রবিবার, ৩০ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

GOP 'fiscal cliff' endgame: Let big government sting the middle class?

For some tea party Republicans, part of the political calculation ahead of the 2014 elections is whether going off the fiscal cliff would spell political disaster or instead be seen as a return to principled governance.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff writer / December 29, 2012

A police officer stands guard outside the U.S. Capitol in Washington Friday. President Barack Obama and congressional leaders agreed to make a final effort to prevent the United States from going over the "fiscal cliff," setting off intense bargaining over Americans' tax rates as a New Year's Eve deadline looms.

Mary Calvert/REUTERS


If President Obama and Congressional leaders fail to avert the ?fiscal cliff? of scheduled tax increases and spending cuts by 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, America?s 114-millon-strong middle class will take it hard on the chin ? a $3,500 tax blow per family, on average.

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Politicians make careers out of protecting the middle class, which is why the President has focused his solution on raising taxes just for richer Americans ? those making $250,000 and more ? while warning Americans in his weekly Saturday address that, ?Every American?s paycheck will get a lot smaller? if the fiscal cliff isn?t averted, which specifically ?would hurt middle class families.?

Republican leadership, too, has been forced into a corner, in part by Obama as well as the party?s own right wing, as members have failed to come to agreement over agreeing to some tax concessions for the rich in order to stave off what amounts to a wholesale middle class tax hike.

For some intractable Republican House members, political experts say, part of the political calculation ahead of the 2014 mid-term elections is whether going off the fiscal cliff would spell political disaster or whether it may be seen more broadly as a return to what many see as principled governance.

2012 enters the record books. Were you paying attention? A news quiz.

As Wall Street indices got jittery on Friday, it began to look like some kind of piecemeal deal that would include a tax compromise and extension of unemployment benefits could be done by the drop-dead deadline, but it could be contingent on Republicans having to come back to fight for spending cuts at a later date.

That development puts the spotlight straight back on the kind of anti-tax, anti-spend tea party principles that helped to give the GOP the House in 2010, but which also left the party deeply fractured after Obama?s reelection this November.

To be sure, there may be a deeper logic than simple obstructionism at play within the GOP caucus, where some members, the theory goes, may be seeing an opportunity to avoid direct blame for a major middle class tax hike while making a deeper point about how America should be governed. How? By letting middle-class Americans start bearing the actual cost of electing a progressive president and a Democratic Senate, neither of which has seriously addressed entitlement spending.

?How can we expect people to care about the growth of government if it doesn?t cost them anything?? writes Marc Thiessen, a fellow with the American Enterprise Institute, in a Saturday Washington Post column. ?Big government is great if you don?t have to pay for it. Well, now it?s time to pay the bill. Maybe when the costs of the stimulus, Obamacare and exploding entitlements are finally deducted from their paychecks, Americans will rediscover the virtue of smaller government.?

Liberals point to a counter-logic that they contend will drive even tea party Republicans to strike a last-minute deal to avoid the fiscal cliff.

?If the deal is reached ? the Republicans have won: they have locked in a federal tax system that collects so little total federal revenue that government can afford almost nothing aside from the military, interest payments, retirement programs and health care,? writes Jeffrey Sachs, author of ?The Price of Civilization,? on the Huffington Post.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/zjGvZXBDY7I/GOP-fiscal-cliff-endgame-Let-big-government-sting-the-middle-class

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Turning a page to 2013


Dany Laferri?re?s account of living through the 2010 earthquake in Haiti will be published in English next week.

Photograph by: John Kenney , The Gazette

MONTREAL ? Never having been much of an Apocalypse enthusiast, I?m glad the Mayans were wrong, for all kinds of reasons. Not least among them is that, having had a peek at some of the books to appear in 2013, it would have felt downright unfair to have been denied the reading experiences. But now that we know we?ll be around, here is an assortment of what?s in store the next three months or so. ?Pub dates,? as they call them in the business, are subject to change, so you might want to check ahead before sprinting out to the neighbourhood bookstore with your cash.

Right out of the gate, next week in fact, comes Dany Laferri?re?s The World Is Moving Around Me, the Haitian-Canadian?s account of his experience in and around Port-au-Prince at the time of the cataclysmic January 2010 earthquake. Written in a quick burst and published in French a mere 10 weeks after the quake, it now finally sees English-language publication, in a translation by David Homel, as the third anniversary of the quake approaches. Watch this column for more on it, soon.

Michael Crummey, after his extravagantly praised and popular Newfoundland historical novel Galore, does his bit to keep the Canadian tradition of the poet/novelist alive with his new poetry collection, Under the Keel. Late bloomer Peter Behrens, a Montrealer now living in Maine, is evidently still on a prolific roll; readers still absorbing his latest Irish diaspora novel, The O?Briens, now have the new story collection, Travelling Light, to look forward to. Saleema Nawaz returns in March with the much-anticipated Montreal-set novel Bone and?Bread.

Aleksandar Hemon has established himself as one of the most vital figures on the international literary scene since emigrating to the United States from Bosnia in 1992. His work has always drawn strongly on personal experience, but The Book of My Lives marks his first foray into proper non-fiction. Hemon writes of ?learning a new city, remembering the old,? the two cities being the only two in which he has ever lived ? Sarajevo and Chicago.

