শনিবার, ৩০ জুন, ২০১২

Obamacare to unleash crushing new taxes, trillions in debt, huge job losses, and it doesn't even cover natural medicine

(NaturalNews) By now, we all know the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the individual mandate portion of Obamacare by declaring it a "tax." This is, in essence, a declaration that the federal government now has unlimited power to force consumers to spend some (or even all) of their take-home pay on various products, services or even intellectual property that they have no interest in buying in the first place. It is a concentration of economic power in the hands of the federal government, and it suddenly ends economic liberty in America (http://www.naturalnews.com/036329_Obamacare_Supreme_Court_economic_fr...).

It's also the largest tax increase in the history of the United States. By upholding Obamacare's individual mandate as a "tax," Chief Justice Robert just labeled President Obama the largest tax increase President in the history of the country! (http://decoded.nationaljournal.com/2012/06/roberts-labels-obama-a-tax...)

And yet President Obama himself declared the individual mandate was NOT a tax. Here's the video: http://abcnews.go.com/ThisWeek/video?id=8620606

And here's the transcript of his interview with George Stephanopoulos:

But now, of course, Chief Justice Roberts has declared it IS a tax, after all. Thus, Obama's key legislative achievement has become the single greatest legislative deception in the history of America.

How much will this new tax cost you? The Washington Post has published a handy online calculator:

It shows that the new tax begins in 2014, then ramps up to its maximum penalty at 2016, at which point you are taxed year after year until you cave in and buy into the monopoly Big Pharma health insurance scam. This is, for the record, the largest tax increase in history. And it's for a system of medicine which is a Big Pharma monopoly that doesn't even give consumers the freedom to choose natural medicine or alternative therapies!

The high court's ruling leaves in place 21 tax increases in the health-care law costing more than $675 billion over the next 10 years, according to the House Ways and Means Committee. Of those, 12 tax hikes would affect families earning less than $250,000 per year, the panel said, including a "Cadillac tax" on high-cost insurance plans, a tax on insurance providers, and an excise tax on medical device manufacturers. (http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/jun/28/republicans-ruling-fo...)

Now that Obamacare's penalty is a "tax," not a "fee," Mr. Obama is breaking a 2008 campaign pledge not to raise taxes on Americans earning less than $250,000. This new "tax" will hit across the economic spectrum, despite his campaign declaration that health care should "never be purchased with tax increase on middle-class families." Now, Mr. Obama and congressional Democrats have enacted the largest tax increase in history.

For the record, under the precedent now set by the U.S. Supreme Court, the federal government can simply order you to engage in whatever commerce the government chooses. All they have to do is create a penalty for refusing to go along with their order, and characterize the penalty as a "tax."

Ron Paul gets it. He understands the simple truth that the government has no power to compel people to engage in commerce. "The insurance mandate clearly exceeds the federal government's powers under the interstate commerce clause found in Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution," writes Ron Paul. "This is patently obvious: the power to 'regulate' commerce cannot include the power to compel commerce! Those who claim otherwise simply ignore the plain meaning of the Constitution because they don't want to limit federal power in any way. The commerce clause was intended simply to give Congress the power to regulate foreign trade, and also to prevent states from imposing tariffs on interstate goods. In Federalist Paper No. 22, Alexander Hamilton makes it clear the simple intent behind the clause was to prevent states from placing tolls or tariffs on goods as they passed through each state -- a practice that had proven particularly destructive across the many principalities of the German empire." (http://lewrockwell.com/paul/paul799.html)

Obamacare is going to absolutely shred the infrastructure of our medical system, it is going to send health insurance premiums soaring, it is going to dramatically expand the size and the scope of government, it is going to fundamentally alter the relationships between doctors and their patients and it is one of the largest tax increases in U.S. history. Not only that, it is also going to add about a trillion dollars to our national debt over the next decade. So no, the Obamacare decision is not good news. Obamacare was one of the worst pieces of legislation in American history, and now we are stuck with it.
http://endoftheamericandream.com/archives/15-reasons-why-the-obamacar...What are the political ramifications of all this? Obamacare remains widely hated by much of the U.S. population -- at least the portion of the population that actually works for a living -- and this Supreme Court decision will likely ruffle even more feathers of taxpayers who are tired of being pick-pocketed by the federal government at every turn. While most people don't mind paying some reasonable level of tax to the feds, having the government invade your take-home pay and start forcing you to spend it on things you may or may not want is another thing entirely.

Because of the backlash against this law, it seems almost certain that this Supreme Court decision will play right into the hands of Mitt Romney, who will now make repealing Obamacare the centerpiece of his election campaign. He has already stated, in the Weekly Standard, "If We Want to Get Rid of Obamacare, We're Going to Have to Replace President Obama." (http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/romney-if-we-want-get-rid-obamaca...)

But even if Obama is replaced in the White House, the damage has already been done. With its decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has set a precedent of government control over private paychecks, and that precedent has fundamentally crushed economic freedom in America and opened the door to limitless taxes for everything imaginable. King George III couldn't have done it better.

Nevertheless, based on this decision I now predict a sweeping victory for Republicans in the 2012 elections as a backlash against Obamacare. I'm not saying I support Romney or the Republicans, because I think all politicians are crooks for the most part, and I agree with Gov. Jesse Ventura that the two-party system is largely just two criminal gangs jockeying for power on how they can exploit the people they claim to represent. Whether it's DemoCRIPS or ReBLOODlicans in power, they're all political gangstas.

Even if Romney takes office next January, actually repealing Obamacare would be almost impossible to achieve, by the way. Unraveling bad laws is far more difficult than getting them passed in the first place. It would take a true taxpayer revolt to pull it off.

