhov said referring to all deaths of Russian-born children in the U.S. since 1991. "This situation is a permanent fiasco."

In August, Astakhov criticised the suspended sentence handed to an Alaskan mother seen on a U.S. television program after she punished her seven-year old son by making him swallow spicy sauce and stand in a cold shower.

Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has spoken out against a Tennessee woman who abandoned her adopted son and put him on a plane alone back to Russia last year.

Around 371,700 children were living in Russian state institutions in 2009, according to the Moscow-based organization Right of the Child. The Russian government is now seeking to boost domestic adoption to care for orphans or abandoned children as an alternative to foreign adoption.

Astakhov, also a lawyer and TV personality, is seeking to strip a U.S. couple from Pennsylvania, the Cravers, of their parental rights after they were convicted of the involuntary manslaughter of their seven-year old son adopted from Russia.

He now wants to ensure the couple's adopted daughter, Dasha Skorobogatova and also from Russia, has no further contact with the couple, according to an official statement on the commissioner's website.

In July, Lavrov signed an agreement with his U.S. counterpart, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, to tighten adoption rules, meaning only agencies authorized by the Russian government will be able to operate in the country, while monitoring of families after adoption will be stepped up.

The Russian Duma, the lower house of parliament, must now ratify the agreement before it comes into force.

"American officials must inform us of every case when a Russian citizen dies," Astakhov said.

(Editing by Jon Hemming)

Source: http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/rss/world/*http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20111202/wl_nm/us_russia_usa_adoption

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