Pakistani novelist Mohsin Hamid showed a flair for capturing global geopolitical currents in fiction form with his 2008 book, The Reluctant Fundamentalist; the title of his imminent novel, How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, would seem to indicate he?s up to something similar.

Karen Russell?s 2011 family saga, Swamplandia!, a master class in the comic-macabre, was one of the bigger cult novels of recent years and a Pulitzer Prize finalist to boot, so there will be a ready-made readership for her new story collection, Vampires in the Lemon Grove.

Every season brings one or two buzz-fuelled hits from relative unknowns, and right now signs are pointing to Eleanor Morse, whose White Dog Fell From the Sky has been drawing advance comparisons with Abraham Verghese?s Cutting Stone and the detective novels of Alexander McCall Smith. If either of those appeal to you ? they strike me as being quite different, which is intriguing in itself ? proceed accordingly. Also tipped for big things is Meg Wolitzer?s The Interestings, which follows a group of gifted teens into adulthood, and arrives bearing hosannas from Jeffrey Eugenides, who likens the novel to Virginia Woolf?s The Waves.

Literati will rejoice at news that a brace of writers? writers ? i.e. brilliant talents who have never sold quite as much as they deserve ? are back with new work. Short story master George Saunders has always pulled off the rare combination of innovation, accessibility, humour and gravitas; his new collection, Tenth of December, has been extensively previewed in The New Yorker and should be nothing less than great. James Salter, whose 1967 novel A Sport and a Pastime frequently shows up on the all-time-best lists of those lucky enough to have read it, is set to publish his first novel in more than 30 years, All That Is.

A titan of 20th-century letters, William H. Gass (trivia fans take note: His On Being Blue inspired the name of Blue Metropolis), is still very much with us, returning with the novel Middle C, his first work of fiction since 1998.

Also back after a lengthy hiatus is Antigua-born American Jamaica Kincaid with her novel See Now Then.

It may be getting tempting to take Malcolm Gladwell for granted, but cast your mind back 15 years or so, to a time before The Tipping Point, and consider just how unlikely it would have seemed then that an essayist/journalist working at the frontiers of social science should become a multimillion-selling author, as bankable as any airport blockbuster purveyor. Readers of all stripes, not to mention booksellers, will be glad to know that Gladwell will be back in book form sometime in 2013 with David and Goliath, a study of power and its uses, inspired partly by the Occupy movement.

Thanks to the readers who sent in their own Hallelujah stories after my interview with Alan Light, author of The Holy or the Broken, a study of the unique journey of Leonard Cohen?s song. Light has also written a fine Beastie Boys biography, and in part of the interview that didn?t quite fit into the feature, I asked him about the response to Adam ?MCA? Yauch?s death this year, and whether he saw any affinities between Cohen and the Beasties, beyond their being Jews who embraced Buddhism. ?We?re all kind of used to the deaths of rock stars,? Light said. ?But we still assume that means something dramatic or glamorous or somehow ?special? ? a plane crash or an overdose or a violent end, things that happen to people who ?aren?t like us.? But with Adam?s passing, this was someone we had grown up with, felt common interests and common cause with, who just got sick and died, like most people do. That really struck me as a different emotional experience than what Michael Jackson fans or Whitney Houston fans or whoever else went through.?

The Beasties and Cohen share ?the willingness to evolve, both personally and creatively,? he said.

?Cohen has always been a seeker ? most obviously through his various religious experiences, but also through finding different ways to write and make music; his embrace of songwriting in the first place, or synthesizers, or even his triumphant late-in-life tours, which surprised himself most of all. Both Leonard and the Beasties have refused to repeat themselves, when that?s what their fans most wanted and expected from them. But then, I guess that?s what being an artist is, right??

? Copyright (c) The Montreal Gazette







Source: http://www.montrealgazette.com/entertainment/books/Turning+page+2013/7753582/story.html

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শনিবার, ২৯ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Touch Publishing Platform Onswipe Now Reaching 10M Monthly Active Users On iOS

onswipe logoOnswipe, a startup that helps publishers build websites optimized for iPads and other touchscreen devices, is closing out what sounds like a big year. Content published through the Onswipe platform reached 44 million unique visitors over the course of the year, the company says, and it's now reaching 10 million active users per month on iOS. (Onswipe is also available on Android and Kindle Fire, but they make a very small contribution to the total.) To put that into perspective, CEO and co-founder Jason Baptiste calculates that Onswipe's traffic now exceeds the iPad traffic for WordPress and Tumblr combined. (He based that on Quantcast's mobile traffic data for WordPress.com and Tumblr ? for example, WordPress has a reported 12.5 million mobile uniques in the US, then when you take into account that only 31 percent of that traffic comes from iOS, and only 37 percent of that comes from the iPad, you get 1.4 million uniques from the iPad.) It's a bit of an apples-to-oranges comparison, since we're looking at onSwipe's global iOS traffic, not just iPad traffic in one country, but it does suggest that Onswipe has a mobile audience that's comparable to the major web publishing platforms.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/piCmkh4Gc4w/

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4 Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity - Globial Talks Business

4 Easy Ways to Increase Your Productivity - Lightning

Spark your productivity!