We may be headed for that sooner than you think, by the way. With this decision to seize control of the money right out of your own paycheck, the moral collapse of the U.S. government is now complete. Once this "tax" starts to come due, many taxpayers will be in a state of near revolt. That, coupled with the economic collapse heading our way from the EU, will bring many Americans to a point of financial desperation.

It is from such conditions that, historically, revolutions emerge. And that's assuming we even make it to 2014 when the Obamacare tax is supposed to be levied on the American people. By some estimates, the U.S. government may suffer a crushing financial collapse between 2012 and 2015. If the government collapses, Obamacare and all the other bad laws go down with it: the Patriot Act, the DMCA, the NDAA, and so on. That's the one interesting thing about human history: Every time governments become too large, too bloated and too deeply invested in crushing liberty, the People eventually rise up against the injustices and take their country back, starting with a clean slate (which eventually becomes corrupt a few years later, of course).

It is the cycle of human civilization... the rise and fall of civilizations. We are living in the time of the fall of the American empire, and it's going to get a lot worse before it gets better. Hope you're ready to live in "interesting times," because we all have a front row seat to history in the making.

About the author: Mike Adams is a natural health author and award-winning journalist with a strong interest in personal health, the environment and the power of nature to help us all heal He is a prolific writer and has published thousands of articles, interviews, reports and consumer guides, reaching millions of readers with information that is saving lives and improving personal health around the world. Adams is an honest, independent journalist and accepts no money or commissions on the third-party products he writes about or the companies he promotes. In 2010, Adams launched NaturalNews.TV, a natural health video site featuring videos on holistic health and green living. He also founded an environmentally-friendly online retailer called BetterLifeGoods.com that uses retail profits to help support consumer advocacy programs. He's also a successful software entrepreneur, having founded a well known email marketing software company whose technology currently powers the NaturalNews email newsletters. Adams also serves as the executive director of the Consumer Wellness Center, a non-profit consumer protection group, and pursues hobbies such as martial arts, Capoeira, nature macrophotography and organic gardening. He's also author a large number of health books offered by Truth Publishing and is the creator of numerous reference website including NaturalPedia.com and the free downloadable Honest Food Guide. His websites also include the free reference sites HerbReference.com and HealingFoodReference.com. Adams believes in free speech, free access to nutritional supplements and the innate healing ability of the human body.

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Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/036341_Obamacare_new_taxes_mandate.html

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A Closer Look at Landmark Forum Courses

The landmark forum just like any concept in the world has gone through its fair share of tests and scrutiny from people who have either doubted it or wanted to understand it better. No theory or doctrine has ever been accepted wholesomely and landmark education is not an exception but once proven it becomes a venue for generations to benefit themselves with. From those who have undergone it or currently undergoing it, the landmark forum has received rave reviews and endorsements. This means that the best way to prove it is to go through it.

Landmark education has been known to affect students positively and anyone who will feel positive about the program can surely be helped by it. For you to feel at home as part of the training, you will have to develop the desire to scrutinize the way you do things. This desire must be inborn and not come from someone else.

Landmark forum will lead you to make adjustments in the manner in which you relate with friends, family, and peers. You will benefit by receiving a good boost for your career once you have had to experience landmark education. Life for you will be a fulfilling time and not just any other routine.

The landmark forum has sought to invite professional scholars and educationists to review its courses after receiving feedback from stakeholders. The training forum has undergone scrutiny all along since its inception with students receiving the curriculum well. You will have the right to your own personal opinions even when you are on landmark education. For a forum with sessions that take up to three days the training is worth the effort. There are thirteen hours per session of the landmark forum with breaks in between. It is a fairly long session but it is well worth it.

The reason landmark education has been structured this way is so that your mentor and you as well as other students can beat the three day time frame that has been allocated to the completion of the curriculum. You ought to get advice on how you should opt for the training program. From such advice on the landmark forum, you will be well able to get an informative way of assessing the course or training. It will then be up to you alone whether you want to enroll for the landmark education program or not.

For you as with everyone else, the landmark forum training will mostly work well when you get to naturally apply the things you have learnt. Mentors and facilitators use the coaching method that fully exploits dialogue, which teaching does not do. Through landmark education you will also learn mostly through discovery. This way, you are more confident of your ability to accomplish the things you previously thought impossible for you to do. Other methods used at the landmark forum include data analysis, observation, storytelling and by participants openly sharing their experiences among each other.

B Enid is the author of this article on Landmark Education. Find more information, about Landmark Education here

Source: http://toddsblogs.com/referenceandeducation/2012/06/29/a-closer-look-at-landmark-forum-courses/

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Small Business Accounting Tips | BWK Accounting

There are many reasons individuals decide to own and operate a small business in Minneapolis.? Maybe it?s the community; maybe it?s the people, maybe you have deep family roots in the cities.? Whatever your reasons for wanting to open a small business in Minneapolis are, being financially organized is imperative.? You don?t have to be a CPA to run a small business, but consulting with one for your accounting needs can be a useful routine to fall in to.

  • Keeping proper ledgers for your small business will assure that transactions are accurately recorded and documented.? At the very minimum make sure recorded on those sales ledgers are the:
    • Sales your business has made
    • Amount of money your business has received for goods or services
    • Amount of money your business owes at the end of the month


  • Planning for the rainy day is always a good idea, but also plan for the big purchases.? You never know when an unexpected business expense will raise its strange little head, but you can plan accordingly for large purchases and upgrades.? Accounting in advance for the upgrades and major purchases will keep you prepared for when it?s time to buy.


