বুধবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

A glance at eurozone unemployment rates

Unemployment for the 17 countries that use the euro rose to a record high of 11.6 percent in September.

Here is a breakdown of unemployment across Europe and the eurozone.

Country/RegionSeptember 2011August 2012September 2012
Eurozone (17 countries)10.311.511.6
European Union (27 countries)9.810.610.6

Source: Eurostat.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-10-31-Europe-Economy-Glance/id-1b86955cb14f454d996db813210d3b31

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Are you the spammy marketer of job search? - Blog - JobJenny ...


I participate in a short list of LinkedIn groups that are specifically relevant to my areas of expertise. Among the most useful for my work are those LinkedIn groups that serve communities of people who are either considering career transitions or actively seeking.

Unfortunately, as many of you know, LinkedIn groups are also a breeding ground for spammy marketing messages, whose authors pay little (or no) attention to the core mission or purpose of that group, nor the needs and preferences of its members.

And it gets a little old.

And it?can choke the good stuff right out of the discussion stream if the group's moderators aren't diligent in policing.

So you can imagine what a refreshing delight it was when, last week, I saw a polite reminder from the moderator of a career community group?in which I participate. The message asked the group's members to kindly consider that spammy, irrelevant?marketing?is self-serving, fails to add any real value and is not a welcome part of the conversation.

I applauded from my desk chair, as did several others?within the?comments section of the thread.

Afterwards, I got to thinking ...

This careless, lazy (and frankly, ineffective) method of marketing is also common among job seekers.

You know how much you hate spammy marketing, right?

It yells messages at you.

It gets in your way.

You wonder, "Why the hell is this person even talking to me? I'm not even close to?his target customer."

You hate it, but??

...are you being a spammy marketer in your own job search?

  • Are you machine-gunning out bunches of resumes without spending time to consider the core needs, goals and values of the receiver?
  • Are you sending out the same cover letter, with the same unpersonalized messaging to every single potential employer you contact?
  • Are you thinking that, if you yell out to enough people, with enough noise, eventually you'll find a taker?

If this sounds at all like your approach to date, stop it. For your own sake, stop.

Instead, build a marketing campaign of real dialogue.

Find the right people to approach, and be thoughtful in how you can best appraoch them.

Seek to build genuine relationships.

Do some homework.

Offer to help the people around you.

Just don't be spam. Spam is lazy. It tells the recipient, "I don't really care about you, but I'm hoping you'll buy from me anyway."

And more importantly, it just doesn't work.

What techniques are you using, or have you used, that have worked? If you have some non-spammy job search tactics to share, please be sure and do so in the comments section below!

Photo : Eric Peters Auto


Source: http://www.jobjenny.com/the-blog/2012/10/31/are-you-the-spammy-marketer-of-job-search.html

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সোমবার, ২৯ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Left in Lithuania eyes vote win after austerity pain

VILNIUS (Reuters) - Center-left parties were set to win Lithuania's final round parliamentary election on Sunday thanks to voter anger over spending cuts, likely spelling the end for a conservative government praised abroad as a model of austerity.

Labour and the Social Democratic Party, which won 34 of 141 seats in a first round two weeks ago, have a good chance of winning enough of the 67 remaining seats up for grabs to form a coalition, according to analysts.

The two parties have promised to raise the minimum wage, shift the tax burden towards the better off and postpone the Baltic nation's adoption of the euro.

Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius, who says cuts to the budget deficit saved the former Soviet republic from bankruptcy, came third in the first round and has only a slim chance of retaining power.

After a collapse in economic output of 15 percent in 2009, the second-biggest decline in the European Union after northern neighbor Latvia, gross domestic product rose 6 percent last year and is expected to increase by about 3 percent this year.

But many voters say they have had enough of austerity.

"Everything needs to be changed, in the government now only one in 10 people really work, the rest just hang out there," said pensioner Edmundas, 73, who declined to give his full name.

The budget deficit fell to 5.5 percent of GDP in 2011 from 9.4 percent in 2009. The Kubilius government has drafted a 2013 budget with a 2.5 percent fiscal gap.


With a 13 percent jobless rate, Lithuania is one of the European Union's poorest countries and the population has fallen below 3 million for the first time since the Soviet Union's collapse in 1991 as thousands leave to find work.

Labour and the Social Democrats looked set to be able to form a coalition with the Paksas Party, led by an impeached former president, said Tomas Janeliunas, associate professor at the Institute of International Relations and Political Science.

"Even if the conservatives (led by Kubilius) and the liberals do better than in the first round, they are unlikely to get enough votes to continue in government," Janeliunas said.

The government's probable failure at the ballot box comes despite warm words abroad for a more resolute economic course than those taken by Greece and other euro zone states struggling with debt. The International Monetary Fund praised the government's "determined policy implementation" in June.

Social Democrat leader Algirdas Butkevicius, 54, a prospective prime minister, sounded confident after voting.

"We are going to win the second round ... and we are going to create a new ruling coalition in the parliament and maybe we will create the government in Lithuania," he told Reuters.

The Social Democrats want progressive income taxes to replace flat taxes.

In a sign of possible coalition tension ahead, Labour's leader, Russian-born businessman Victor Uspaskich, has said he may push for a budget deficit above the EU limit of 3 percent of output.[ID:nL5E8LE6ZU] Butkevicius has said he would be fiscally responsible and could seek euro entry in 2015. [ID:nL6E8L2DQJ]

However, Uspaskich says Lithuania should not rush to adopt the euro while the currency is in crisis and public support is low. The Labour leader is on trial for tax evasion by his party between 2004 and 2006, a charge he denies.

Lithuania's politicians were aware pressure from the markets would not allow them to be too generous, said Lars Christensen, chief emerging markets analyst at Danish bank Danske Bank.

"I'm quite happy that this election, no matter the outcome, will not lead to crazy economic policies," Christensen said.

Lithuania must borrow 7.6 billion litas ($2.85 billion) in 2013, about 7 percent of GDP, to refinance debt and to fund the deficit. "They have their hands tied at the moment," said DNB economist Rokas Bancevicius.