Today?s post was written by business contributor Dianna Goldman

The key to productivity is good work habits rather than the amount of hours you spend at your desk. Many people sit at their desks from nine to five only to finish the day having done very little valuable work. However, as with all habits, work habits can be changed and productivity levels can be increased. Here are a few tips to help you get more done in less time. [Editor's Note: Don't forget to check our other articles on managing your time and tips to save time during work]

Get a Good Night?s Sleep

People who are well rested work far more productively than people who stay up late into the night. Staying up late to get work done may seem like a good idea to some, but more often than not you?ll get the same work done much more quickly and effectively if you get up early to do it in the morning rather than at night.

Eliminate Distractions

Distractions differ from one workplace to another. If you work from home, try to find a work space where you won?t be disturbed by children, animals or your partner. The noise in a busy office environment can be blocked out by earplugs or headphones. Classical or instrumental music is a good choice if you want to listen to music while you work as you won?t be distracted by the lyrics.

Break Tasks Down

It?s all well and good making a to-do list, but if the tasks aren?t broken down into manageable chunks, you?ll become overwhelmed and you?ll avoid tackling them. If the big tasks are broken down, you?ll be far more likely to tackle them bit by bit and it?ll be all the more satisfying because you?ll be able to tick different items off your to-do list as you go.

Don?t Try to Multitask

Multitasking has come to be seen as skill, but multitasking can actually be detrimental to the quality of your work. Studies have shown that multitasking lowers IQ more than being stoned, so don?t even try to get eight things done at once. If you have eight things to do, prioritise and tackle them one by one. You?ll feel less stressed, you?ll work more quickly and you?ll complete the tasks to a much higher standard than if you had multitasked.

By sitting at a desk, slaving away for hours on end, you are not necessarily being productive. You?re far more likely to be productive if you make some of the above tips part of your work habits. If you do improve your productivity levels, you?ll find that you can do more and spend less time at it, thus freeing up time for other tasks or for some much deserved time off.

About the Author

This article was written by Diana Goldman, an office administrator who orders office supplies online for her workplace.

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Source: http://globial.com/globialtalksbusiness/4-easy-ways-to-increase-your-productivity/

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Find Friendship Shayari that Makes Relationship Stronger

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Urdu Friendship Shayari

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How to Find Friendship Shayari

There are many ways you find favorite shayaris. While many people prefer to search libraries and books the Internet has emerged as the most vibrant platform where you can find the charming shayaris and send instantly to the friend you wish to.

Friendship Shayari for Young Friends

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Source: http://articles.submityourarticle.com/find-friendship-shayari-that-makes-relationship-stronger-309712

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শুক্রবার, ২৮ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

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Source: http://neuroplasticity.mobi/?p=18096

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Update on my health | Business Networking | Dr. Ivan Misner

As many of you know who follow my blog (regarding my health), I have been diligently working to regain my health for the past 9 months. ?I would like to give you another update, the best one yet! ?Recently my urologist requested PCA3 Assay test to determine the likelihood that I would once again have a positive biopsy.? This is a new test just approved by the FDA.? My doctor was intrigued with the ?fading? quality of the lesion as seen the in color Doppler ultrasound scans once I started the GC-18000 protocol with Dr. Grinstein in the UK.? Dr. Grinstein?s protocol had a swift and dramatic impact on the disease.

The results of the PCA3 Assay test came back last week with a low score (far lower than the urologist expected). ?The physician told me it seems that I am in remission! ?This was certainly great news to get as we started the holiday season. I personally attribute this shift to the dietary and lifestyle changes I have made under the supervision of? Dr. Mark Labeau with the Center for Advanced Medicine, as well as to the work of Dr. John Grinstein.? Dr. Grinstein?s understanding of cellular DNA damage and repair of that damage through plant-molecular biology has been extremely beneficial.

Feel free to contact them if you know someone with similar health issues.

I would like to wish you and yours a very Happy New Year and a very healthy and successful 2013 to us all!

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Source: http://businessnetworking.com/great-news-on-my-health/

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The Shift to Merit Based Scholarships ? Center for Christian ...

The Article: States Shift to Merit Scholarships
The Source: The Wall Street Journal
The Author: Jennifer Levitz and Scott Thurm
The Date: 12/23/12

More than 25 states award some financial aid for college students based on academic achievement, as opposed to need. Thirteen states, primarily in the South, award more than half of their financial aid based on merit.

Now that movement may be picking up steam.

Last year, with Georgia?s scholarship program facing financial distress, lawmakers decided to increase the academic requirements for scholarships. Administrators say the change will help keep the program solvent. But it also wound up funneling a greater portion of the remaining aid to higher-income students.

Georgia?whose Hope scholarship program is among the largest merit-based programs in the country?is at the forefront of a growing national debate over state-backed financial aid for college students. Should states direct aid to the highest-achieving students, regardless of income? Or should the money go to poorer students?

Scholarship image

Proponents of merit, or some combination of merit and need, say focusing on achievement helps reduce a ?brain drain? of talented residents leaving home states, and rewards those who study hard and apply themselves.

Though the trend rarely gets much attention and is obscured by increases in federal grants to poor students, 27 states have created some sort of merit-aid program since Georgia launched its own in 1993.

Of those, 13 states based over half of their grant money on merit in 2010-2011, the latest year available. In Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Dakota and Georgia, more than 85% of grants were merit-based.

Now, with funding for the scholarships falling behind steady hikes in college tuition and in the number of kids receiving them, lawmakers in Tennessee, South Carolina, New Mexico and other states are weighing some tough calls on how to distribute their grants.