  • Working with experts will help keep your small business on the right path.? Retaining a CPA who specializes in small business accounting will ensure that the proper tax laws for your Minneapolis based business are being followed, and the appropriate level of expertise is being provided.


  • When owning a small business, it?s important to keep personal and business expenses separate.? One way you can do this is by using a business specific credit card and paying it off each month.? Credit card statements will usually come itemized and categorized, allowing your small business to stay organized.

Source: http://bwkaccounting.com/2012/06/small-business-accounting-tips/

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Recession Pushing Some Middle Class Americans To Live In Their Cars

Rolling Stone:

Every night around nine, Janis Adkins falls asleep in the back of her Toyota Sienna van in a church parking lot at the edge of Santa Barbara, California. On the van's roof is a black Yakima SpaceBooster, full of previous-life belongings like a snorkel and fins and camping gear. Adkins, who is 56 years old, parks the van at the lot's remotest corner, aligning its side with a row of dense, shading avocado trees.

Read the whole story at Rolling Stone

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"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/29/recession-middle-class_n_1638814.html

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Yodo1 Raises $2 Million To Help Game Developers Enter China

yodo1Beijing-based Yodo1, a service that helps game developers enter the Chinese market, is today announcing it has closed $2 million in seed funding from Chang You Fund. The round was led by Chang You Fund's Managing Partner and former?Focus Media CEO Zhi Tan. In addition to the funding, the company also noted that its developer partner Robot Entertainment will bring its "Hero Academy" game to the Chinese market.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/wFIA1Iyq5YE/

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শুক্রবার, ২৯ জুন, ২০১২

Anti-Legal Immigration Groups Increase Advertising Ahead Of Election

DENVER -- Of the many conflicts on immigration, there is at least one broad agreement: Both President Barack Obama and GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney have said the legal visa process, particularly for high-skilled workers and foreign-born graduates with advanced degrees, should be made easier.

But to a few groups that message is concerning, and they are increasing their advertising in an attempt to combat it.

Three groups that advocate for lowering even legal immigration -- Numbers USA, the Federation for American Immigration Reform and Progressives for Immigration Reform -- are advertising ahead of the election, with some ramping up their efforts as debate over the issue heats up.

Most ads focus on jobs and unemployment, arguing that immigration hurts American workers. And although the groups disagree with Obama's immigration policy -- Roy Beck of Numbers USA said the organization is increasing its advertising in part because of the president's recent deportation decision -- they aren't 100 percent happy with GOP candidate Mitt Romney either.

"I think his positions on illegal immigration are fantastic," said Beck. "But I don't see any signs yet that he understands any better than President Obama that legal immigration is a labor issue and it affects the ability of Americans to get jobs. ... Both of them are, at this point, kind of clueless about that issue."

The organization, which does not endorse candidates, already was running ads, including during the GOP presidential debates in late 2011 and earlier this year. But in light of recent events and the election creeping closer, Numbers USA launched an even bigger advertising campaign against legal immigration earlier this week. The ads will run until at least the end of July on Fox News, CNN and MSNBC. Right now, they are running heavily in the District of Columbia, but Numbers USA plans to increase advertising in the future in Nevada and Florida, two states that suffer especially high unemployment.

The newest Numbers USA ad, shows a clip of a woman whose husband is unemployed asking Obama why he allows more legal immigrants to come when jobs are scarce.

"Let's reduce mass immigration and save jobs for Americans," a voiceover says.

Ads from Progressives for Immigration Reform are running this week on MSNBC, and spots from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, typically called FAIR, push the same message: that the government is giving away too many visas.

"Could your job be next?" a voiceover asks in the FAIR ad.

The idea that legal immigration is bad for the country goes against one of the few bipartisan agreements on the issue. Many Republicans, including Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), support legislation that would reform the process of obtaining employment-based visas. The congressman introduced a bill that would end country limits, which make it more difficult to immigrate from India and China, among other counties, for those green cards.

Business groups, including many in Silicon Valley, have lobbied for those changes, because they say there are not enough workers in the United States to take the high-skilled jobs they need to fill. Others argue that immigrants create jobs by creating new products or forming companies.

Obama and Romney each mentioned reform of visas for high-skilled workers in speeches last week at the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials last week. They argued that those immigrants are able to create jobs for others.

"We want the best and brightest to enrich the nation through the jobs and technologies they're going to create," Romney said then.

The three groups advertising against legal immigration want to convince the American people, and then the candidates, to change their message.

"We want to inform candidates, and we want to inform voters so they can inform candidates," Beck said. "Our big thing is that immigration is constantly being brought up by the left and the right in all kinds of wedge ways, but almost never about the jobs issue, and that's our focus."

"; var coords = [-5, -72]; // display fb-bubble FloatingPrompt.embed(this, html, undefined, 'top', {fp_intersects:1, timeout_remove:2000,ignore_arrow: true, width:236, add_xy:coords, class_name: 'clear-overlay'}); });

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/28/anti-legal-immigration_n_1635301.html

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Bangladesh's Hindu women fight for divorce rights

Unlike her Muslim compatriots, Tarulata Rani is unable to inherit anything from her family, cannot divorce and cannot claim maintenance from her absent husband -- all because she is a Bangladeshi Hindu.

Unlike Bangladeshi Muslims or Hindus in neighbouring India and Nepal, Bangladeshi Hindu women can't divorce as the legal provisions do not exist and their marriages have not been allowed to be officially registered.

"Is it a crime to be born a Hindu girl?" Rani, 22, who was married two years ago, told AFP.

"I can't inherit any property. I can't divorce my husband and remarry even though he left me for another woman and beat me all the time."

