বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৮ জুন, ২০১২

finding beauty in the ordinary: 34 Weeks!

(as of last Thursday!)

Baby's size: 17.75 in, canteloupe, 4.75 lbs

Sleep: Getting more uncomfortable. Joshua has to push me off the bed, ha!

Maternity Clothes: Target has been saving my life! Their maxi-skirts are so comfty and cute! I now am the proud owner of 4 of them #addicted

Food cravings: Absolutely nothing. I'm a boring preggo.

Symptoms I have: The peeing is really getting frequent! I shouldn't have said anything in my last post because bam!!!! It happened. I'm still only up once or twice a night but all day long I am going now. We should take stock in Charmin.

Doctor?s Appointment: We had our routine doctors appointment last Tuesday and everything looked great! My appointments are now 2 weeks apart and in a few weeks they'll switch to every week. I love hearing her heartbeat at our appointments, and I couldn't have been more excited to have my mom come along with us since she was in town! I've been waiting so long for that.?

Movement: Kicks, punches, hiccups, rolls, LOVE IT!

Belly Button:
It has popped! :) I'm now sporting an outie.

Best moment of the week:
Feeling all of those hands all over my belly when we were back in San Diego... friends, family, you name it... this baby girl is loved and I love to see it! Our baby shower back home. Bringing all the gifts home and putting them up in her nursery. Taking a nap with Joshua and falling asleep to his hand on my belly.

What I?m looking forward to: Picking a birthing class and getting some projects started and finished!

What I miss: Not much. I'm started to get sad about the fact that I won't be pregnant much longer. I love it! I'm really trying to treat this as my last and only pregnancy because I never know what the future holds. I really want to just soak.up.every.minute. I'm so thankful for this little miracle that's growing inside of me!

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