For its part, Georgia rejected proposals by some lawmakers for an income cap and decided instead to require better grades and, for the first time, strong SAT or ACT test scores for full-tuition scholarships.

Digging Deeper:

How does a state balance the need for responsible budgets, with a desire to make college more affordable for all people?
Do they have a moral obligation to make a college education accessible to all people?
Does this trend in merit based scholarships represent a new form of de facto discrimination?

Source: http://www.cfcbe.com/2012/12/27/the-shift-to-merit-based-scholarships/

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Bilinguism in Belarus: Civil Society v the State | Belarus Digest ...

The Belarusian authorities trade the national identity of Belarusians in exchange for economic subsidies from Russia.

Constitutional guarantees of equal rights of the two official languages actually do not work. The majority of Belarusians react indifferently to that fact, as they do in most situations. But the civil society resists russification and tries to prove that Belarusian people have the right for their own identity and language.?

After the collapse of USSR, Belarus established Belarusian language as the only official language, though most of population still used Russian. Shortly after his election in 1994, Aliaksandr Lukashenka started russification policy. In 1995, he initiated a referendum widely criticised as fraudulent?which made Russian the second official language in Belarus. But in fact Russian has become the only official language despite continuous attempts of the Belarusian civil society to revive it.?

Bilingualism?only on paper

Since then, Belarusian language went through?a major decline. Although the Constitution declares equal status of both languages, de facto Russian completely dominates in all spheres of life nowadays. All public bodies provide their services and do paper work in Russian. Law on Languages does not set clear rules on the use of both languages in state documentation, so public organisations and officials simply use Russian.

The number of schools with Belarusian language of teaching decreased dramatically and today in many towns Belarusian schools do not exist at all. According to the Society of the Belarusian language, in 2011 around 19% of all schoolchildren in 2011 studies in Bearusian. In Minsk the figure is just 1,5-2% and the proportion is declining.?

Universities operate mostly in Russian too, though there are some departments where Belarusian dominates, such as?Belarusian philology or history. There is not even one fully Belarusian-language?university in the country.?

For common Belarusians, the language has never been a serious issue of concern. Since Soviet times, most Belarusians in urban areas use Russian in daily communication and do not bother themselves with problems of revival of the language of their fathers and grandfathers. Private sector orients on mass demand and therefore also uses primarily Russian language in its services.

On the other hand, most topographical signs, like names of the villages, rivers, streets in the cities are written in Belarusian. In public transport, in the capital at least, all announcements are also made in Belarusian. Therefore, there is no genuine bilingualism in Belarus. Russian dominates in most spheres of public communication, and Belarusian has a few very limited domains. The state does nothing to help the language which is struggling to survive.

Yet, civil society of Belarus attempts to change the situation and resists russification from the top. Two stories which happened this December good examples of this struggle.

Belarusians?Must be Russian Patriots?

During a press conference on 19 December, Russian ambassador to Belarus Aleksandr Surikov made a speech that caused hot discussions among Belarus intellectuals. ?In Russia, we are upset that a part of Belarusian intellectuals do not consider the 1812 war with Napoleon a Patriotic War?, he said. A Patriotic War is a term that was established in Russia for ideological reasons to create a narrative of genuinely mass involvement of Russian people in war with the enemy.

Apart from the war with Napoleon, this term is used for World War II in Russia and Belarus since Soviet times. In Belarus, Patriotic War mythology serves an important part of Belarusian official ideology. However, the fathers of the state?Belarusian ideology paid little attention to war with Napoleon and the period of Russian empire as a whole.

Most Belarusian historians, on the contrary, consider the war of 1812 a civil war for Belarus. Belarusians fought on both sides, Russian and French, but the nobility overwhelmingly supported Napoleon. They hoped to restore Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth which was divided among European empires in 18th century.

Some Belarusian official ideologists share the point of view of Russians, but most historians, including those affiliated with state institutions, reject this as an obviously ideological claim.

Belarus Society Resists Russification

On 21 December, Belarusian media reported that Minsktrans, Minsk public transport service, decided to change the language in which tickets are printed. The tickets were always printed in Belarusian, but from January 2013 Minsktrans announced turn to the Russian language.

This news travelled fast through social networks and caused a true outrage in Minsk. Immediately, a civil campaign started, that demanded to return Belarusian language on the tickets. People sent letters and called Minsktrans to express their deep concern and urge Minsktrans to cancel the decision.

 the official document was issued in Russian, therefore the tickets must also be in Russian

The behaviour of Minsktrans in this situation seemed rather strange. Initially, they stated that the introduction of Russian language was caused by a regulatory act that sets the tariffs on public transport costs. According to this strange logic, the official document was issued in Russian, therefore the tickets must also be in Russian. ?

After the outbreak of attention to the issue, however, the managers changed their mind and claimed that the change of language occurred due to a mistake. The organisation?that printed them was blamed for the mistake and one of the officials was even punished.

Such fairly different interpretation of the decision uncovers the likely lie of the officials. It seems that there was no mistake in this decision and the authorities simply probed the reaction of citizens to russification initiatives.