Last month Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina approved a new law that will introduce official marriage registration for Hindus in Muslim-majority Bangladesh in a move designed to protect the rights of women like Rani.

The legislation, expected to be passed shortly in parliament, has been welcomed by civil rights activists and many Hindu women.

But critics say it is a token gesture that does not go far enough amid opposition from the religion's hardliners, who see it as unnecessary political interference in their cultural traditions.

Bangladesh has a secular legal system except in matters related to inheritance, marriage and divorce, when Muslims follow sharia law and Hindus follow laws based on ancient un-codified customs.

Under the new law, Hindus -- who make up 10 percent of the country's 152 million population -- will be able to register their marriages with local councils or courts for the first time.

"At the moment, when a Hindu man walks out on a marriage, the wife can't sue him for alimony or maintenance because lack of marriage papers make it almost impossible to prove that they were married at all," said lawyer Nina Goswami.

"Tens of thousands of Hindu men keep multiple wives, knowing that they can't be prosecuted," added Goswami, who is director of the respected rights group, Ain O Salish Kendra.

Goswami, herself a Hindu, has seen how lack of rights have driven many Hindu women to "unwanted jobs and extreme poverty" after they were dumped by their husbands.

However she believes that the government's new laws are only a token gesture to placate mainstream Hindu women without angering Hindu men, who generally vote for the Awami League, the current ruling party.

"Unfortunately, these women don't exist in the government's eyes and ears," she said. "To our politicians, the Hindu community is a big vote-bank, made up of only males."

The government rejects such criticism and says that it is hamstrung by hardline Hindu activists who oppose changes to the law.

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed told AFP the new legislation would cut down on polygamy, which is increasing among the Hindu males, and ensure maintenance rights for women whose partners have left them.

"We couldn't reform Hindu personal laws further because of opposition by Hindu groups including some of their most educated people. Hardliners did not even want registration of their marriages," Ahmed said.

Radical Hindu activists say they reject any reforms that go against their scriptures or traditions, saying divorce could threaten the basic foundation of the Hindu family.

"We don't mind optional registration because Hindu couples sometimes need the marriage certificate when they travel," said Hiren Biswas, the president of the Samaj Sangskar Parishad group.

"But we won't accept mandatory registration, or divorce and inheritance rights to women because our scriptures and customs don't allow them," he told AFP, alleging the new law was a conspiracy hatched by foreign-funded charities.

Muslim women in Bangladesh can divorce and seek damages for break-ups or sue their partners thanks to decades of legal activism by women and rights groups.

But Bangladeshi Hindus, who have suffered widespread persecution and religious discrimination since partition of the subcontinent in 1947, were bypassed by the new rights.

Despite the new laws, Hindu women face a long struggle as their community is split on whether women's issues are the best battlefield to fight for wider equality.

For leading reformers like Supreme Court lawyer Subrata Chowdhury, himself a Hindu, the battle must now move on.

"Persecution by Muslims, forcible conversion, eviction from land and stealing of our properties are more important now," he told AFP.

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১২

Google unveils Nexus 7 tablet, Android 4.1 and more

9 hrs.

Google I/O, the search engine giant's annual developer conference is taking place in San Francisco, California this week. The show kicked off with a keynote event, and I was there to report live about all the things Google unveiled.

The fun?started around 9:30 a.m. PT/12:30 p.m. ET with?Google's vice president of engineering,?Vic Gundotra, stepping on stage to start things off.?He thanked everyone for being here and asked us to shut off our wireless hotspots, in order to keep everything running smoothly.

Hugo Barra, Google's?director of product management, took the stage almost right after that, to talk about some Android milestones. He explained that Android has seen over 400 million device activations. He added that over one million new Android devices are activated every day. (That's about 12 Android devices every second.)

Android Jelly Bean
The Google team didn't wait long to introduce folks to Jelly Bean aka Android 4.1.

Almost right away, the folks in attendance were ooh-ing and aah-ing as we saw how easily widgets can be rearranged in Jelly Bean, with everything resizing itself automatically to fit on the screen more neatly. But things got really loud in the conference center as we were shown that Jelly Bean will offer offline voice typing. (No more worrying about lousy reception affecting your handsfree typing.)

Other neat Jelly Bean features include the ability to quickly?swipe back to photos you've just taken, the option to pair devices with a tap (via NFC) to share photos and video, and?notifications?which can be expanded (so that you can view your inbox without actually leaving the notification screen, for example).

"It's like they're reinventing Siri," a fella near me muttered, to no one in particular, as Jelly Bean's Knowledge Graph integration was shown off. The feature allows your Android device to answer questions ??such as "which movies did Angelina Jolie star in?" ? or take certain commands, which involve searches, such as "show me?photos of tiny monkeys."

A tool called "Google Now" learns from your habits, your location and your calendar to offer you information you might need. For example, if you are in an area you don't usually travel through, Google Now might suggest some restaurants. If you happen to be at home and traffic conditions are bad, you might be offered alternate directions. The more you use Google Now, the smarter and more?useful?it should get.

Google Android 4.1 is expected to roll out to some devices in mid-July. (More on Jelly Bean's features?here.)

Google Play
There are more than 600,000 apps in Google Play and Google has seen over 20 billion Android app installs, we were told.

So what's new?

Well, developers will now be able to offer Smart App Updates, to devices on Gingerbread and above. This means that users will only have to download changed parts of an app, rather than re-downloading the whole thing every time there's an update.

Google Play will now also offer movies and television shows for purchase, along with magazines. Google has partnered with various studios and publishers to offer this content.

