Longevity Chia Porridge ? A magnificent breakfast for radiant health and longevity.
This recipe has become a staple in my life for the past few weeks. I have been really turned onto Chia seeds and my body has been wanting more of them. From the most simple water and Chia seed porridge to something as wonderful as my longevity Chia porridge? It is all good.
This recipe, in particular, is near and dear to my heart. One of my biggest and main goals in life is to live to be a centenarian. And by filling my body with longevity supporting foods I will accomplish that goal.
Longevity Chia Porridge.
What you?ll need:
- Chia seeds
- Filtered water
- Herbal tea
- Goji berries
- Longan berries
- Coconut (shredded and dried)
- Cacao nibs and powder (optional)
Chia porridge already set. (1/3 cup w 1 cup filtered water)
Next morning take the chia porridge from your refrigerator and put whatever portion you desire to eat in a bowl (put remaining chia porridge back in the refrigerator for the next time). It?s nice to let your bowl of chia porridge warm a bit to room temperature if you have the time. Plus, the warm herbal tea in the next step helps warm it.
Brew organic herbal tea (I make a delightful blend of many kinds including nettles, raspberry leaf, rose hips, Spring Dragon Longevity Tea, spearmint, lemon balm, and whatever else? Chaga mushroom too!)
Take a few splashes of your tea and add to your chia porridge.
Add 1 to 3 tablespoons of Heaven Mountain or Bija goji berries (They are the absolute best and the only brands I will buy.) link to Ron?s post or mention benefits?
Add 5 to 8 dried longan fruit pieces (available on Amazon) ? Write benefits and describe flavor.
Add 2-3T coconut (dried and shredded) ** I have Used on occasion Living Fuel?s CocoChia mixture (link) that I stir in ?. this includes the coconut plus some extra chia seeds as well as their xylitol sweetener.
1-2T raw cacao powder mixed with cacao nibs (I take a jar and I combine cacao nibs with cacao powder and shake it up. I like this combination and I use it in my smoothies, chia porridge, and other recipes.)
Sweetener, if desired but I don?t. I?m however appreciating More food lately without added sweetness. Plus, if you use the CocoChia from Living Fuel it adds a little xylitol sweetener.
Stir everything together. Let it set for 10 minutes or so if you have the patience. :) By allowing it to set for a few minutes the goji berries and the longan berries get a little chewy and make for the most delightful texture.
******* By the way??Have questions or comments? Use twitter or my Facebook fan page to chat. Links are on the right-hand side of my blog. ?>
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Source: http://kristensraw.com/blog/2012/10/20/longevity-chia-porridge-raw-vegan-recipe/
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