Battle for Identity?Continues

All cases mentioned here demonstrate two opposite trends. The?Belarusian state headed by Lukashenka ignores national values and even encourages?russifiction. The current state of affairs in relations with Russia, which has massive leverage on Belarus, presumes no signs of Belarusian nationalism. National values become another item of bargaining for cheap energy, credits, and open markets.

Due to these reasons, the government has never come up with any policy to support the?Belarusian language. Moreover, it hindered a lot of initiatives to support the language even such initiatives involved no politics. As a result, the?Belarusian language practically disappeared from official discourse as well as individual use in recent decade.

Within Belarus governing elite, there are no groups that openly support national values. Meanwhile, common Belarusians do not reflect on cultural matters and focus on more materialist problems. In such situation, the active part of civil society serves as the only defender of Belarusian culture and identity.

As the cases of Napoleonic War and transport tickets show, Belarus civil society is capable of defending its interests and can even influence the state policy which may at first seem impenetrable.


Source: http://belarusdigest.com/story/bilinguism-belarus-civil-society-v-state-12543

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Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/lMhmwzbVDXc/5-awesome-christmas-trees-that-require-no-tree

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মঙ্গলবার, ২৫ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১২

Utah defends its hands-off health insurance exchange plan | The ...

(Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) Governor Gary Herbert on Dec. 12, 2012 as he releases his budget recommendations at Granite Technical Institute in Salt Lake City.

Utah expected its federal high-risk pool ? subsidized health coverage for the sick and uninsurable ? to be an easy sell.

But it proved easier than state officials ever imagined.


Examining exchange plans

In letters to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services last week, several advocacy groups complained about the lack of clarity and transparency surrounding Utah?s plans for Avenue H. Among them: a physicians group, federally certified community health clinics, AARP Utah, Voices for Utah Children and the Utah Health Policy Project.

The Salt Lake Tribune obtained parts of Utah?s exchange blueprint through a records request. They make promises, say advocates, but don?t say how the state will live up to them.

?There?s so much in there that?s theoretical,? said Judi Hilman, executive director of the Utah Health Policy Project. ?If I were the feds, I would agree to a federally facilitated exchange or give Utah conditional approval subject to our meeting certain requirements and deadlines.?

See the embedded documents for details of Utah?s blueprint.

Links to other states? plans:

New York

New Mexico

Washington state


That?s because hospitals, looking to get paid for treating uninsured patients, did the heavy lifting. They filled out and submitted papers on behalf of patients and, in some cases, paid their monthly premiums, no strings attached.

"People who have a financial interest in making things work will find a way to do it, and do it quickly," said Utah Gov. Gary Herbert?s health adviser, Norm Thurston, citing the experience as proof that Utah?s hands-off, private-market approach to another Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirement ? health exchanges ? will work.

Exchanges, online insurance marketplaces, are designed to be a "no wrong door" portal to health coverage where consumers can compare plans, see if they?re eligible for federal subsidies to purchase them, or enroll in low-income programs such as Medicaid.

"The idea is you can enter this door and walk out with coverage," said Lincoln Nehring, a health policy analyst at Voices for Utah Children.

Utah already has a "shop" exchange for small businesses, Avenue H, which the governor has asked the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to declare as good enough for Obamacare.

Herbert promises to open it to individuals and larger employers and to enforce new insurance price controls and consumer protections. But he argues the customer outreach and hand-holding required to help people navigate insurance options are a waste of money and unrealistic.

His proposal is being viewed as a test case of just how much leeway the Obama administration is willing to give states in running their own exchanges.

HHS will not comment on the negotiations, but Thurston said sticking points are mostly on small, technical issues.

story continues below

It?s the details that worry consumer advocates, who are pushing for greater clarity on Utah?s plan and fear Herbert?s vision for Avenue H falls woefully short.

Of top concern, they say, is Utah?s poor track record in linking eligible Utahns with health safety nets.

The state ranked 50th in enrolling eligible children in Medicaid and the Children?s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) in 2010, said Nehring, noting that 80 percent of the state?s 102,400 children are eligible for these programs.

"Utah families are in particular need," he said, "of the ACA?s vision of an exchange that will connect [them] with all their health coverage options."

Under the ACA, those shopping on an exchange must first be screened to see if they?re entitled to Medicaid or CHIP. They are also screened for federal tax credits to apply toward the purchase of their coverage.

States are supposed to hire navigators to help people pick plans best suited to their needs. The rules say they have to provide interpretive services, aides for people with disabilities, and publish "culturally and linguistically appropriate outreach" materials.

But Herbert?s advisers argue these services are widely available in the community.

Next Page >

Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://www.sltrib.com/sltrib/news/55504856-78/utah-health-exchange-font.html.csp

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Excessive protein synthesis linked to autistic-like behaviors, neuroscientists find

Dec. 23, 2012 ? Autistic-like behaviors can be partially remedied by normalizing excessive levels of protein synthesis in the brain, a team of researchers has found in a study of laboratory mice. The findings, which appear in the latest issue of Nature, provide a pathway to the creation of pharmaceuticals aimed at treating autism spectrum disorders (ASD) that are associated with diminished social interaction skills, impaired communication ability, and repetitive behaviors.

"The creation of a drug to address ASD will be difficult, but these findings offer a potential route to get there," said Eric Klann, a professor at NYU's Center for Neural Science and the study's senior author. "We have not only confirmed a common link for several such disorders, but also have raised the exciting possibility that the behavioral afflictions of those individuals with ASD can be addressed."