Lithuania takes the EU's rotating presidency in the second half of 2013 and must repay a 1 billion euro bond in March.

(Writing by Patrick Lannin; Editing by Andrew Osborn and Jason Webb)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/left-lithuania-eyes-vote-win-austerity-pain-180723135--business.html

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Hello everyone.

Hello everyone, I am TheMysticKnight. There isn't too much information which i am comfortable stating, though i am in my first year of games development and plan on making an RPG as my major project later on in the course. My interest and focus on games are from this genre or setting. While i am not that good or active with text RPs, i am willing to try some (as long as i am not expected to write what feels like a novel length like some can type. Again, not a good text RPer. ^^;)

The reason i joined is for research, may it be selfish a bit or not. I am required to do some research on an audience and have a look at their preferences for my game. I do have a survey which i need people to complete, though the link will be shown when i ask an admin about that. Apart from that i seen a section could help me with some general tips to assist me, so i am going to safely say being active here will benefit me with my project.

As for me personally. I am gamer who takes interest with RPG, adventure and adventure-action games (with First-Person Shooter being a minor interest now.) I see myself as a friendly person as i am able to quickly get back to responses from people without using flame, blame ETC. It feels good to meet new people and friends.

You can also find me on DeviantART, where i will upload drawings either related to my game or unrelated. Feel free to have a look: http://themysticknight.deviantart.com/

Not sure what else to say... Have a nice day!

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/-hpgfcRZdB8/viewtopic.php

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শুক্রবার, ২৬ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Politically Connected Energy Company Wins Offshore Wind Lease

A politically connected renewable energy company has received the go-ahead from the Interior Department to produce wind energy off the coast of Delaware, despite doubts that the project in question will actually materialize.

Interior?s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management announced Tuesday that it had reached an agreement with NRG Bluewater Wind, a project of NRG Energy, to lease 96,430 acres off the coast of Delaware for commercial wind energy production.

But it?s not clear that NRG will be able to secure the financing needed to actually produce energy in that area. The company was forced to cancel a power purchase agreement with Delmarva Power in December after it failed to find financing for the Bluewater project.

While NRG attributed that setback to uncertainty over federal support for wind energy, Matthew Kaplan, associate director at IHS Emerging Energy Research, noted that it illustrated ?the difficulty of persuading utilities to buy offshore wind power in quantities and at rates that make sense to both buyers and sellers.?

The 200 MW of power Delmarva agreed to purchase from NRG Bluewater ?was less than NRG wanted to sell and at a rate that was a lot more expensive than the utility would have to pay from other sources,? Kaplan noted, citing other market researchers.

The Bluewater project will not move forward until NRG can find financiers. Company spokesman David Gaier said the lease would help woo investors, but would not confirm that the Delaware wind farm will actually be built.

While the Bluewater project is riddled with uncertainties, NRG Energy is a frequent beneficiary of federal backing ? it received three loan guarantees worth a combined $3.8 billion through the same program that helped finance bankrupt solar company Solyndra ? and it enjoys a few notable political connections.

The day before BOEM announced its Bluewater lease agreement, NRG executive Jason Few announced he would leave the company for unspecified reasons. Few?s wife is a major campaign bundler for President Obama. Few and NRG chief executive David Crane met with White House official Valerie Jarrett in the West Wing in December 2010, White House visitor logs show.

NRG also enjoys the influence of Kathleen McGinty, who sits on the company?s board of directors. Scribe has noted McGinty?s impressive political resume before:

The former chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality and the founding director of the White House Office on Environmental Policy, McGinty is a ?prot?g? of Al Gore,? according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

White House visitor logs show that McGinty, who also served as a senior advisor to the DNC, met with Nancy Sutley, chair of the White House Counsel on Environmental Quality, in 2010 to discuss the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).

Dr. Karl Hausker, McGinty?s husband, is a former deputy assistant administrator at the Environmental Protection Agency. He also represented the EPA on the White House Climate Change Task Force.

Source: http://blog.heritage.org/2012/10/25/politically-connected-energy-company-wins-offshore-wind-lease/

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Mechanism of membrane fission deciphered

ScienceDaily (Oct. 26, 2012) ? A cell is composed of a nucleus which encloses its genetic information and the cytoplasm which is itself confined by an external membrane separating the cell from the outside world. The impermeability of the membrane and its ability to repair itself protect the cell from its environment. Although this membrane resistance is fundamental to the survival of the cell, the cell also needs to let in particles necessary for its proper functioning. The mechanism by which a small region of the cytoplasmic membrane invaginates to form a bud that will then be sectioned off to let molecules and other particles into the cell is known as endocytosis.

However, this natural process remains elusive due to the remarkable resistance of the cell membrane. Aur?lien Roux, a professor of biochemistry and member of the National Centres of Competence in Research (NCCR) Chemical Biology, heads a team that focused on dynamin, a protein involved in endocytosis, to try to understand how an ultra-resistant membrane can nevertheless let external elements enter into the cell.

The power of dynamin

Scientists conducted in vitro experiments using artificial membrane tubules with a radius of 10 to 100 nanometres. They discovered that once dynamin is injected into the tube, it polymerises. In other words, it forms a helix around the tube and compresses it until it breaks. Dynamin produces the energy necessary for this constriction by "consuming" GTP molecules, much like a car consumes gasoline.

Based on these experiments, Professor Roux's team observed that the location of the fission is very specific and appears at the boundary between the helix and the membrane. "A change in radius that curves the membrane, caused by the polymerisation of dynamin, induces a stress that promotes the fracture," states Sandrine Morlot, researcher at the Department of Biochemistry. "This is new data allowing us to explain the process of fission."

The researchers were also able to measure the time it took to fission the membrane. Its duration depends on the mechanical properties of the membrane, which vary from one cell to another.