Nexus 7
Looks like the rumors were true. Google's got a shiny new tablet, called the Nexus 7.?It has a 1280 x 800 HD display, a Tegra 3 processor, a 12-core GPU,?a front-facing camera, and more. It will run Google Android 4.1.

Google's team emphasized content consumption when it comes to Nexus 7. This tablet is "made for Google Play," we were told.

The Nexus 7 will start at $199 (this price will include a handful of movies and some magazines). The tablet can be ordered now and will start shipping mid-July.

Considering that Google Play will now include?significantly?more media, that the Nexus 7 hardware is pretty darn solid sounding, and that the price is right ... I'd say that Amazon's Kindle Fire has some strong competition to deal with now.

Nexus Q
The Nexus Q is described as?the "first ever?social streaming device."?It streams your media from the cloud and allows multiple people to sync up their playlists and queue up songs by using tablets or smartphones. The device?? which somehow resembles a Death Star ? will be priced at $299 and start shipping mid-July.

If everyone relied on a Nexus Q, parties could become hilarious as folks battle for control of the tunes by tapping their respective?gadgets.

Google+ is turning one-year-old tomorrow and Google appears to be pretty proud of its social network. Over 250 million people have activated Google+ accounts and there are apparently over 150 million active users on the network. Half of those users sign into Google+ daily, we're told. Curiously enough more people are using Google+ on their mobile devices, rather than on their desktops.

So it's no surprise that Google is releasing a version of Google+ for tablets. An Android version will roll out today, and an iPad version will come soon.

There will also be some updates to Google+ itself, such as the addition of Events, Party Mode, and more. In essence, it will encourage folks to?collaborate?before, during, and after events.

Google Glass
The Google+ presentation was abruptly interrupted by Sergey Brin himself, who promised us a demo which could go wrong in a lot of ways. It turns out that a team of skydivers equipped with Google Glass was above the Moscone Center, where the Google I/O is taking place.?

We watched them, through a Google Hangout, as they jumped onto the building's roof, handed a package ? containing a pair of Google Glass ... err, glasses???off to a team of bikers. Those folks jumped over obstacles and passed the package over to some folks who scaled down the building, to the third floor, where another team of bikers waited to take the cargo over to Brin. (Screenshots from the stunt here.)

Whew! Once all the excitement died down, we were told that the latest prototype of Google Glass weighs less than a pair of sunglasses?? and that there will be a variety of designs, not just the cyborg-like frames we initially saw.

In theory, you should be able to wear these glasses at any time, to capture a first-person view of everything you do.

Want more tech news, silly puns, or amusing links? You'll get plenty of all three if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.

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finding beauty in the ordinary: 34 Weeks!

(as of last Thursday!)

Baby's size: 17.75 in, canteloupe, 4.75 lbs

Sleep: Getting more uncomfortable. Joshua has to push me off the bed, ha!

Maternity Clothes: Target has been saving my life! Their maxi-skirts are so comfty and cute! I now am the proud owner of 4 of them #addicted

Food cravings: Absolutely nothing. I'm a boring preggo.

Symptoms I have: The peeing is really getting frequent! I shouldn't have said anything in my last post because bam!!!! It happened. I'm still only up once or twice a night but all day long I am going now. We should take stock in Charmin.

Doctor?s Appointment: We had our routine doctors appointment last Tuesday and everything looked great! My appointments are now 2 weeks apart and in a few weeks they'll switch to every week. I love hearing her heartbeat at our appointments, and I couldn't have been more excited to have my mom come along with us since she was in town! I've been waiting so long for that.?

Movement: Kicks, punches, hiccups, rolls, LOVE IT!

Belly Button:
It has popped! :) I'm now sporting an outie.

Best moment of the week:
Feeling all of those hands all over my belly when we were back in San Diego... friends, family, you name it... this baby girl is loved and I love to see it! Our baby shower back home. Bringing all the gifts home and putting them up in her nursery. Taking a nap with Joshua and falling asleep to his hand on my belly.

What I?m looking forward to: Picking a birthing class and getting some projects started and finished!

What I miss: Not much. I'm started to get sad about the fact that I won't be pregnant much longer. I love it! I'm really trying to treat this as my last and only pregnancy because I never know what the future holds. I really want to just soak.up.every.minute. I'm so thankful for this little miracle that's growing inside of me!

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Bangladesh's Hindu women fight for divorce rights

Unlike her Muslim compatriots, Tarulata Rani is unable to inherit anything from her family, cannot divorce and cannot claim maintenance from her absent husband -- all because she is a Bangladeshi Hindu.

Unlike Bangladeshi Muslims or Hindus in neighbouring India and Nepal, Bangladeshi Hindu women can't divorce as the legal provisions do not exist and their marriages have not been allowed to be officially registered.

"Is it a crime to be born a Hindu girl?" Rani, 22, who was married two years ago, told AFP.

"I can't inherit any property. I can't divorce my husband and remarry even though he left me for another woman and beat me all the time."

Last month Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina approved a new law that will introduce official marriage registration for Hindus in Muslim-majority Bangladesh in a move designed to protect the rights of women like Rani.

The legislation, expected to be passed shortly in parliament, has been welcomed by civil rights activists and many Hindu women.

But critics say it is a token gesture that does not go far enough amid opposition from the religion's hardliners, who see it as unnecessary political interference in their cultural traditions.

Bangladesh has a secular legal system except in matters related to inheritance, marriage and divorce, when Muslims follow sharia law and Hindus follow laws based on ancient un-codified customs.

Under the new law, Hindus -- who make up 10 percent of the country's 152 million population -- will be able to register their marriages with local councils or courts for the first time.