The study's other co-authors included researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) and three French institutions: Aix-Marseille Universite'; Institut National de la Sant? et de la Recherche M?dicale (INSERM); and Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS).

The researchers focused on the EIF4E gene, whose mutation is associated with autism. The mutation causing autism was proposed to increase levels of the eIF4E, the protein product of EIF4E, and lead to exaggerated protein synthesis. Excessive eIF4E signaling and exaggerated protein synthesis also may play a role in a range of neurological disorders, including fragile X syndrome (FXS).

In their experiments, the researchers examined mice with increased levels of eIF4E. They found that these mice had exaggerated levels of protein synthesis in the brain and exhibited behaviors similar to those found in autistic individuals -- repetitive behaviors, such as repeatedly burying marbles, diminished social interaction (the study monitored interactions with other mice), and behavioral inflexibility (the afflicted mice were unable to navigate mazes that had been slightly altered from ones they had previously solved). The researchers also found altered communication between neurons in brain regions linked to the abnormal behaviors.

To remedy to these autistic-like behaviors, the researchers then tested a drug, 4EGI-1, which diminishes protein synthesis induced by the increased levels of eIF4E. Through this drug, they hypothesized that they could return the afflicted mice's protein production to normal levels, and, with it, reverse autistic-like behaviors.

The subsequent experiments confirmed their hypotheses. The mice were less likely to engage in repetitive behaviors, more likely to interact with other mice, and were successful in navigating mazes that differed from those they previously solved, thereby showing enhanced behavioral flexibility. Additional investigation revealed that these changes were likely due to a reduction in protein production -- the levels of newly synthesized proteins in the brains of these mice were similar to those of normal mice.

"These findings highlight an invaluable mouse model for autism in which many drugs that target eIF4E can be tested," added co-author Davide Ruggero, an associate professor at UCSF's School of Medicine and Department of Urology. "These include novel compounds that we are developing to target eIF4E hyperactivation in cancer that may also be potentially therapeutic for autistic patients."

The study's other co-authors were: Emanuela Santini, the study's lead author, Thu Huynh, Andrew MacAskill, Adam Carter, and Hanoch Kaphzan of NYU's Center for Neural Science; and Philippe Pierre of Aix-Marseille Universit?, INSERM, and CNRS.

The research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (NS034007, NS047384, NS078718, and CA154916), a Department of Defense Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program award (W81XWH-11-1-0389), and the Wellcome Trust.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by New York University, via Newswise.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Emanuela Santini, Thu N. Huynh, Andrew F. MacAskill, Adam G. Carter, Philippe Pierre, Davide Ruggero, Hanoch Kaphzan, Eric Klann. Exaggerated translation causes synaptic and behavioural aberrations associated with autism. Nature, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/nature11782

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_health/~3/c_SoB9I5JVs/121223152410.htm

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The Weekly Roundup for 12.17.2012

The Weekly Roundup for 12032012

You might say the week is never really done in consumer technology news. Your workweek, however, hopefully draws to a close at some point. This is the Weekly Roundup on Engadget, a quick peek back at the top headlines for the past 7 days -- all handpicked by the editors here at the site. Click on through the break, and enjoy.

Continue reading The Weekly Roundup for 12.17.2012


Source: http://www.engadget.com/2012/12/23/the-weekly-roundup-for-12-17-2012/

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Lost In Our Maps: A History Of Cartographic Catastrophes

Wall Street Journal:

There is something disappointing about the austere potential perfection of the new maps. The satellites above us have seen all there is to see of the world; technically, they have mapped it all. But satellites know nothing of the beauty of hand-drawn maps, with their Spanish galleons and sea monsters, and they cannot comprehend wanderlust and the desire for discovery. Today we can locate the smallest hamlet in sub-Saharan Africa or the Yukon, but can we claim that we know them any better? Do the irregular and unpredictable fancies of the older maps more accurately reflect the strangeness of the world?

Read the whole story at Wall Street Journal

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/23/lost-in-our-maps-a-histor_n_2355902.html

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Video: Source: Adam Lanza had cut ties with father

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Three more polio workers shot in Pakistan; eight dead in 48 hours

PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Three workers in a polio eradication campaign were shot in Pakistan on Wednesday, and two of them were killed, the latest in an unprecedented string of attacks over the past three days that has partially halted the U.N.-backed campaign.

The United Nations in Pakistan has pulled all staff involved in the campaign off the streets, spokesman Michael Coleman said.

The government said immunization was continuing in some areas without U.N. support although many workers refused to go out. Women health workers held protests in the southern city of Karachi and in the capital, Islamabad.

"We go out and risk our lives to save other people's children from being permanently handicapped, for what? So that our own children become orphans?" health worker Ambreen Bibi said at the Islamabad protest.

The government was caught off guard by the violence, saying they had not expected attacks in areas far from Taliban strongholds and they would have to change tactics in the health campaign.

"We didn't expect such attacks in Karachi," said Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar, minister for human rights, who oversees the polio campaign. He was referring to the southern commercial hub where there have been attacks this week.

"In far flung areas where the threats are more pronounced, we have been providing polio teams security."

Wednesday saw four separate attacks, all in the north. In the district of Charsadda, men on motorbikes shot dead a woman and her driver, police and health officials said.