"We found that the ability of dynamin to break an ultra-resistant membrane is due to its torque, that is to say, its rotational force, which is vastly superior to that of other proteins," explains Professor Roux. "By decrypting the effect of dynamin on the membrane, we have come to understand the workings of membrane fission, a phenomenon which is certainly natural but remains extremely complex."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Universit? de Gen?ve, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

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Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/top_news/top_environment/~3/Z9T99s7B30Y/121026125009.htm

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Source: http://www.bodyhealthandfitness.net/ignite-the-fire-the-secrets-to-building-a-successful-personal-training-career/

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Ogundare Foyanmu: Death of a living human treasure ? The Punch ...

Ogundare Foyanmu

Legendary? oral? poet,? Ogundare? Foyanmu?s?? death evokes memories of his immense contributions to traditional poetry, writes GBENGA ADENIJI

If one calls the mobile phone of prolific chanter, Ogundare Foyanmu, it will ring because it is an active line. But the sad part is that it is not the creative poet that will pick it. As this correspondent experienced on Wednesday, it is one of his wives that will answer the call. Reason: the artist has since transited to the world beyond.

Family sources told this correspondent that he died on October 13 and has since been buried. In an emotion-laden voice, one of the deceased?s wives, Mrs. Rachael Foyanmu, says he died in the midnight of that day.

She explains that he was not particularly sick the day the incident occurred. According to her, there are plans to hold an event akin to a tribute night for the late performer on November 3 in Ogbomoso, Oyo State.

Rachael says, ?? I will miss him so much for his sound judgment and wisdom on many issues. The Ogbomoso communty too will miss him because people used to come to him to seek counsel? on family-related matters. And God really helped him to resolve them amicably.?

She recalls that she met Foyanmu some years ago after a theatre performance which he was one of the facilitators. ??I used to be an actress but now I sell amala (yam flour). After we finished a performance one day he told me he would like to see me. When he eventually met me, he proposed marriage to me. The rest as they say today is history as I have given birth to both male and female children for him.??

Rachael, who adds that he produced an album titled Ojowu Binrin (Jealous Wife) before his death, notes that his last outing was at the palace of the Elejigbo of Ejigbo in Osogbo, Osun State during a festival.

One of the children of Ogundare Foyanmu, Bose, who says she is into buying and selling of consumable goods, also states that her father died without any sign of sickness. This shows that the Ijala chanter had survived the stroke that initially kept him bedridden for some years.

In a telephone interview, celebrated author and lecturer, Prof. Akinwunmi Ishola, described Foyanmu as an excellent cultural artist. He adds that the country had lost an important person.

The don recalled that in 2007, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation recognised him and another Nigerian, who was a sculptor artiste, Lamidi Fakeye, as Living Human Treasures-as part of its project aimed at preserving the human heritage.??????

Ishola says, ??I was at the event held in Abuja. He was a very good artist and if you listen to his works, you will learn a lot about the Yoruba culture and about how to behave and so on.??

It will be the joy of Ishola to see the production of the works of the late chanter into CD. In this regard, he urges another oral poet, Tubosun Oladapo, to take up the challenge, as he notes, that he has all the recordings of the deceased?s numerous works.?

Perhaps what Oladapo needs to do now is to upgrade the ones he had accordingly converted before Foyanmu?s death.

Although the career of the artist, who had entertained the rich and poor when he was hale and hearty, suffered a setback due to the ailment, he had over four decades of outstanding performances and production of the oral poetry into cassettes.

Our correspondent had met with the distinguished chanter in May last year at his Ile Foyanmu Oke Taraa in Ogbomoso. During that encounter, Foyanmu disclosed that he had a stroke some years before then.

Foyanmu had said, ??I have arun romo-lowo romo-lese, (Yoruba term for stroke). It is the toughest challenge that I and my career are currently facing. I fell down in this house 11 years ago. But it was seven years ago that I got struck with stroke.?

The oral poet, who contributed hugely to the popularisation of Ijala (a poetry chant by Yoruba hunters), is known by the appellation: Foyanmu keru o beko, pagbin je keru ob?osa, a metaphor for doing the unimaginable.

The Ijala performer also narrated how he got the name, ??My grandfather was a fighter during the time warriors made slaves of those in the kingdoms they conquered. The women among those they came back with were always given to the king and powerful people in the town. In one of his outings, Abidogun, as he was called, decided to keep one of the women for himself. The woman gave birth to a male child but none of his other wives had a male child. The women were not happy with her fortune. So, whenever they prepared pap for their female children, they would feed the child of the woman with pounded yam. She told her husband about the issue and he, in response, called other wives to ask why they were doing so but they denied the claim.

??The woman then cursed that the children of any of the women, whether male or female, would survive if only they fed them with pounded yam as they did to her own child. But that their children would not live if they fed them with pap because they never fed hers with pap. And the curse took effect. That was how our family home became known as Foyanmu.??

The rancoteur added that their family house was not called Foyanmu before then, it was known as Ile Alagbo Omo-the house where children were cured with herbs because children were usually rushed to the place whenever they were experiencing convulsion and many of them were healed with herbs.

He further said he later adopted the name ?Foyanmu? because it fitted his oratory style.

The messages in his works are didactic thus responsible for their relevance till date. Foyanmu noted during the interview then that some men told him that their wives initially burnt his cassettes when they bought them home. But they later encouraged them to buy new ones after listening to the messages contained in them.

??I was told that some of the wives called their husbands to ask them if they were the one who asked me to say certain things I said in the cassettes because they mirrored their lifestyle. And the husbands would in turn say they never knew me but only heard the performance and decided to buy the cassette. Art and life are bound,? he said.

According to him, he was given lands by kings and ?dashed? a woman by her father after a captivating performance. The woman, he told this correspondent, bore him six children.

The raconteur, whose improvisation and histrionic ingenuity were superb, expressed hope that he would still sing more and produce his numerous cassettes of ijala into CDs as soon as his health allowed him.


More Stories in Arts & Life

Source: http://www.punchng.com/entertainment/arts-life/ogundare-foyanmu-death-of-a-living-human-treasure/

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UK lawmakers line up to host Richard III's tomb

LONDON (AP) ? British lawmakers are sparring over what may be left of Richard III.

