বৃহস্পতিবার, ৫ এপ্রিল, ২০১২

Details of the significant consultation exercises being carried out by ...

Queries on individual consultations should be referred to the organisation concerned, as outlined.


?ras an Uachtar?in

A presidency of ideas
Since taking office, the President has pledged a presidency of ideas ?recognising and open to new paradigms of thought and action? with a practical focus on improving the lives of citizens.? Seminars will review how Ireland has made choices since 2000 and the potential alternatives going forward.? The first will focus on young people and the second will turn to the importance of ethics.? A working group has been set up and interest groups and members of the public can find out more information by contacting:
?ras an Uachtar?in, Phoenix Park, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 617 1000
Email: webmaster@president.ie

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Review of the White Paper on Irish Aid
Opened 31 January
The White Paper on Irish Aid was published in 2006, prior to the recession.? The Government has still pledged to spend
0.7 per cent of gross national product on aid but is reviewing its priorities, in the light of less finance and fewer staff.? The document recognises that many developing countries are experiencing strong economic growth and reducing their reliance on donors.? Value for money, clear accountability and measurable results will become more important going forward.? The Government?s Africa Strategy (September 2011) will also be a key influence.? A public consultation meeting will take place in the Glasshouse Hotel, Sligo, on Monday, 16 April.
Comments and responses should be submitted by 25 April to:
Irish Aid, Riverstone House, 23-27 Henry Street, Limerick
Tel: 01 408 2000
Email: WhitePaperReview@dfa.ie

Department of Finance

Tax relief for donations to approved bodies
Opened 1 January
The Minister for Finance proposes to amend the charitable donations scheme to provide tax relief at the donors? marginal rate of tax (20 per cent or 41 per cent) for donations above ?250 to approved bodies, up to a limit of ?1 million tax relief per individual.? The changes would be implemented in Budget 2013.? This follows representations from the Forum on Philanthropy and Finance and the charities sector.? Self-assessed tax-payers would no longer be able to claim a deduction on their tax returns for donations made under the scheme.?
Comments and responses should be submitted by 11 May to:
Donations Scheme Consultation, Income Tax Incentives, Financial Services and Taxation Division, Department of Finance, Government Buildings, Upper Merrion Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 604 5594
Email: charities@finance.gov.ie

Department of Education and Skills

School self-evaluation: draft guidelines
Opened 24 January
The department?s inspectorate has asked for views on the draft guidelines, especially on the experience of schools when using them.? Separate guidelines have been prepared for primary and post-primary schools.
Comments and responses should be submitted by 1 June to:
Inspectorate Secretariat, Department of Education and Skills, Room G-13, Block 3, Marlborough Street, Dublin 1
Tel:? 01 889 6553/2002
Email: SSE_feedback@education.gov.ie

Department of Justice and Equality

Criminal justice and people with mental illness
Opened 5 March
The Department of Justice and Equality and the Department of Health have established a joint working group to consider how to improve mental health services within the criminal justice system and for ex-offenders once released.? The group is seeking information on the circumstances in which mental health services are provided (and by whom), any problems that arise, examples of good practice, and when the patient should be treated outside the system.? The Government is to consider the final report by mid-2012.
Comments and responses should be submitted by 1 May to:
Scline Scott, Department of Justice and Equality, Montague Court, Montague Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 602 8397
Email: stscott@justice.ie

Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Copyright law review
Opened 29 February
The consultation paper is a discussion document summarising the views put forward to the Copyright Review Committee since its formation in May 2011.? The paper also asks questions on how the problems involved in copyright and innovation can be resolved, covering fair use and the roles of rights holders, collecting societies, intermediaries, users and entrepreneurs.? The committee is independent of government and will submit a final report to the Minister following the consultation.
Comments and responses should be submitted by 31 May to:
Copyright Review, Room 517, Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Kildare Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 631 2587
Email: copyrightreview@djei.ie

EU audit reform proposals
Opened 27 February
The European Commission proposes amendments to Directive 2006/43/EC on statutory audits of annual accounts and consolidated accounts (COM (2011) 778) and regulations on specific requirements regarding statutory audit of public interest entities (COM (2011) 779).? Consultation on the new draft Directive closed on 20 March but the department is still seeking views on the draft regulations, to inform its approach to EU negotiations.? Detailed information is available online at ec.europa.eu/internal_market/auditing/reform/index_en.htm
Comments and responses should be submitted by 20 April to:
Marie Dempsey, Company Law (EU/Legislation), Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Earlsfort Centre, Lower Hatch Street, Dublin 2
Tel: 01 631 2719
Email: Marie.Dempsey@djei.ie

Health Service Executive

Draft national clinical audit guidance
Opened 12 March
The National Clinical Audit Advisory Group, under the auspices of the National Quality and Patient Safety Directorate, has developed draft guidance for healthcare professionals.? Clinical audit is the systematic review of care against explicit criteria with a view to acting to improve care when standards are not met.? An online feedback form is available, with the full document, at www.hse.ie/eng/services/News/consultationclinicalauditguidance.html
Comments and responses should be submitted by 12 April to:
Joan Malone, Clinical Audit Support Programme Lead, Quality and Patient Safety Directorate, Room G10, Dr Steeven?s Hospital, Dublin 8
Tel: 01 635 2315
Email: clinical.audit@hse.ie

Department of the Environment, Communityand Local Government

National climate policy development
Opened 29 February
The review of national climate policy started in November 2011 and involves the public consultation, an analysis of future policy options by the National Economic and Social Council (focusing on closing the distance to the 2020 targets and developing a 2050 vision for a low carbon economy), and ongoing work on controlling emissions through the Cabinet Committee on Climate Change and the Green Economy.? Interested parties are asked for their views on current policy and legislation, potential future policy, how policy choices should be assessed, and the challenges and opportunities associated with building a green and sustainable economy and society.
Comments and responses should be submitted by 30 April to:
National Climate Policy Development Consultation, Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, Custom House, Dublin 1
Tel: 01 888 2549
Email: climateconsultation@environ.ie

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