Hours earlier, gunmen wounded a male health worker in the nearby provincial capital of Peshawar. He was in critical condition, said a doctor at the Lady Reading Hospital where he is being treated.

Four other women health workers were shot at but not hit in nearby Nowshera, said Jan Baz Afridi, deputy head of the Expanded Programme on Immunisation. Two women health workers were shot at in Dwasaro village in Charsadda, police said.

It was not clear who was behind the violence.

Many Islamists, including Taliban militants, have long opposed the campaign. Some say it aims to sterilize Muslims, while one militant commander said it could not continue unless attacks by U.S. drone aircraft stopped.

The Taliban have repeatedly threatened health workers involved in the campaign. Some said they received calls telling them to stop working with "infidels" just before the attacks.

But a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, Ihsanullah Ihsan, told Reuters his group was not involved in the violence.


On Monday and Tuesday, six health workers were killed in attacks in the southern port city of Karachi and in Peshawar. Five were women and the youngest was 17.

Five of the shootings happened in Karachi, home to 18 million people. Health authorities there suspended the polio eradication campaign in the entire province of Sindh.

Karachi police spokesman Imran Shaukat said teams were supposed to tell police of their movements but had not done so.

"There has to be better coordination between the health department and police," he said. "We have decided that we will be more forthcoming and contact polio team heads ourselves."

Minister Khokhar said the drive would resume as soon as security was in place.

"The teams go into every little neighborhood. You can understand that enormous resources are needed if we have to protect each and every team and worker, which we will have to now," he said.

On Wednesday, police said they killed two people and arrested 15 during raids connected to the shootings.

Authorities in the northern Khyber Paktunkhwa province, the capital of which is Peshawar, said they would not accept the U.N.'s recommendation to suspend the campaign.

"If we stopped the campaign it would encourage the forces opposing the polio vaccination," said provincial official Javed Marwat.

But their insistence the campaign continue angered health workers who said their colleagues told officials in Charsadda about threats before Wednesday's shootings. The officials insisted the vaccinations take place anyway.

Khokar said Taliban hostility to the campaign increased after it emerged that the CIA had used a fake vaccination campaign to try to gather information about Osama bin Laden, before he was found and killed in a Pakistani town last year.

Pakistan had 20,000 polio cases in 1994 but vigorous vaccination efforts had brought the number down to 56 in 2012, the government said.

A global vaccination campaign has eradicated the disease from everywhere except Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria.

Polio can paralyze or kill within hours of infection. It is transmitted person-to-person, meaning that as long as one child is infected, the disease can be passed to others.

(Additional reporting by Mehreen Zahra-Malik in Islamabad and Imtiaz Shah in Karachi; Writing by Katharine Houreld; Editing by Michael Perry and Robert Birsel)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/another-polio-worker-shot-pakistan-six-killed-attacks-060630404.html

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'Light amidst the darkness': Victoria Soto remembered


A nation mourns after the second deadliest school shooting in U.S. history at Sandy Hook Elementary, which left 20 children and six staff members dead.

By Tracy Connor, Sandra Lilley and Tom Winter, NBC News

One of Newtown?s heroic teachers ? remembered as a bright light on the darkest of days ? was laid to rest Wednesday, with family friend Paul Simon performing the folk song ?Sound of Silence.?

Obtained by NBC News

Victoria Soto, 27, first-grade teacher at Sandy Hook elementary. Soto had taught for five years and was known by students as silly and loving.

Mourners who arrived at a church in Stratford, Conn., for Victoria Soto?s funeral were handed ribbons of green, her favorite color.

They spoke of the 27-year-old?s selfless final act: She died trying to protect her first-grade students at Sandy Hook Elementary School from rifle fire during the massacre, according to her family.

?Truthfully, you have been a hero to me for a lot longer than five days,? said her sister, Jillian Soto, according to the Stamford Advocate. "You've been my big sister. The one I always looked up to."

Another sister, Carlee, sobbed as she spoke. "The pain is unbelievable," she said.

Outside, family friend Ryan Ortiz, 27, said he couldn?t help thinking if he would have been as courageous as Soto.

?Mind-boggling what she had to go through,? Ortiz said. ?No matter how many times I sit at home and think of what I would have done, you just can't imagine being in that situation.

?In my opinion, she was that light amidst the darkness that was going on that day in that school,? Ortiz said. ?There's really no other way to remember her than being that light in that room."

Simon was asked by the Soto family to perform at the service; his sister-in-law, a nurse, is close to Soto?s mother, also a nurse. He came and left without comment.

Soto, who was in her fifth year of teaching, was finishing up her daily morning meeting with the students of Classroom 10 when gunman Adam Lanza began his rampage Friday morning.

NBCLatino: Soto remembered as a hero and a giving soul

Relatives say they were told she hurried the kids she called her "angels" into a closet behind her and tried to shield them from the bullets.

Some of the children in her class managed to survive the slaughter. Many did not.

Funerals were held Wednesday for first-graders Charlotte Bacon, Caroline Previdi and Daniel Barden, and a wake was held for 7-year-old Chase Kowalski ? continuing a week of mourning.

A large contingent of firefighters arrived for 7-year-old Daniel?s funeral at St. Rome of Lima church in Newtown, where the strains of bagpipes filled the air.

Two of his relatives are members of the New York City Fire Department, and he dreamed of wearing a uniform when he grew up, according to a Facebook post from a firefighters? foundation.