No one is certain yet that remains dug up last month at a Leicester parking lot are those of the monarch immortalized by William Shakespeare for his willingness to trade his kingdom for a horse.

It may take months for DNA testing to determine if the body is the king's, but that hasn't stopped lawmakers in Parliament from sparring over the remains for their valuable tourism potential.

Archaeologists found the bones beneath the site of the Grey Friars church in Leicester, central England. Accounts at the time say Richard was buried there following his 1485 death in the Battle of Bosworth Field.

Labour lawmaker John Mann says the priory of Worksop, in Nottinghamshire, would be an ideal final resting place for the king ? but his Labour colleague Jon Ashworth of Leicester South was having none of that.

"I am sure Worksop has many fine qualities, but given it was the Grey Friars who took the body of Richard and buried him at what was then the Grey Friars' church, a site which is today just a stone's throw from Leicester Cathedral, and he has been in Leicester for 500 years, it would be most appropriate that he is finally laid to rest at Leicester Cathedral," Ashworth said.

The University of Leicester team behind the find noted that archaeologists are still doing tests and are far from certain that the bones are Richard's.

The team that excavated the bones has identified a direct descendant of Richard's elder sister ? a 17th great-grand-nephew ? and obtained a DNA swab for possible matching with any bones found at the site.

"Let's see if it is him first," said Lin Foxhall, head of the university's School of Archaeology and Ancient History. "What we have is a really convincing candidate on the basis of circumstantial evidence. This is just not certain."

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/uk-lawmakers-line-host-richard-iiis-tomb-164841561--finance.html

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Video: Teen suspect in Ridgeway murder to appear in court

>> and more on that startling arrest in the kidnapping and murder of 10-year-old jessica ridgeway . a 17-year-old is behind bars and will be charged in connection with that case. this morning, miguel almaguer is in golden, colorado.

>> reporter: detectives say the suspect is a local boy, a teenager accused and responsible for a horrific crime that rocked this community.

>> reporter: police say the suspect is 17-year-old austin sigg , a teenager accused of kidnapping and murdering 10-year-old jessica ridgeway . she sappeared october 5th . the fifth grader last seen walking to school, her dismembered body discovered days later in a rural open space .

>> we can't give you a lot of information. affidavits in this case have been sealed. that's under a court order . so i'm precluded from giving too much detail.

>> reporter: arrested tuesday night after what police called a tip, nbc denver affiliate kusa reports sigg 's own mother called investigators. i made the phone call and he turned himself in. that's all i have to say, mindy sigg told the "associated press." kusa reports sigg was interrogated for six hours telling detectives, quote, specific details about the crime that only someone intimately involved would know. all day wednesday, investigators were spotted inside sigg 's family home just a mile and a half from jessica ridgeway 's house. inside, law enforcement sources reportedly say they found human remains . meantime, at standley lake high school , classmates say he collected knives and swords and described him as a brilliant student.

>> he was smart as all can be. he knew what he was doing, he had good grades, he was intelligent.

>> friends say sigg was active in online gaming . before his arrest, sigg was enrolled in community college where friends say he was fascinated with mortuary science . he won second place in the crime scene investigation division at a state conference. megan barker was sigg 's lab partner in forensic science and said sigg was interested in how bodies decomposed.

>> he was a really nice kid. he would help us with our projects, help the teacher with the computer. he was friendly.

>> police have linked sigg to an atem attempted kidnapping on a running trail not far from his home. they say he attacked a female jogger on memorial day , the victim saying the suspect tried to cover her face with a chemical-soaked rag. police call sigg 's arrest the start of justice for jessica . but for the little girl 's family and this community, there may never be peace.

>> it was so close to home . and he was just right over there. this is really scary.

>> reporter: austin sigg is expected in front of a judge at 8:00 a.m . local time . he'll be in juvenile court , but prosecutors tell nbc news they have every intent on trying him as an adult. matt?

>> miguel almaguer on this story for us, thank you very

Source: http://video.today.msnbc.msn.com/today/49548701/

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Asus Puts Its Windows 8 Lineup on the Top Shelf

Asus unveiled its slew of new products Tuesday, showing off touch-capable PCs, hybrids, tablets and convertible Ultrabooks optimized to run on Microsoft's new Windows 8 operating system. Windows is getting a radical redesign, and many of Asus' new products follow suit, featuring dramatic differences from previous PC and tablet models.

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বৃহস্পতিবার, ২৫ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

Why Waiting to Start Kindergarten Might Be a Good Idea

Parents who decide to hold summer babies back and have them start kindergarten a year later may be onto something.

New research finds that kids born in the summer are less likely to grow up to be company CEOs, mainly because being younger puts them at a disadvantage in school, according to researchers.

A study by researchers at the University of British Columbia revealed that a person's date of birth could affect their chances at becoming a CEO. An examination of company leaders in the S&P 500 found that just 6.13 percent of CEOs were born in June and less than 6 percent in July, compared with a combined 23 percent with birthdays in March and April.

"Our findings indicate that summer babies underperform in the ranks of CEOs as a result of the 'birth-date effect,' a phenomenon resulting from the way children are grouped by age in school," said Maurice Levi, a finance professor and co-author of the study.

With cutoff dates for school admission in the U.S. falling between September and January, the researchers determined that those CEOs born between June and July were the youngest in their class during school, while those in March and April were the oldest.

"Older children within the same grade tend to do better than the youngest, who are less intellectually developed," Levi said. "Early success is often rewarded with leadership roles and enriched learning opportunities, leading to future advantages that are magnified throughout life."

Levi argues that the results add to the growing evidence that the way the current education system groups students by age impacts their lifelong success.

"We could be excluding some of the business world's best talent simply by enrolling them in school too early," he said.

The study, co-authored by Ph.D. students Qianqian Du and Huasheng Gao, investigated the birth-date effect in a sample of 375 CEOs from S&P 500 companies between 1992 and 2009. It is scheduled to appear in the December issue of the journal Economics Letters.