"At the moment, when a Hindu man walks out on a marriage, the wife can't sue him for alimony or maintenance because lack of marriage papers make it almost impossible to prove that they were married at all," said lawyer Nina Goswami.

"Tens of thousands of Hindu men keep multiple wives, knowing that they can't be prosecuted," added Goswami, who is director of the respected rights group, Ain O Salish Kendra.

Goswami, herself a Hindu, has seen how lack of rights have driven many Hindu women to "unwanted jobs and extreme poverty" after they were dumped by their husbands.

However she believes that the government's new laws are only a token gesture to placate mainstream Hindu women without angering Hindu men, who generally vote for the Awami League, the current ruling party.

"Unfortunately, these women don't exist in the government's eyes and ears," she said. "To our politicians, the Hindu community is a big vote-bank, made up of only males."

The government rejects such criticism and says that it is hamstrung by hardline Hindu activists who oppose changes to the law.

Law Minister Shafique Ahmed told AFP the new legislation would cut down on polygamy, which is increasing among the Hindu males, and ensure maintenance rights for women whose partners have left them.

"We couldn't reform Hindu personal laws further because of opposition by Hindu groups including some of their most educated people. Hardliners did not even want registration of their marriages," Ahmed said.

Radical Hindu activists say they reject any reforms that go against their scriptures or traditions, saying divorce could threaten the basic foundation of the Hindu family.

"We don't mind optional registration because Hindu couples sometimes need the marriage certificate when they travel," said Hiren Biswas, the president of the Samaj Sangskar Parishad group.

"But we won't accept mandatory registration, or divorce and inheritance rights to women because our scriptures and customs don't allow them," he told AFP, alleging the new law was a conspiracy hatched by foreign-funded charities.

Muslim women in Bangladesh can divorce and seek damages for break-ups or sue their partners thanks to decades of legal activism by women and rights groups.

But Bangladeshi Hindus, who have suffered widespread persecution and religious discrimination since partition of the subcontinent in 1947, were bypassed by the new rights.

Despite the new laws, Hindu women face a long struggle as their community is split on whether women's issues are the best battlefield to fight for wider equality.

For leading reformers like Supreme Court lawyer Subrata Chowdhury, himself a Hindu, the battle must now move on.

"Persecution by Muslims, forcible conversion, eviction from land and stealing of our properties are more important now," he told AFP.

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New planet-weighing technique found

ScienceDaily (June 27, 2012) ? Although there have been about 800 extra-solar planets discovered so far in our galaxy, the precise masses of the majority of them are still unknown, as the most-common planet-finding technique provides only a general idea of an object's mass. Previously, the only way to determine a planet's exact mass was if it transits -- has an orbit that periodically eclipses that of its host star. Former Carnegie scientist Mercedes L?pez-Morales has, for the first time, determined the mass of a non-transiting planet.

The work will be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

Knowing a body's mass is essential first to confirm it is a planet and if so, to determine whether it is rocky and possibly habitable or large and gassy. Until now, only the masses of transiting planets have been measured. Transiting planets are also the only type of extra-solar objects on which atmospheres have been detected.

L?pez-Morales, along with her colleagues Florian Rodler and Ignasi Ribas of the Institute of Space Sciences, ICE (CSIC-IEEC, in Barcelona, Spain) measured the exact mass of a non-transiting planet. They did this using a new method that involves studying the carbon monoxide signature of the planet's atmosphere -- detecting, in the process, the atmosphere of this non-transiting planet.

The planet is called Tau Boo b, located in the constellation of Bootes, and it orbits a star about 50 light years from Earth that's bright enough to be visible to the naked eye. The planet is similar in size to Jupiter and is so close to its star (only 8 stellar radii), that a year for this planet asts only 3.3 Earth days. Furthermore, its surface temperature reaches 1,500 ? C, making it inhospitable to life.

Discovered in 1996, Tau Boo b was one of the first planets originally detected by the radial velocity method. This planet does not transit, but its presence and characteristics were initially determined by the wobble of its host star. This technique only provides a rough indication of a detected planet's mass.

In June 2011, L?pez-Morales' team conducted five hours of observations at near infrared wavelength (2.3 microns). They obtained data from the high-resolution spectrograph CRIRES, an instrument mounted on one of the four 8.2m Very Large Telescopes (VLT) of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile.

The observations and subsequent data analysis revealed the presence of carbon monoxide in the planet's atmosphere. In addition, by studying the planet's orbital motion through the displacement of spectral lines of carbon monoxide, the team was able to calculate its exact mass -- 5.6 times Jupiter -- a first using this particular method, and also a first for a non-transiting planet.

An independent study conducted by researchers at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands obtained a similar result for the same planetary system, confirming the potential of this technique.

"This method represents a strong advance in the field of exoplanets," said Lopez-Morales. "It opens a new path to determine masses of exoplanets and the composition of their atmospheres"

The research team expects many more planets will be weighted using this new technique. They are also convinced that in the future, they will be able to detect molecules that are associated with the presence of life in non-transiting distant planets."

This work has been partially supported by the NSF.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Carnegie Institution.

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Atkins-style diets linked to women's heart disease | Health X Pert ...