"It was one of the hardest funerals I was ever at,? FDNY Lt. Eric Torres told NBCNewYork.com.

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Family friend Laura Stamberg, of New Paltz, N.Y., said that on the day of the shooting, Daniel?s father Mark spent precious moments with him, teaching him a Christmas song on the piano.

"They played foosball and then he taught him the song and then he walked him to the bus and that was their last morning together," Stamberg told the Associated Press.

At a funeral where mourners wore buttons with her picture, 6-year-old redhead Charlotte was recalled as a ball of energy who loved the color pink and wanted to be a veterinarian. Caroline was ?just a doll,? was just a doll," family friend Pam Fehrs said. "She was happy ? dancing and happy everywhere she went."

Later on Wednesday, hundreds attended a wake in Woodbury, Conn., for Sandy Hook Principal Dawn Hochsprung, 47, who also has been hailed as a hero for running toward the sound of gunfire after Lanza blasted his way into the school.

Family: Boy's favorite teacher died cradling him

Connecticut Gov. Dannel Malloy and Lt. Gov. Nancy Wyman came to pay their respects at Munson Lovetere Funeral Home, where candles in paper bags, arranged to spell HOPE, were laid out on the front lawn.

U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan also attended. Earlier in the day, he said Hochsprung and five other staffers killed at Sandy Hook ?made the ultimate sacrifice, literally laying down their lives to protect the children they taught and cared for.?

?If it was not for the quick and courageous response of other teachers and staff, even more children and adults might have died,? he said.

Some of the services have been marked not just by tears, but by calls for tougher gun laws. Miguel Padilla, who works with Soto?s father, said he hoped the unity shown in the wake of the tragedy would translate into legislative action.

?With assault rifles, there is no need for those,? he said outside the church. ?If you need to protect yourself, a handgun is good enough. That a 20-year old can get his hands on [an assault rifle] is pathetic.

?Something big has to come out of this,? he added. ?They have to change the law.?

NBC News' Courtney Hazlett contributed to this report.

As funerals are held for four more Sandy Hook Elementary victims, President Obama will announce that Vice President Biden will spearhead a panel to formulate gun policies in the aftermath of the Newtown tragedy. NBC's Craig Melvin reports.

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Source: http://usnews.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/12/19/16001132-light-amidst-the-darkness-heroic-teacher-victoria-soto-remembered?lite

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Timeline: A look at Iraqi president Talabani

(Reuters) - Here is a timeline on Iraq's Kurdish President, Jalal Talabani, 79, who suffered a stroke on Tuesday and was hospitalized in Baghdad.

Talabani, who has spent most of his life fighting for the cause of the Kurds in northern Iraq, is the first non-Arab president of an Arab country.

1947-1959 - Talabani joins the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), trains as a lawyer and becomes an inner member of the party - a top lieutenant to Mullah Mustafa Barzani, the patriarch of Iraqi Kurdish nationalism and the founder of the KDP, now led by his son Masoud Barzani. In the 1960s, Talabani undertakes numerous diplomatic missions, representing the Kurdish leadership at meetings in Europe and the Middle East.

1974 - Splits from the KDP.

1975 - Forms his own party, the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), in Damascus. A year later he begins organizing armed resistance inside Iraq. During the 1980s, Talabani leads the Kurdish struggle from bases inside Iraq until Saddam Hussein's brutal genocidal "Anfal" campaign of 1987 and 1988. Talabani is forced to leave Iraq.

1991 - U.S.-led forces start Gulf War with air attacks on Iraq and occupied Kuwait. After the war, with Saddam weakened, the Kurds rise up against Baghdad and manage to carve out an autonomous zone in northeastern Iraq, at arm's length from the regime. But Talabani and Barzani spar over control of a Kurdish regional government, and the bickering escalates into a civil war that sees the KDP enlist Baghdad's help against the PUK.

March 2003 - U.S. and British forces invade Iraq from Kuwait. After Saddam's overthrow, Talabani becomes a member of the Iraqi Governing Council, which develops Iraq's interim constitution.

April 2005 - Talabani becomes Iraq's first elected president in more than 50 years after the Kurds form a powerful voting bloc in the Iraqi legislature and is selected again a year later as a national unity government is put together.

January 2007 - Talabani, on the first trip to Syria by an Iraqi head of state for 30 years, meets President Bashar al-Assad to focus on stabilizing Iraq and preventing insurgents crossing their long and porous border.

March 2007 - Talabani returns to Iraq after two weeks in hospital in Amman to recover from exhaustion. In May 2007, Talabani, fighting obesity, checks into the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for a series of medical tests.

March 2009 - Talabani says the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), the Turkish separatist guerrilla group, must lay down its arms or quit Iraq. His remarks are seen as some of the toughest made by an Iraqi leader against the PKK, whose guerrillas have used northern Iraq as a base from which to launch attacks in Turkey, straining ties between Baghdad and Ankara.

November 2010 - Iraqi lawmakers vote to keep Talabani as president. He nominates Nuri al-Maliki to remain as prime minister, following an agreement that ended eight months of political deadlock.

Sources: Reuters/www.kurdishaspect.com/www.britannica.com

(Reporting by David Cutler, London Editorial Reference Unit)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/timeline-look-iraqi-president-talabani-142413531.html

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