This story was provided by BusinessNewsDaily, a sister site to LiveScience. Follow Chad Brooks on Twitter @cbrooks76 or BusinessNewsDaily @BNDarticles. We're also on Facebook & Google+.

Copyright 2012 LiveScience, a TechMediaNetwork company. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/why-waiting-start-kindergarten-might-good-idea-145549084.html

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Remembering Professor Pat Randolph | Law School News

Professor Patrick A Randolph Jr., an internationally recognized expert in real estate law at UMKC School of Law, died at the age of 68. Professor Randolph died at home on October 12 after a long battle with prostate cancer.

Randolph was highly regarded for his expertise in real estate and development, particularly his knowledge of Chinese real estate law.

A professor at UMKC since 1980, he directed the UMKC/Peking University Summer School in Chinese Law and lectured at more than 20 Chinese law schools.? In 1994, he began his work in China as a visiting professor in the Peking University Department of Law in Beijing.? Randolph was the co-founder and co-director of the Real Estate Research Center at Peking University where he served as the first foreign director of a research center at the university.? In 2006, the Beijing Municipal Government awarded Professor Randolph the Great Wall Friendship prize, in recognition of his many contributions to the Chinese legal system.? In 2008, the Chinese National Government awarded him the National Friendship prize medal.? Each is the highest award given to a foreigner.

Professor Randolph was the managing editor and website manager of the DIRT discussion group on real estate law.? DIRT arose as an offshoot of the American Bar Association?s Quarterly Development Report, to which Randolph was a regular contributor.? Included in DIRT were the Daily Developments, Randolph?s analyses of current cases and developments published virtually on a daily basis.

?It is hard to think of anyone else who has contributed as much to the profession of real estate law; Pat has been the champion!? said Dale A. Whitman, Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Missouri-Columbia.? ?Pat?s efforts to bring the practicing bar and the teaching profession together, and to let each group learn from the other, have been monumental ? and highly successful.? The idea of cooperation between these two groups has been powerful indeed, and Pat deserves the lion?s share of the credit for making it a reality.?

In 2000, Realtor Magazine named Randolph one of the 25 most influential people in American real estate.? He was named in many compilations of the world?s and Missouri?s best real estate lawyers.? His treatise ? Randolph Edition of Friedman on Leases ? is the leading authority nationwide on leasing matters.

Born in Pasadena, Calif., on September 2, 1944, Randolph grew up in the 1950s in Arcadia, a bedroom community serving the city of Los Angeles. In 1966, Randolph received his BA from Yale University in New Haven, Conn.? Randolph would describe his greatest accomplishment at Yale as being one of the louder and ?almost always on key? baritones in one of Yale?s established singing groups, the Society of Orpheus and Bacchus (?SOBs?).

Randolph attended Boalt School of Law at the University of California, Berkeley, where he was a special projects editor of the California Law Review.? He received his law degree in 1969 and served as law clerk to Chief Justice Kenneth J. O?Connell of the Oregon Supreme Court.? He then became an associate in the firm of O?Melveny and Meyers in Los Angeles before joining the faculty at UMKC. Besides his teaching role, he maintained a consulting relationship with Husch Blackwell in Kansas City, Missouri.

In addition to his wife, Pamela McCormick, Randolph?s survivors include his sister, Carolee Jones, of Stockton, California; his brother, Donald C. Randolph, of Pacific Palisades, California; his son, Patrick A. Randolph lll, of Kansas City, Missouri; his daughter, Alice Randolph Pattison, of Kansas City, Missouri; and his two beloved granddaughters, Emily and Brigid Pattison.

Professor Randolph?s friends and family are invited to a Celebration of Life on Saturday, November 17 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at UMKC School of Law. A program will begin in the Thompson Courtroom beginning at 2 p.m. followed by a reception in the Student Lounge. At Professor Randolph?s request, there will be a party including slide presentations, food, drink and jazz.

Please RSVP for the celebration by emailing Pam McCormick.

Source: http://info.umkc.edu/lawnews/2012/10/24/remembering-professor-pat-randolph/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=remembering-professor-pat-randolph

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Iceland warns of threat of big earthquake

REYKJAVIK (Reuters) - Icelandic authorities warned people in the north of the island on Thursday to prepare for a possible big earthquake after the biggest tremors in the area for 20 years.

The north Atlantic island, where almost 320,000 people live, is a hotspot of volcanic and seismic activity as it straddles a fault in the earth's surface.

The Civil Protection Department said in a statement that recent small quakes in an area under the sea about 20 km (12 miles) off the north of Iceland had prompted it to issue a warning to local people.

It said such shocks, one of which was a magnitude 5.6, often led to stronger quakes. Warnings were issued when there were grounds to expect a natural or manmade event that could threaten health and human safety, it added.

"People are anxious because they don't know what might happen," said Amundi Gunnarsson, chief of the fire brigade in Fjallabyggd, one of the small towns in the area, and a member of the Civil Protection Department.

"At the same time, life goes on as usual. People are going to work and children are going to school, but everyone is on alert," he told Reuters by telephone.

The coastal area in the north is home to several small towns and a population of several thousand people.

The biggest town in the north of Iceland, Akureyri, has a population of about 17,000 people, and lies roughly 100 km south of the seismic activity.

Geologist Benedikt Ofeigsson said houses in Iceland could typically withstand quakes of a magnitude about 7.

"Of course there could be some damage to in walls and concrete in such strong earthquakes, but what is important that houses have stood firm," he told Reuters.

(Reporting by Robert Robertsson, writing by Patrick Lannin; Editing by Alistair Scrutton and Keith Weir)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/iceland-warns-threat-big-earthquake-162450882.html

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20 DIY Home Improvement Projects for this Winter

If you're looking at a fixer-upper, the Federal Housing Administration rehab loan may be the mortgage for you.

Are you interested in buying a fixer-upper, but don't have the cash to remodel it? Or maybe you have saved money for remodeling and you've found a house you love, but your lender won't allow you to buy it because the house isn't considered habitable without toilets.