Women who regularly cut back on carbohydrates and eat high amounts of protein are at increased risk of heart disease, concludes a study published Tuesday in the British Medical Journal. To gauge the impact of the popular Atkins-style diets on women's hearts, researchers in Greece turned to a food survey completed by more than 43,000 women in Sweden. The women, who were between 30 and 49 years old, recorded the frequency and quantities of food they ate over six months in 1991 and 1992. Using the survey, researchers calculated which women were eating the least amount of carbohydrates and the most amount of protein. The women were then followed for 15 years on average to see who became diagnosed with cardiovascular disease. The women's food habits were not tracked long-term but did provide researchers a snapshot in time. The study found 1,270 women developed heart problems. The incidence of cardiovascular disease was 62% higher among women who consumed the least carbohydrates and the most protein, when compared to women who weren?t regularly eating a low carbohydrate, high protein diet. By eating such a diet, the researchers conclude an additional four to five women out of 10,000 develop cardiovascular disease each year. The study found regularly eating just 20 fewer grams of carbohydrates and 5 more grams of protein a day increased the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease in women by 5%. That?s roughly the amount of carbohydrates in a small roll of whole grain bread and the amount of protein in one boiled egg. Nutrition experts who did not work on the study said its findings were in no way definitive. "It's provocative," said Dr. Laurence Sperling, director of the Center for Heart Disease Prevention at Emory School of Medicine in Atlanta. "Yes, in this study there's an association, but you need to be careful about taking that information and walking away with it and changing how you eat for the rest of your life." Several large studies have had somewhat different conclusions. Filed under: Diet and Fitness , Heart Tagged: John Bonifield ? CNN Medical Producer

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Atkins-style diets linked to women?s heart disease

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New Las Vegas airport terminal adds flash

Courtesy of Las Vegas McCarran International Airport

The new terminal at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas opens Wednesday.

By Harriet Baskas, msnbc.com contributor

The newest, shiniest, big thing in Las Vegas isn?t a hotel-casino or another Cirque de Soleil show.?It's "T3" -- the $2.4 billion Terminal 3 at McCarran International Airport.?

Sixteen international carriers will move their flights to T3 on Wednesday. Five domestic carriers (Alaska, Frontier, JetBlue, Sun Country and Virgin America) will begin service out of T3 on July 31. United and Hawaiian will begin operating out of T3 in late August.

The 14-gate terminal, the largest modern public works project in Nevada, is expected to serve more than 11.3 million passengers annually. The terminal includes many high-tech features and other amenities designed to increase efficiency and help make what officials consider to be the front door to the city as exciting as the city itself. ?

?The visitor experience in Terminal 3 will be unlike any other in the country,? said Rossi Ralenkotter, president and CEO of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority. ?From the moment passengers step out of the plane, they will immediately have a unique sense of place and receive the type of Las Vegas welcome we want them to receive.?

Setting the tone will be neon signs emulating the iconic ?Welcome to Las Vegas? sign that greets travelers on Las Vegas Boulevard, large-scale artwork and new technology that allows airlines to invite passengers to weigh, pay for and tag their own bags at more than 200 self-service kiosks and to scan their own boarding passes and self-board at the gates.

?We are unaware of any other large U.S. airport that utilizes the various technologies McCarran has deployed,? said Rosemary Vassiliadis, Clark County deputy director of aviation. Over the years, she added, McCarran has also been among the first airports in the country to introduce amenities such as free wireless Internet access, radio frequency identification tags for checked luggage and other technology.

Ethan Miller / Getty Images

Sin City is a major entertainment center and business travel destination, known for its carefully cultivated image, gambling and nightlife.

New technology will make it easy to get around T3. Flight, baggage and wayfinding information are displayed on more than 900 large-screen digital signs. And, at the gates, digital signage on pylons display high-resolution photos of iconic attractions passengers might see at their flight?s destination.

Like the rest of airport, T3 has complimentary wireless service, but it also offers travelers 16 new shops and restaurants, plenty of power outlets for recharging gadgets, historical photographs and artwork that includes a sculpture of two airplanes made out of 3,000 smaller sculptures of butterflies suspended on fine wires. ??

And for those visitors who want to get right down to business upon arrival ? or who want to continue gambling until they absolutely must leave for home ? there are almost 300 slot machines scattered throughout McCarran International Airport?s new terminal.

?We simply hope our customers will remember the good times they had while in Las Vegas, and leave McCarran with nothing but the good impressions that stem from a seamless travel experience at the airport,? said Vassiliadis.

Find more by Harriet Baskas on StuckatTheAirport.com and follow her on Twitter.?

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Kitchen Remodeling Ideas | DirectBuy Articles - Direct Buy Home ...

Update your kitchen with a remodelRemodeling your kitchen is one of the best investments that you can make to your home. A mid-range kitchen remodeling project costs $43,862 and has a return on investment of 91 percent. However, your kitchen remodeling project should be completed with your own neighborhood in mind because it is possible to remodel your kitchen above the level in which you will likely see a return. A successful kitchen remodeling project will consist of splurging in certain areas that are important and cutting back in other areas.


The contractor plays a vital role in the kitchen remodeling process. Hiring someone that you trust and instills confidence in you is often worth the extra price. Forgo hiring the contractor with the cheapest bid if he is charging an amount that is much different for certain projects than the other contractors or if he is a new contractor. Keep the contractor honest by paying him a deposit upfront and then regular payments as certain progress is made on the project. Make sure that the contract is detailed and includes specific material selections to ensure that you get what you are paying for.


Appliances are one area that many homeowners splurge on. They can make a big difference in a kitchen, especially if the existing appliances are mismatched or outdated. Buying a matching set of appliances helps to make a more cohesive design. This may be an area to splurge on if you commonly cook in your kitchen or host large events at your home.

Stainless steel continues to be a popular option and many homeowners splurge for commercial grade appliances. Buying new appliances is usually a good investment because home buyers do not want to purchase new appliances when they move into a new home.


Countertops are another good area to invest in. Having solid countertops allows homeowners to have ample preparation space and the countertops are a focal point for the space. While granite and slate are popular options and natural stones, quartz countertops provide a similar look at a lower price point.