There are always properties on the market that weren't maintained by cash-strapped former owners, were treated poorly by renters or were deliberately trashed by formers owners before they lost their home to foreclosure. Shouldn't there be a way for someone like you to fix up these neighborhood eyesores and bring them back to life?


A Gift From the Government

There is, and it's brought to you by the federal government. The Federal Housing Administration's rehab loan product, the The FHA 203(k) Loan was designed for individuals who want to rehabilitate or repair a damaged home so they can live in it as their primary residence. These loans are endorsed by the government to encourage lenders to offer what would otherwise be considered a risky loan product. Because of the risk and expense involved, rehab projects are normally handled by professional real estate investors who can buy properties with cash and therefore don't need any bank to approve the property's condition.

According to the FHA, "All persons who can make the monthly mortgage payments are eligible to apply" for a 203(k) loan. To find a lender in your area who is experienced with FHA 203(k) mortgages, use the search tool at http://www.hud.gov/ll/code/llslcrit.cfm and check the box for 203(k).

You might be surprised by the variety of home repairs and improvements that can be financed with the 203(k) loan. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Painting
  • Room additions
  • Decks
  • Patios
  • Site grading and drainage
  • Bathroom remodeling
  • Kitchen remodeling, including appliances
  • Finishing an attic or basement
  • Structural alterations and repairs
  • Adding or decreasing the number of units in a dwelling (e.g., single family to duplex)
  • New siding
  • Second story addition
  • Elimination of lead-based paint problems
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems (HVAC)
  • Plumbing
  • Roofing
  • Flooring
  • Energy conservation
  • Disabled access

The FHA does not allow "luxury items" such as tennis courts, swimming pools, hot tubs and barbecue pits to be financed with a 203(k) loan, but some items that you might think of as luxuries, such as whirlpool bathtubs, are actually allowed. Talk to your lender about the specific improvements you want to make to see what you can finance.


Applying for an FHA 203(k) Loan

At AmeriFirst Home Mortgage, we are your 203k Specialists. You can find us in several states in the 203k Loan Directory.

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Let us know how we can help, and feel free to download our FREE 203k Survival Guide anytime.

Source: http://blog.amerifirst.com/amerifirst-blog/bid/90847/20-DIY-Home-Improvement-Projects-for-this-Winter

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Welcome Back - Enjoy Pinellas County's parks and trails : Outdoors ...

Walking is a recommended activity for any good health and fitness program, and Pinellas County offers a number of opportunities to get moving in a variety of settings.

One of the most popular spots is the 47-mile Fred Marquis Pinellas Trail, which county officials describe as a ?linear park and recreation trail,? that runs from St. Petersburg to Tarpon Springs. The trail runs along an abandoned railroad corridor and an average of 70,000 walkers, joggers, bikers and skaters use it each month.

Amenities include rest stops with restrooms and lavatories, beverages, bicycle racks, litter receptacles, lighting, telephones, trail maps and water fountains. Paved parking areas are available at certain access points. Nature trails loop around various scenic areas with access paths back to the asphalt trail.

Several shorter trails are located in parks throughout Pinellas.

Walsingham Park, 12615 102nd Ave., Largo, has a six-mile multi-purpose trail that winds past a 100-acre lake. Fitness enthusiasts enjoy the course and there are two playgrounds for children. Benches, picnic tables, pavilions and restrooms complete the facility. Access the park off 102nd Avenue or Walsingham Road.

Lake Seminole Park, 10015 Park Blvd., Seminole, sports a two-mile recreational trail used by joggers, hikers, bikers and for rollerblading. The park is a designated wildlife habitat and sanctuary. The trail passes through a scenic pine flatwoods area. It features a playground for children, a climbing rock and more.

John S. Taylor Park, 1100 Eight Ave. SW., Largo, features a tree-lined 1.8-mile recreation trail, plus a disc golf course ? two excellent ways to get moving in a natural setting. Additional amenities include a freshwater lake for fishing, softball diamond, picnic facilities and two playgrounds for the children.

Boca Ciega Millennium Park, 12410 74th Ave. N., Seminole, is a haven for nature lovers. Enjoy a walk along the designated Great Florida Birding Trail with boardwalks and bird viewing area. A 35-foot observation tower offers a panoramic view of Boca Ciega Bay. Other attractions include fishing piers, canoe and kayak launch, picnic shelter and playgrounds for children and dogs.

Admission to all the parks and the Pinellas Trail is free. For a map or more information, visit www.pinellascounty.org/trailgd or call 549-6099.

This article appears in the 2012 edition of Welcome Back, a special publication of Tampa Bay Newspapers, inside newspapers Oct. 25 and also available in the e-Edition.

Source: http://www.tbnweekly.com/editorial/outdoors/content_articles/102412_out-01.txt

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All Roads Should Glow in the Dark (Obviously)

The Dutch design firms Studio Roosegaarde and Hejimans Infrastructure just came up with a brilliant prototype for a "Smart Highway" that uses interactive lighting that adapts to driving conditions to make the roads safer. Enough with crap infotainment systems inside cars that distract us from driving with Twitter and dinner reservations—let's light up the roads like a night club until no one crashes again. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/rrVvpxKgxRE/all-roads-should-glow-in-the-dark-obviously

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Procter & Gamble earnings give CEO McDonald some relief

(Reuters) - Procter & Gamble Co's profit rose more than expected, indicating that the world's largest household products company is making progress in cutting costs and giving Chief Executive Bob McDonald a little relief after months of pressure.

Shares of P&G, the maker of Tide detergent and Gillette razors, rose to their highest level in four years.

Meanwhile, shares of rival Colgate-Palmolive Co slid as much as 3.3 percent after it announced plans to cut jobs as it strives to operate more nimbly as economies slow in many countries. Colgate's quarterly profit matched expectations.

P&G is cutting $10 billion of costs and focusing on key markets, products and countries. The company's goals as well as McDonald, who is also chairman, have been under intense scrutiny since activist investor William Ackman bought shares this summer.

"They cleared a low hurdle," said Morningstar analyst Erin Lash. "The fact that they did report solid results is a plus, but I don't know if the pressure is necessarily off."

P&G had given a quarterly forecast in August that was below Wall Street's view at the time, leading analysts to lower their expectations. P&G ultimately beat the initial analyst expectations, helped by sales that met the high end of its forecast and some relief in commodity costs.

Shares of P&G rose as much as 4 percent to $70.83 on Thursday, their highest level since October 2008. The shares were up 3 percent at $70.11 by midafternoon. Colgate's shares were down 1.9 percent at $104.49 in the afternoon, off an earlier low at $103.06.

"It wouldn't surprise me if we're seeing some people saying it is time to sell some Colgate, buy some Procter, given Colgate's outperformance year to date," said JP Morgan analyst John Faucher, who has a "neutral" rating on Colgate and an "overweight" rating on P&G.

Several consumer goods makers are trimming jobs, including P&G, as concerned consumers hold off on some purchases and growth slows in major markets such as China.

P&G is on track to cut 4,200 jobs by the end of October on its way to eliminating 5,700 jobs by the end of its fiscal year. Colgate's plans, including moving away from single-country units toward regional hubs, should lead the toothpaste maker to trim about 2,300 jobs, or roughly 6 percent of its workforce, by the end of 2016.

On Wednesday, Kimberly-Clark Corp said it would eliminate 1,300 to 1,500 jobs as it leaves some low-margin businesses in Europe, and Energizer Holdings Inc said in September that it plans to cut an unspecified number of jobs.

Colgate's shares had risen 15 percent this year through Wednesday, while P&G shares were up less than 1 percent.


P&G did not raise its key profit forecast for the fiscal year that began in September, in part because it plans to ramp up marketing support behind new products being introduced later in the year, and because it has to spend more to obtain an absorbent material for Pampers diapers, its largest brand, following a plant explosion in Japan.

P&G earned $1.06 per share in the fiscal first quarter on a "core" basis, which excludes charges, up from $1.01 per share a year earlier. Analysts, on average, expected it to earn 96 cents per share, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S. Back in August, before P&G forecast earnings per share of 91 to 97 cents, analysts' average forecast had been $1.03.

Ackman, whose Pershing Square Capital Management is P&G's 10th-largest shareholder, has publicly blamed P&G's top brass for high costs and declining revenue while saying that he understands the board wants to give McDonald time to repair years of damage. Ackman could not be reached for comment on Thursday.

P&G is putting a fresh focus on productivity, including adding a new global officer of productivity and organization transformation who will report to McDonald, as well as creating a productivity council of senior managers.

P&G's net sales in the quarter fell 4 percent to $20.74 billion, below analysts' target of $20.78 billion. Organic sales, which strip out the impact of acquisitions, divestitures and foreign exchange, rose 2 percent.

P&G is still seeing some pressure. Its sales grew 7 percent in China, but that was below China's household-products market growth of 11 percent. China is P&G's second-largest market in terms of sales and profit.

P&G still expects to post core earnings per share of $3.80 to $4 this fiscal year. Analysts' average forecast for the year is $3.91 per share.

For the current second quarter, P&G forecast core earnings of $1.07 to $1.13 per share, with organic sales up 1 to 3 percent. Analysts' forecast was $1.10.

Colgate, meanwhile, earned $1.38 per share, matching analysts' forecasts, while sales fell 1 percent to $4.33 billion.

P&G is dealing with the explosion in Japan of a Nippon Shokubai Co plant that supplies a key material for Pampers diapers. Pampers is the company's largest single brand, accounting for more than $10 billion in annual sales.

Nippon Shokubai is one of the world's biggest makers of acrylic acid, the main ingredient of a resin called SAP, which is used in diapers.

P&G has found other sources of the material and while any impact to consumers should be "minor," it has to spend more obtain the supplies it needs, said Chief Financial Officer Jon Moeller.

Kimberly-Clark, which makes Huggies diapers, said on Wednesday it was not affected by the explosion since Nippon Shokubai was not its supplier.

(Reporting by Jessica Wohl in Chicago; editing by Jeffrey Benkoe, Maureen Bavdek and Matthew Lewis)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/procter-gamble-earnings-ceo-mcdonald-relief-181649647--sector.html

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Unsecured Personal Loans: Easily Available For Non Home Owners ...

Finance | Loans | * Written by James Martin | Wednesday, 24 October 2012 01:49 | Word Count: 417

It is a bit difficult to find lender who offer you cash despite of your poor credit score but not difficult. To find such loan lender internet can help you. The lenders of Unsecured Personal Loans are such loan lenders who offer you cash with poor credit scores including arrears, defaults, late payments, skip installments, etc. the best part of these loans is that you get cash without pledging anything as collateral. Thus, you get hassle free as well as risk free cash from these lenders.

Unsecured Personal Loans are available for those borrowers who couldn?t get approved cash because of not having any kind of property as the lender rejected their loan application because of not pledging anything as collateral. Thus, bad credit online personal loans give opportunity to tenants as well who don?t have their own home as well.

Unsecured Personal Loans are easy to get online filling application form with details like your name, contact number, account number, email id, residence address, loan amount, and age etc. once; your details are verified you will get sanctioned loan amount into your checking account on the very same day within few hours. The loan amount will be in the ranges of $5000 to $25000 that you get with repayment period of 1 to 10 years. This loan amount can be utilized on your short term needs like medical bills, sudden repair of car, wedding expense, home renovation and pending bills.

The borrowers of Unsecured Personal Loans are increasing leaps and bounds because of their hassle free instant approval process that don?t include time consuming processes like faxing, credit check, and excessive paperwork. Entire procedure is completed online in no time. These are unsecured and short term loans so the interest rates are bit high to cover the risk factor. Although there are various loan lenders who charge separate interest rates on the loan amount they lend. These interest rates can be different lender to lender. To get cash on affordable interest rates you can compare interest rates of many loan lenders. Also, read loan quotes to be sure that you are right candidate to apply or not.