New cabinetry can help to instantly update a kitchen. Some homeowners splurge on custom cabinets during their kitchen remodeling project. Custom cabinets allow you to create a personalized layout for the space, but they come at a price tag that is often in the tens of thousands of dollars. You may be able to achieve a similar look by visiting a cabinet supply warehouse and by making a special design for your kitchen. Home improvement stores often have showrooms and computer programs that allow you to select different designs and view how the cabinets will look after the kitchen remodeling project is finished.


Various types of flooring can be used on a kitchen remodeling project. A natural stone such as slate or travertine may be used for a high end look. Homeowners can also save on the flooring cost by choosing a laminate material?that will last more years than wood or engineered wood. Tile is another affordable option for the space. Cork is growing in popularity and is a green option.


Sometimes the best investment of a kitchen remodeling project is something that home buyers cannot see. Changing the layout of the space can allow you to make the kitchen more spacious and functional. A homeowner can dramatically increase the livability of a home by changing the layout during a kitchen remodeling project.

Kitchen remodeling projects are often time-consuming and have a life of their own. However, by carefully evaluating your needs and splurging on some items but not others, you can create the kitchen of your dreams and stay within budget.

DirectBuy has virtually everything you need for your kitchen remodeling project.? Go to www.directhomediscount.com to find out how you can get dealer pricing on all your home improvement needs.




Tags: Appliances, Countertops, DirectBuy, Flooring, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen Remodeling

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New method reveals atmosphere on 'Hot Jupiter' (+video)

Using a ground-based telescope to probe exoplanet atmospheres, which were visible only?when illuminated by stars, scientists say they hope to study much cooler planets.

By Charles Q. Choi,?SPACE.com / June 27, 2012

Artist's impression of the alien planet Tau Bootis b, whose atmosphere was probed using a new method.

L. Cal?ada/ESO/


The atmospheres of alien planets can now be probed even if they are not illuminated by stars directly behind them, astronomers say.

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Credit: ESO/L. Cal?ada / Mash Mix: SPACE.com
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A new method used to scan the atmosphere of a distant "hot Jupiter" world could eventually reveal insights about many distant alien planets ? including, perhaps, whether or not they support life, the researchers added.

"If we could detect gases like oxygen, these could point to biological activity," study co-author Ignas Snellen, an astronomer at Leiden University in the Netherlands, told SPACE.com.

RELATED: Are you scientifically literate? Take our quiz!

A new look at exoplanet atmospheres

Scientists have analyzed the atmospheres of exoplanets before, but only when those worlds passed in front of their parent stars, much like Venus did during its recent transit of the sun.

The change in the light of a star as it streams through an exoplanet's atmosphere can reveal details about the air's composition. Different molecules absorb light in distinct ways, resulting in patterns known as spectra that allow scientists to identify what they are. [Gallery: The Strangest Alien Planets]

Now scientists have for the first time analyzed the atmosphere of an exoplanet that, like most such alien worlds, does not pass between its star and Earth.

The planet in question is Tau Bo?tis b, one of the first exoplanets to be discovered back in 1996 and one of the nearest exoplanets to Earth known, at about 51 light-years away. The world is a "hot Jupiter" ? a gas giant orbiting very close to its parent star.

The exoplanet's parent star, Tau Bo?tis, is easily visible with the naked eye, but the planet is not. Up to now, Tau Bo?tis b was only detectable through its gravitational pull on the star.

An international team caught the faint infrared glow from Tau Bo?tis b using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope (VLT).

"We were able to study the spectrum of the system in much more detail than has been possible before," study lead author Matteo Brogi, of Leiden Observatory in the Netherlands, said in a statement. "Only about 0.01 percent of the light we see comes from the planet, and the rest from the star, so this was not easy."

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Italy ? Court Holds MMR Vaccine Causes Autism ? IV: ? BUT ? So ...

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Italy ? Court Holds MMR Vaccine Causes Autism ? IV: ? BUT ? So Has The USA

Belief of Hell is not a requirement for residency.

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Another win for the baby murdering anti-vaxers. Tragic, tragic, tragic stuff.

I hear stories from the chamber / How Christ was born into a manger
And like some ragged stranger / Died upon the cross
And might I say it seems so fitting in its way
He was a carpenter by trade / Or at least that's what I'm told
--Mercy Seat, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds

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Funny, if you follow the links to the CDC page on the Wayback Machine, it expressly contradicts what the scare-site "Child Health Safety" claims.

NIP: Vacsafe/Concerns/Autism/FAQs-Autism and MMR

"Italy Court"? Shouldn't that be "Italian Court"? Somehow sites with weird grammar (not to mention bizarre claims contradicted by its own sources) just don't seem credible.

- Daisy

If such people were amenable to facts, they would have gotten the point long ago...Whatever it is that is blocking the understanding of the "denialist", it is not access to facts or information. The blockage is most likely emotional, possibly based on fear, and one does not most effectively deal with emotional barriers by using facts as instruments of assault and battery. - Dan Murphy

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Originally Posted by Halossellar View Post

You guys shutup! What about Bigfoot?

bigfoot doesn't kill anyone. Hunting for bigfoot doesn't kill anyone. Proclaiming bigfoot exists doesn't kill anyone.

Anti-vaxers murder children.

This is not a topic worth being sarcastic about.

I hear stories from the chamber / How Christ was born into a manger
And like some ragged stranger / Died upon the cross
And might I say it seems so fitting in its way
He was a carpenter by trade / Or at least that's what I'm told
--Mercy Seat, Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds


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