James Martin is specializing in article writing on unsecured personal loans. For any bad credit loans online, no credit check personal loans queries, bad credit online personal loans.

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Dumb Bank Robber Returns to Scene of Crime, Says He Didn't Get Enough Money

You'd think this would be bank-robbing 101: If you get away with it, don't return to the scene of the crime. And definitely don't go back to the bank if you're going to complain that the money you just stole wasn't quite enough.

That's what Arthur Bundrage did in Syracuse, New York, on Monday, the Huffington Post tells us.

Bundrage went into a bank at around 9 a.m. and demanded the tellers give him $20,000. He left to count his cash but realized he had been shortchanged. So he did what any angry customer would do and marched right back to demand his cash.

He was knocking on the bank's doors for a while when police caught and arrested him.

Bundrage is far from the first careless and just plain stupid bank robber.

In 2010, a Connecticut bank robber tried to save some time by calling ahead to make sure the tellers would have cash on hand when he arrived, according to NBCNews.com.

The scheming criminals weren't even shy about their intentions. They simply told the bank to have a bag of cash at the ready because they were coming to steal it.

Ten minutes later, when the 27-year-old and 16-year-old heisters arrived, the police were on their way to arrest the two.

One 2002 bank robbery in Iran might top them all.

A sorcerer told a robber he was invisible-and the burglar believed it, then went to try and rob a bank, Metro tells us.

He walked into the bank and started just grabbing money from customers. Of course, the customers were well aware that there was a very visible and identifiable person swiping their cash, so they fought back and held onto their money.

The poor criminal, however, lost out big-time: He paid the con-artist wizard about $625 for the fake invisibility services.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/dumb-bank-robber-returns-scene-crime-says-didnt-154700490.html

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84 million stars and counting

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Using a whopping nine-gigapixel image from the VISTA infrared survey telescope at ESO's Paranal Observatory, an international team of astronomers has created a catalogue of more than 84 million stars in the central parts of the Milky Way. This gigantic dataset contains more than ten times more stars than previous studies and is a major step forward for the understanding of our home galaxy. The image gives viewers an incredible, zoomable view of the central part of our galaxy. It is so large that, if printed with the resolution of a typical book, it would be 9 metres long and 7 metres tall.

"By observing in detail the myriads of stars surrounding the centre of the Milky Way we can learn a lot more about the formation and evolution of not only our galaxy, but also spiral galaxies in general," explains Roberto Saito (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Universidad de Valparaiso and The Milky Way Millennium Nucleus, Chile), lead author of the study.

Most spiral galaxies, including our home galaxy the Milky Way, have a large concentration of ancient stars surrounding the centre that astronomers call the bulge. Understanding the formation and evolution of the Milky Way's bulge is vital for understanding the galaxy is a whole. However, obtaining detailed observations of this region is not an easy task.

"Observations of the bulge of the Milky Way are very hard because it is obscured by dust," says Dante Minniti (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Chile), co-author of the study. "To peer into the heart of the galaxy, we need to observe in infrared light, which is less affected by the dust."

The large mirror, wide field of view and very sensitive infrared detectors of ESO's 4.1-metre Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) make it by far the best tool for this job. The team of astronomers is using data from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea programme (VVV), one of six public surveys carried out with VISTA. The data have been used to create a monumental 108 200 by 81 500 pixel colour image containing nearly nine billion pixels. This is one of the biggest astronomical images ever produced. The team has now used these data to compile the largest catalogue of the central concentration of stars in the Milky Way ever created.

To help analyse this huge catalogue the brightness of each star is plotted against its colour for about 84 million stars to create a colour-magnitude diagram. This plot contains more than ten times more stars than any previous study and it is the first time that this has been done for the entire bulge. Colour-magnitude diagrams are very valuable tools that are often used by astronomers to study the different physical properties of stars such as their temperatures, masses and ages.

"Each star occupies a particular spot in this diagram at any moment during its lifetime. Where it falls depends on how bright it is and how hot it is. Since the new data gives us a snapshot of all the stars in one go, we can now make a census of all the stars in this part of the Milky Way," explains Dante Minniti.

The new colour-magnitude diagram of the bulge contains a treasure trove of information about the structure and content of the Milky Way. One interesting result revealed in the new data is the large number of faint red dwarf stars. These are prime candidates around which to search for small exoplanets using the transit method.

"One of the other great things about the VVV survey is that it's one of the ESO VISTA public surveys. This means that we're making all the data publicly available through the ESO data archive, so we expect many other exciting results to come out of this great resource," concludes Roberto Saito.


ESO: http://www.eso.org

Thanks to ESO for this article.

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Source: http://www.labspaces.net/124763/___million_stars_and_counting

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'Geoengineering' project was about salmon fishery

NOT so much climate hacking as ecosystem hacking. Dumping iron into the Pacific off the coast of Canada last July was done not to change the climate but to boost salmon numbers, says Russ George, the project's chief scientist.

The Haida Salmon Restoration Corporation has been at the centre of a media storm since The Guardian newspaper reported that the HSRC had "fertilised" the Pacific with iron. Iron fertilises plankton blooms, and can be used to cool the climate if the plankton sinks and traps carbon.

George says the project was begun by Old Massett village on the Haida Gwaii islands, which has been struggling to restore its salmon fishery. "The village has invested millions of dollars in its dreams of bringing its fish back."

They got the idea after dust from a volcanic eruption caused a plankton bloom, leading to record salmon runs in 2010 (Fisheries Oceanography, doi.org/jjb). An HSRC report says the iron dump caused an "immediate shift from scarcity to abundance in sea life".

George says the HSRC looked at selling carbon credits to recover costs, if the plankton bloom traps carbon, but this was not the main reason for dumping the iron.

The Canadian environment agency is investigating whether or not the dump violated its Environmental Protection Act, which permits only "legitimate research".

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Iraq seeks tenders for oil field development and refinery construction

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Source: http://refiningandpetrochemicals.energy-business-review.com/news/iraq-seeks-tenders-for-oil-field-development-and-refinery-construction-231012

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